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Data Quality Processes in MMEA platform 6.11.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Quality Processes in MMEA platform 6.11.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Quality Processes in MMEA platform 6.11.2013

2 Topics -Quality control processing chain overview -Real time vs. non-real time time QC/AD -Current state of QC/AD in the MMEA platform -Planned work, Syke water quality case

3 Quality control processing chain overview

4 Real time vs. non-real time QC and AD -Real time QC and AD -Usually computationally inexpensive tasks -Range checks, missing data detection, etc. -Complex event processing with Esper -Non-real time QC and AD -Missing value imputation, trend analysis, modeling, etc. -Large datasets, computationally heavy tasks -Batch jobs -QC/AD Library

5 QC/AD Library A reusable set of Java classes for data quality control computations and anomaly detection The library is independent of MMEA-specific schemas or components Supports Java generics (computation parameters and return types can be simple primitive data types, but also complex ones, such as objects)

6 Complex event processing with Esper Detecting patterns from data streams. Queries in EPL (‘Event Processing Language’), resembles SQL Data streams are run against the queries. A listener is attached to the query. It reacts when a matching pattern is found.

7 Current state of QC/AD in the MMEA platform -Detection of anomalies from water level and pollen concentration forecasts could be implemented in the near future. -Oulu university has been developing models that could be integrated with the platform. -Planned Syke water quality case.

8 QC/AD in the MMEA platform QC1 QC2 QC0 Mediator

9 Anomaly detection example Poller

10 ComputationService Prototype was developed earlier this year. Runs in Tomcat. Web service interfaces for managing tasks: –Starting computation jobs –Terminating running jobs –Polling for job status

11 Planned work, Syke water quality case Integration of the SYKE water quality measurement service into MMEA platform. A user can ask the MMEA platform for phosphorus and suspended solid contents in water for a specified area. The quality of the data will be controlled and quality estimate will be returned to the user.

12 Planned work, Syke water quality case QC tests: –Missing data –Missing value –Variation –Range –Outlier detection –Trend analysis –Comparison with other relevant meteorological or hydrological data Óther computations: –The result of the query, phosphorus and suspended solid contents in water, are computed from turbidity information.

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