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From Public Speaking Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn, and Randall Osborn.

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1 From Public Speaking Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn, and Randall Osborn

2  Your communication (verbal and non-verbal) should give off messages such as: ◦ I want to give this speech. ◦ I have something to say. ◦ I want you to understand this. ◦ I care about this. ◦ Preparation and enthusiasm are an unbeatable combination for a great speech. ◦ “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

3  The topic is one that interests you and should interest your audience. You must make it pertinent to your audience and show them how it can affect their lives.  Your topic should be one that can be handled within the time limitations for your speech.  The topic should be appropriate to the time and place of the speech and your assignment. ◦ We will spend time later in the course on topic selection.

4  A good speech begins with thinking about the audience.  How would you like your listeners to behave as a result of your speech?  Some examples: ◦ You would like for them to know more. ◦ You would like for them to appreciate their heritage. ◦ You would like for them to take a particular action – i.e., make more sustainable choices.

5  A good speech needs to REWARD your listeners in a manner consistent with your purpose.  Some ideas: ◦ Use “We”—include the audience. ◦ Ask questions ◦ Identification

6  A good speech has substance—it imparts an important message.  It has carefully thought out arguments.  The speech uses facts, examples, and evidence to support its claims. ◦ Examples help the audience see and understand what you are talking about. ◦ Facts and figures add authority to a speech and provide needed backing for conclusions ◦ Testimony—what someone else says—can add great support for your ideas.

7  A good speech follows a plan which leads to a purpose. Without this plan, the speech will be random and aimless. ◦ Structure ideas (we will spend more time on these later)  Narrative— a personal story  Introduction (attention grabber)/Body/Conclusion (final statement)

8  The best speakers are aware of the language they use. Communication is through language. Listeners can’t rewind you—you must be clear the first time. Some ideas: Avoid long sentences with complex chains of dependent clauses. Simple and direct works best. Concrete words and ideas are better then abstract ones. (i.e., “emotional”)

9  A good speech emphasizes the speakers IDEAS more than the speaker.  In addition: ◦ The speech seems natural and enthusiastic. ◦ Avoids extraneous gestures. ◦ Establishes a rapport with the audience.

10  You should always be honest. Make sure your facts are truthful. Avoid such dirty tactics as quoting out of context or substituting half-truths as evidence.  Make sure your have done your research and are thoroughly prepared.  Avoid plagiarism.  Avoid abusive language, such as name calling.  Overall, do unto listeners as you would have them do to you. Are your listeners better off for having heard you?

11  Unless instructed otherwise, we will be speaking from outlines in this course.  The speech should be carefully prepared and practiced, but not written out completely or memorized.

12  Record your speech. Listen to yourself.  Get someone to listen to your speech.  Practice in the classroom or the venue for your speech.  DO practice. It makes a huge difference in your confidence and ability to organize your thoughts.

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