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GOOD WORK, AMELIA BEDELIA. By Peggy Parish More books by Peggy Parish.

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2 By Peggy Parish

3 More books by Peggy Parish

4 quickly

5 quickly Base word + ending: quick + ly Base word + ending: quick + ly

6 quickly Fast, in a hurry Fast, in a hurry

7 quickly Base word + ending: quick + ly Base word + ending: quick + ly Fast, in a hurry Fast, in a hurry Lisa left so quickly that she forgot her books. Lisa left so quickly that she forgot her books.

8 surprised

9 surprised Base word + ending: surpris(e) + ed Base word + ending: surpris(e) + ed

10 surprised Amazed, startled

11 surprised Base word + ending: surpris(e) + ed Base word + ending: surpris(e) + ed Amazed, startled An unexpected birthday present surprised Jamal.

12 recipe

13 recipe -c = /s/ -c = /s/ Chunk: rec - i - pe Chunk: rec - i - pe

14 recipe -c = /s/ -c = /s/ Chunk: rec - i – pe Chunk: rec - i – pe Set of instructions for making food

15 recipe - c = /s/ - c = /s/ Chunk: rec - i – pe Chunk: rec - i – pe Set of instructions for making food Set of instructions for making food Terry followed the recipe step-by-step to make chocolate chip cookies. Terry followed the recipe step-by-step to make chocolate chip cookies.

16 Recipe Recipe

17 dough

18 dough Blend Blend

19 dough Soft, moist flour used to make breads

20 dough Blend Blend Soft, moist flour used to make breads Soft, moist flour used to make breads When making bread, it is important to use a rolling pin to flatten the dough. When making bread, it is important to use a rolling pin to flatten the dough.


22 parlor

23 parlor Chunk: par - lor Chunk: par - lor

24 parlor Chunk: par – lor Chunk: par – lor Living room or sitting room Living room or sitting room

25 parlor Chunk: par – lor Chunk: par – lor Living room or sitting room Living room or sitting room Kim sat on the couch in the parlor drinking tea with her grandmother. Kim sat on the couch in the parlor drinking tea with her grandmother.


27 snipped

28 snipped Base word + ending: Base word + ending: snip(p) + ed

29 snipped Base word + ending: Base word + ending: snip(p) + ed Cut Cut

30 snipped Base word + ending: Base word + ending: snip(p) + ed Cut Cut Using scissors, I snipped the cloth into pieces to make a quilt.

31 patched

32 patched Base word + ending: Base word + ending: patch + ed

33 patched Base word + ending: Base word + ending: patch + ed Covered with a piece of material for mending Covered with a piece of material for mending

34 patched Base word + ending: Base word + ending: patch + ed Covered with a piece of material for mending Covered with a piece of material for mending When Tommy ripped his pants, his mother patched them with a piece of cloth.

35 Patchedjeans

36 awful

37 awful Chunk: aw - ful Chunk: aw - ful

38 awful Chunk: aw – ful Chunk: aw – ful Extremely bad, terrible Extremely bad, terrible

39 awful Chunk: aw – ful Chunk: aw – ful Extremely bad, terrible Extremely bad, terrible Grace felt awful after she ate too many cookies and became sick.


41 Mark fell off his bike when he tried to make a sharp turn. He skinned his knee and his hand.

42 Mike fell off his bike. He got hurt.

43 Amelia wants to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. She bakes a pie.

44 TEAMWOR K Read pages Read pages 7 – 11 aloud with partners. Read pages Read pages 12 – 18 silently. 12 – 18 silently.

45 TEAM TALK EXTENDER What does Mr. Rogers really mean when he tells Amelia to “fly a kite”? How might Amelia have felt if she really had understood what Mr. Rogers meant? What does Mr. Rogers really mean when he tells Amelia to “fly a kite”? How might Amelia have felt if she really had understood what Mr. Rogers meant?


47 TWO MINUTE EDIT “Amelia Bedelia” called Mr Rogers. “is the coffee ready yet.” (4)

48 TWO MINUTE EDIT “Amelia Bedelia,” called Mr. Rogers. “Is the coffee ready yet?” (4)

49 TEAMWOR K Read pages 20-22 aloud with partners Read pages 20-22 aloud with partners Read pages 23-27 silently.

50 WindowBox

51 TEAM TALK EXTENDER Do you think Amelia thinks her chores are strange or silly? If so, why does she do them anyway? Do you think Amelia thinks her chores are strange or silly? If so, why does she do them anyway?


53 TWO MINUTE EDIT Soon Amelia Bedelia was out in a feild she had a kite. (3)

54 TWO MINUTE EDIT Soon Amelia Bedelia was out in a field. She had a kite. (3)

55 TEAMWOR K Read pages 28-29 aloud with partners. Read pages 30-33 silently.

56 TEAM TALK EXTENDER If you were Mr. or Mrs. Rogers, would you want Amelia to work for you? Why or why not?

57 DAY FOU R Amelia Bedelia statue located in South Carolina

58 TWO MINUTE EDIT Amelia Bedelia sat down to wach. But nothing happened. “Maybe you don’t like to be watching. Ill come back,” said Amelia Bedelia. (3)

59 TWO MINUTE EDIT Amelia Bedelia sat down to watch. But nothing happened. “Maybe you don’t like to be watched. I ‘ll come back,” said Amelia Bedelia. (3)

60 TEAMWOR K Read pages 34- 41 aloud with partners. Read pages 42- 49 silently.

61 TEAM TALK EXTENDER What if Amelia had simple and clear instructions that helped her do her chores correctly? Would this affect how Mr. and Mrs. Rogers feel about her?


63 TWO MINUTE EDIT She climbed up on a chare Amelia Bedelia began to punch Mr. and Mrs. Rogers just staring. (4)

64 TWO MINUTE EDIT She climbed up on a chair. Amelia Bedelia began to punch. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers just stared. (4)

65 Amelia Bedelia cut up the towels. She put dust all over the furniture. She took the light bulbs out of the lamps and took them outside. She put clothes on the chicken. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were angry.

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