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Probability & Punnett Square 3/37/2013 (pg 137-138) Learning Target: I will be able to complete and explain a Punnett Square and its probabilities. Know:

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2 Probability & Punnett Square 3/37/2013 (pg 137-138) Learning Target: I will be able to complete and explain a Punnett Square and its probabilities. Know: What are the odds of flipping a coin and landing on tails? Explain.

3 Review ?s Probability Information The chance/likelihood that something will happen Ex: flipping a coin- 50/50 chance of landing heads 50/50, 1 in 1, 1:1, ½, 50% Mendel was first scientist to determine probability could be used to predict genetic crosses

4 Review ?s Punnett Square Information A chart that shows all possible genetic crosses Used to determine probability of a specific outcome Reginald C. Punnett developed the Punnett Square Ex: Dad’s AllelesMom’s Alleles (TT)(Tt) TT TTT tTtTtTtTt 25% 1 in 4 chance of a specific outcome Offspring has a 100% chance of being tall

5 Review ?s Genotype Phenotype Information Organisms’ genetic makeup Geno= genes (Ex: Tt) Organisms’ physical appearance/ visible traits Pheno= physical (Ex: being tall)

6 Review ?s Homozygous Heterozygous Codominance Information Two identical alleles Ex: TT or tt Two different alleles Ex: Tt Alleles are neither dominant nor recessive- both show up in the offspring Ex: black chickens/white chickens- the offspring have black and white feathers + =

7 Summary Evidence: Create Punnett Squares for the following combinations: 1.Dad= ttMom= tt 2.Dad= TtMom= Tt 3.Dad= ttMom= Tt

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