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0 eCPIC User Training: v6.5 Webinars August 2014 These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM.

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Presentation on theme: "0 eCPIC User Training: v6.5 Webinars August 2014 These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 eCPIC User Training: v6.5 Webinars August 2014 These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM member agencies.

2 1 Timeline  June 26, 2014 – v6.4 release; includes changes to user interface and full compatibility with Internet Explorer versions 9 and 10  July 31, 2014 – v6.5 release; includes BY-16 OMB A-11 requirements  August 28, 2014 – v6.6 release; includes required interface (API) for BY16 agency submission to the Federal IT Dashboard  December 2014 – v6.7 release; will include:  New systems module to link systems to investments  Portfolios analytics  Improved usability  Full support for Internet Explorer version 11  Reengineered Admin module

3 2 Agenda  BY16 Naming Changes  Agency IT Portfolio Summary  Agency Cloud Spending Summary  Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Summary  Major IT Business Case  Major IT Business Case Detail

4 3 Naming Changes  Changes to names of all BY16 processes.  BY15 Exhibit 53A = BY16 Agency IT Portfolio Summary  BY15 Exhibit 53C = BY16 Agency Cloud Spending Summary  BY15 Exhibit 300A = BY16 Major IT Business Case  BY15 Exhibit 300B = BY16 Major IT Business Case Detail  A new process has been created for the Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Summary, which is a new OMB requirement in BY16.

5 4 Agency IT Portfolio Summary  Known as the Exhibit 53A in BY15  Updated to reflect BY16 template years. No other updates to the Funding Sources table and FTE table.

6 5 Agency Cloud Spending Summary  Known as the Exhibit 53C in BY15.  Added new columns for reporting O&M/DME Spending data for Provisioned IT Services, as well as Agency Funding and Contributions columns in each of those areas.  Added a fourth table for non-cloud Provisioned IT Services.  Added two new questions regarding the cloud solutions being supported by the investment.  Updated options for explaining the results of the cloud alternatives evaluation for the investment.

7 6 Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Summary  New table for recording the IT infrastructure for the agency in the prior year.  Data can be entered at the investment, portfolio, or OMB submission level.  Hover over the blue help icons next to the spending categories for more information on the type of data that should be entered in that cell.

8 7 Major IT Business Case  Known as the Exhibit 300A in BY15.  New field has been added for providing the agency Program Code for the program that is most closely supported by the investment (Section B, Q5).  Minor changes to guidance language in several other fields. Changes do not change the overall field requirements.

9 8 Major IT Business Case Detail  Known as the Exhibit 300B in BY15.  Four new columns have been added to the Projects Table (Section B):  One for identifying the SDLC Methodology.  One for identifying the SDLC Methodology if it is not one of the OMB supplied options.  One for stating whether the project will have a production release once every 6 months.  One for providing a comment if the project will not produce a production release every 6 months.  A new column in the Project Activities Table (Section B) for identifying the type of activity that is being performed.  New guidance on the risk requirements for projects and operational components (Section B and C).

10 9 Major IT Business Case Detail, cont’d  A new column in the Project and Operational Risk Table to denote a risk as closed (Section B and C).  New Performance Category Mappings have been added for performance metrics in the Operational Performance table (Section C).  A new column has been added to denote a performance metric as retired (Section C).  The Target Met? column in the Operational Performance Actual Results table has been removed (Section C).

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