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The Conservative Movement Grows 23.1. Two Views: Liberal and Conservative  Republicans “Conservatives”  Favor allowing the free market, private organizations,

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Presentation on theme: "The Conservative Movement Grows 23.1. Two Views: Liberal and Conservative  Republicans “Conservatives”  Favor allowing the free market, private organizations,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Conservative Movement Grows 23.1

2 Two Views: Liberal and Conservative  Republicans “Conservatives”  Favor allowing the free market, private organizations, and individuals to help the needy  Democrats “Liberals”  Favor gov’t intervention to help the needy

3 Ideas and Goals of Liberalism  Democratic Party  Federal gov’t should play a significant role in improving the lives of Americans.  Social programs that helped the poor.  Laws that protected rights of minorities.  Supported gov’t regulation of industry.  Favored cooperation w/UN.

4 Ideas and Goals of Conservatism  Three components of Conservatism believed that:  Economy  A large central gov’t threatened economic growth + individual choice  Liberal policies of 60s+70s led to rising inflation + extreme waste  Criticized “throwing $” at social problems  Taxes should be reduced  Gov’t regulation of industry should be reduced  Society  Scared society was degenerating (counterculture)  Anticommunism  Feared the resurgence of Soviet communism  Rely on our own nat’l defense

5 The Conservative Mvm’t Gains Strength  New Right:  Resurgence of the conservative Republican mvm’t  Gained much ground during the 60s + 70s due to counterculture + extreme gov’t spending  Democratic Party unraveling…

6 Liberalism Loses It’s Appeal  Vietnam War divided the party  Supporters of Johnson v. opponents of the war  Urban riots  Counterculture alienated many Christians  Johnson said Great Society wouldn’t require raising taxes… but then the economy crashed

7 The New Right Criticizes Liberal Programs  Criticized welfare programs  Believed they rewarded lack of effort  Sagebrush Rebels  Believed the fed gov’t controlled too much land in western states  Opposed by the environmentalists  The Moral Majority  Angry at Federal stands on social issues (pro- life, pro-religion in school, anti-ERA, anti-gay)  Jerry Falwell – founder of the Moral Majority  Worked to push pro-religion policies

8 Religious Participation Rises  Moral Majority gained much attention  Delivered moral “report cards” of the presidential candidates in the election of 1980.  Opposed Roe v. Wade and Engel v. Vitale  Boosted membership in the Republican Party  2 million additional voters registered to the party

9 Population Trends Boost Conservatism  Suburbs  Migration to Sunbelt  Newly Republican South

10 Enter Ronald Reagan:  Born 1911 = lived through G. Dep.  B-list Hollywood actor  Spokesperson for GE: toured the nations giving speeches  His Politics:  Criticized big gov’t + high taxes  Strong military, anti-communist  Faith in traditional values  Radiated optimism + patriotism  Governor of California for two terms from1967-1975  Won the Republican Party nomination by a landslide in 1980

11 The Appeal of Reagan, the Man  Sportscaster & Hollywood Movie Actor  GREAT speaker  Pres. of SAG then Gov. of CA  STRONG anti-communist, led Hollywood against communism

12 Reagan Wins the Election of 1980  Carter running for reelection:  Facing Iranian Hostage Crisis, stagflation, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, etc…  Reagan’s famous campaign quote:  “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” … No  Reagan’s public speaking background = good at debate

13 Reagan Wins the Election of 1980

14 Reagan’s Inaugural Address  Directions:  Watch the speech Ronald Reagan gave on his inauguration in 1981.  While watching, write down instances where you hear Reagan talking about 1980s conservative values. 

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