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CANCER. Terms Tumor - An abnormal mass that has no role in the body. Benign – Non cancerous. Malignant - Cancerous. Metastasis - Cancer has spread from.

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2 Terms Tumor - An abnormal mass that has no role in the body. Benign – Non cancerous. Malignant - Cancerous. Metastasis - Cancer has spread from where it began.

3 Types of Cancer Lymphomas - Cancer of the immune system. Leukemias - Cancers of the blood. Carcinomas - Cancers of the body linings including the skin. Sarcomas - Cancers of tissue, bones, and muscle.

4 What Is Cancer? Cancer is a large group of diseases (over 200) characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.* * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2005

5 What Causes Cancer? Lifestyle Environment Family History

6 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer Change in bowel habits or bladder functions Sores that do not heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Lumps or thickening of breast or other parts of the body Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Recent change in wart or mole Persistent coughing or hoarseness

7 Carcinomas (cells that cover internal and external body surfaces) Types of Cancers Lung Breast Colon Bladder Prostate(Men) Leukemia (Blood Cells) Lymphomas (Lymph nodes &tissues) Sarcomas Cells in supportive tissues – bones & muscles

8 Inherited Risks Less than 15% of cancers are inherited Gene mutations are linked to some inherited cancers Cancers that may be caused by inherited gene mutations are: Colon cancer Breast cancer Ovarian Prostate cancer Skin cancer

9 Environmental Risks Second hand smoke Air pollution Industrial pollution Chemical exposures

10 Lifestyle Risks Smoking Diet high fat and low in fruits and vegetables Lack of exercise Unprotected exposure to the sun, (UV) rays Obesity

11 Be Active…Often Exercise for 30 minutes or more at least 4 days a week.

12 Skin Cancer Prevention It is important to: Protect your skin with hats, long sleeves and sunscreen Do a self examination of your skin monthly Become familiar with any moles, freckles or other abnormalities on your skin Check for changes once a month. Show any suspicious or changing areas to your health care provider.

13 Skin Cancer The ABCD’s of melanoma (skin cancer): Asymmetry: one half is not like the other Border: the edges are jagged or irregular Color: the color is varied, tan, red, black ect Diameter: the diameter is larger than 8mm (the top of a pencil eraser ABCD

14 Reduce Your Skin Exposure to the Sun  Limit time outside, between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m.  Wear protective clothing. Use wide- brimmed hats and sunglasses.  Prevent sunburns, especially for children under 18. Use waterproof sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Reapply as directed.  Avoid tanning beds.

15 Avoid Smoking or Chewing Tobacco Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the US Second hand smoke affects everyone

16 Screening Self Check PSA Blood Test Pap Tests CT Scans Colonoscopy X RAYS Biopsy

17 Treatments Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Surgery MEDS Radiation

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