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Chapter 7 Part 2. Action Potential Acetycholine is released and __________ rushes into cell causing an electrical charge Na.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Part 2. Action Potential Acetycholine is released and __________ rushes into cell causing an electrical charge Na."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Part 2

2 Action Potential Acetycholine is released and __________ rushes into cell causing an electrical charge Na

3 Muscles contract more forcefully after they have contracted a few times. Muscle Contraction That’s why we “warm up”

4 Staircase phenomenon Muscle Contraction Gradual step like increase in strength of contraction Eventually becomes a decrease in strength

5 Cause of Muscle Fatigue Lack of High levels of ATP Lactic acid Other metabolic products

6 Cause of Muscle Fatigue Muscle need Glucose and Oxygen for contraction Glucose comes from O2 stored in foods we eat myoglobin

7 Cause of Muscle Fatigue Lots of myoglobin Less myoglobin Dark meat White meat

8 Terms Muscle shrinks Atrophy

9 Terms Increase in muscle size Hypertrophy

10 Terms Running, bicycling. Increases blood flow. Requires O2 Aerobic training

11 Terms Contracting muscles against heavy resistance. Weight lifting. Increase in muscle size, not number of muscle fibers Strength training

12 Terms Bacterial infection within the nervous system Causes severe muscle contractions “lock jaw” Starts at the neck, moves down. Diaphragm effected = no breathing Tetanus

13 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Abnormal, uncoordinated contractions of groups of muscles Seizures Convulsions

14 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Smooth sustained muscle contraction “tonic clonic” Tetanus

15 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Flutter of muscle. No effective movement Fibrillation

16 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Injury to ligament Sprain

17 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Injury to muscle Strain

18 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Muscle pain Myalgia

19 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Weakness of abdominal muscle. Abdominal organs protrude through muscular wall Hernia

20 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Abdominal organs protrude through muscular wall in the groin region Inguinal Hernia

21 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Abdominal organs protrude through muscular wall in the umbilical region Umbilical Hernia

22 Abnormal Muscle Contractions Abdominal organs protrude through muscular wall in the epigastric region Epigastric Hernia

23 Muscle Movements Range of Motion ROM

24 1. 3. 2. flexion extension hyperextension

25 4. 5. abduction adduction

26 6. 7. adduction abduction

27 8. 9. Dorsi flexion plantar flexion

28 10. rotation

29 11. 12. flexion extension

30 13. 14. pronation supination

31 16. 15. eversion inversion

32 Flexion Extension Hyperextension bending straightening Over straightening ROM

33 Abduction Adduction Rotation Circumduction Away from midline of body Toward midline of body Turn on an axis Circular movement ROM

34 Pronation Supination Inversion Eversion ROM Palm down Palm up Turned in toward the body Turned out away from the body

35 Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion ROM Foot pulled up toward body Foot pointed toward ground

36 Muscles only ____________ they cannot push pull Usually arranged in pairs

37 Named according to: Direction of muscle fiber Rectus = straight Oblique = slanted

38 Named according to: size Maximus = large Minimus = small

39 Named according to: location Associated with bones

40 Named according to: # of orgins Orgin – point where muscle is attached to immovable bone Insertion – Point where muscle is attached to movable bone

41 Named according to: Location of orgin and insertion

42 Named according to: shape Deltoid = triangle

43 Named according to: action Flexor Extensor Abductor

44 Head Muscles : Facial and Chewing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 temporalis SCM masseter trapezius platysma buccinnator Orbicularis oris zygomaticus Orbicularis occuli frontalis

45 Splenius capitis Semispinalis capitis Achilles tendon Soleus

46 Blinks and close eye Which Muscle? Orbicularis occuli

47 Puckers lip Which Muscle? Orbicularis oris

48 Closes jaw Which Muscle? masseter

49 chewing Which Muscle? Buccinator and masseter

50 Rotates Head Which Muscle? Sternocleido- mastoid

51 Abducts arm Which Muscle? deltoid

52 Extends knee Which Muscle? Quadriceps

53 Extends elbow Which Muscle? Tricep brachii

54 Plantar flexes foot Which Muscle? gastrocnemius

55 Myo means? muscle Review All muscle cells are called? fibers

56 Groups of tissues make? organs Review

57 Skeletal muscle is ? Voluntary and striated Review What powers muscle contractions ? ATP

58 A neurotransmitter released during the action potential of muscle contraction ? acetycholine Review

59 Sheet of band surrounding all muscles? fascia Review

60 Ion released from SR during muscle contraction? Calcium Review

61 Muscle pain? myalgia Review Turning the sole of the foot inward? inversion

62 How many types of muscle tissue? 3 Review Muscle fatigue occurs due to an accumulation of ? Lactic acid

63 Stores oxygen in the muscle? myoglobin Review

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