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5 Themes CultureGram Trinidad and Tobago.

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1 5 Themes CultureGram Trinidad and Tobago

2 Human / Environment Interactions
As you walk down the pearl white shore of Paragrant Beach you stumble upon a gigantic Leatherback Turtle nesting its forty eggs in the wet sand. You look around and notice that there are shallow craters all over the shore full of turtles eggs changing the shape of the natural shore. A drop of sweat drips down your forehead, due to the increased temperature of the climate of the ravenous storm El Nino. You long for a rain storm to coat the land in a fresh blanket of water, but sadly rain hasn't been very active lately. Falling from a nearby tree, a coco bean pod falls onto the sand with a dull thud. Happy for your luck you pick up the pod and set for home to make chocolate or to sell, hoping for a lot for it considering there has been a decline in coco production to 600 beans per year. You enter your well-lit home feeling grateful for cheap electricity by using natural gas. You go to your living room feeling the soft carpet under your feet and switch on your TV. With a static your TV flickers to life with the news. Finding the news not to your liking you flip the channel but before you do the news anchor manages to fit in that since the country is focusing its efforts on natural gas and cheaper electricity, the oil business is tipping and oil production decreased.

3 Place When you arrive in Trinidad and Tobago make sure to listen for the sweet and cool music of the steel drum.They made as drum out of steel and they call it the steel pan and it’s a common type of music played in the Caribbean. The most common dance in Trinidad and Tobago is limbo which has originated form Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago has the largest brain coral in the world. Trinidad and Tobago is the best place in the world to see leather back turtles. The limbo dance was invented in Trinidad and Tobago and that in 1489 Christopher Columbus explored Trinidad. Their is a pool in the middle of the ocean that they call the nylon pool.

4 Region Go to Trinidad and Tobago for Sightseeing, family fun, and relaxation. Trinidad and Tobago lies in the Caribbean sea off of the northeast coast of Venezuela. There is a huge population in Trinidad and Tobago like 1,328,019 people who live there. The climate is warm and sunny year round so I bet it would be nice to be there. Also the average daytime temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. South of Tobago there is the largest brain coral called the Kelleston Drain. There are high mountains in the north that reach a height of 3085 ft. Finally just 116 square mi, there are forests with hardwood trees.

5 Location As you walk down the busy streets of the Port of Spain you notice the old world southern style architecture common in the capital of Trinidad & Tobago. Coming up ahead of you are men playing intricate beating patterns on steel drums, you remember from past social studies lessons that this music originates in Cuba. While you continue to walk you see all different kinds of people and remember again that most native Trinidadian & Toboggan residents are from Africa. You then decide to head back to your hotel because it is all the way on the other island. On a boat back to your hotel you meet a local who informs you that tomorrow(August 3rd) is the 50th anniversary of when Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence from The British Empire.

6 Movement When your plane lands in the beautiful country of Trinidad and Tobago, you see many things you may not have seen before. The people there dress differently then we do here on some special occasions. They wear very bright colored dresses and other clothes. You may see people that are dressed similar to you though. These people are probably tourists. Trinidad and Tobago were ranked 69th in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index Ranking of They were ranked ahead of many other countries in The Caribbean. They also have different ways of transportation. They still drive cars and have busses, but they also have things called maxi taxis. These maxi taxis are like normal taxis, but can hold twelve or twenty-four people and follow fixed routes. You take a maxi taxi to the Galeota Point Harbor in Trinidad. You see some ships leaving the port. You ask a local person what they are exporting. "Petroleum gas probably," he says. "It's our biggest export. I heard it makes up 39% of our exports." "So do you think your president is happy with your imports and exports?" You ask. "Well actually, we don’t have a president. We are under the parliamentary system of government which originated in Great Britain. We actually have many people in power, instead of just one like a President." "Oh! Wow, thank you for all your help today!"

7 Fun Facts You look over and see the dancers of Trinidad and Tobago doing the limbo, this dance was originally created here. You hear the flapping of the Hummingbird, Trinidad being its home. You see the eggs of the 10,000 leather back turtles that travel over the Atlantic to nest and the athletes playing the most popular game in Trinidad, cricket. Then you look at the black, white, and red flag of Trinidad, feeling proud to be there.

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