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C h a i r : M a r i e l l e B u r n a c c i o n i C o - C h a i r : A n d r e a M a c i n a Decor: Emily Michener M a r k e t i n g C o o r d i n a t.

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2 C h a i r : M a r i e l l e B u r n a c c i o n i C o - C h a i r : A n d r e a M a c i n a Decor: Emily Michener M a r k e t i n g C o o r d i n a t o r : N i c o l e C o s t a

3 Marketing Coordinator: Nicole Costa Decor: Emily Michener Marketing Coordinator: Nicole Costa L o g i s t i c s C o o r d i n a t o r : K r i s t e n G e o r g e F i n a n c e / V o l u n t e e r C o o r d i n a t o r : C a i t l i n P r i o r C a r i n a C i c e r o : F + B / E n t e r t a i n m e n t S p o n s o r s h i p C o o r d i n a t o r : S h a u n a T u y p


5 This movie contains the line "I couldn't wait to join the Peace Corps, and I thought I'd never find a guy as great as my dad"

6 Which movie features a band called "Wild Stallions"?

7 Which rap group released the album "Paul's Boutique"

8 Which ground breaking rock musician committed suicide in April 1993?


10 Friday March 11 th, 2011 7pm at Welland Lions Club (414 River Road, Welland, Ontario) 4 – 30min rounds of 80s and 90s trivia PLUS bonus rounds $20 per person, OR buy a table of 8 for $140 (That’s one person FREE!)

11 Prizes to be won by top teams AND the best dressed! Cash bar Concession Stand Silent Auction 50/50 Draw Pizza and snacks for each table

12 Your Logo HERE!

13 Sponsorship for items that can help reduce the cost of the event, including: Décor Food Prizes Printing and signage Advertising Of course monetary donations are hugely valuable to help cover unseen costs and raise our final donation given to the Many Hands project


15 an excellent way to get involved in a community charity  Money raised from this event will further the mission of the Salvation Army in Fort Erie, granting access to programs and services to people who are in desperate need will give your company access to these markets in a personal way  We hope to really involve our sponsors throughout the entire process, especially during the event, to maximize all marketing possibilities

16 There will be all sorts of creative advertising opportunities used at this event, including: Being part of the judges panel Sponsoring a round of trivia Sponsoring questions Providing information about your company and new products on information cards at each place setting The opportunity to put up a display about your company Information about your company in our media releases

17 and of course, donations of gifts for silent auction and door prizes are always welcome.  Recognition of your company is the primary benefit and of course each marketing opportunity would be negotiated in order to customize to your liking.

18 From your sponsorship with Many Minds for Many Hands your business will receive promotional coverage and the opportunity to reach the right audience for ultimate brand exposure, awareness and recognition From your sponsorship with Many Minds for Many Hands your business will receive promotional coverage and the opportunity to reach the right audience for ultimate brand exposure, awareness and recognition

19 STRATEGIC TASKDATE OF COMPLETION Finalize sponsor logos to be put on specific marketing tools February 7, 2011 Have all marketing tools printed February 9, 2011 Distribute posters, coasters, rack cards, flyers etc.. February 15, 2011-February 19, 2011 THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT Interview with Jesse Reid on CFBU both Thursday nights leading up to event March 3 rd and March 10 th 2011 Interview with Niagara Falls Review, The Standard, The View, Niagara This WeekMarch 2 nd 2011 Advertise in all local newspapers for three weeks leading up to event Weeks of: February 21st 2011 February 28th 2011 March 7th 2011 Advertise on school P.A., closed circuit T.V’s at both campuses and at Brock Weeks of: February 28 th 2011 March 7 th, 2011


21 Tubular Title $1500+ Punchy Platinum $1200 - $1499 Glamin’ Gold $900 - $1199 Sick Silver $600 - $899 Bodacious Bronze $300 - 599 Cool Copper $100 - 299 Tickets to MMfMH 8642 Recognized in the Wall of Fame ◊◊◊◊◊◊ Promotional Signage at Event ◊◊◊◊◊ Promotional Material in ‘Swag Bag’ ◊◊◊◊◊ Recognized on the Website ◊◊◊◊ Recognized in the Event Program ◊◊◊◊ Sponsored Themed Question ◊◊◊ Sponsored Video Question ◊◊◊ Representative on Panel of Judges ◊◊ Promotional Video Played at Event ◊ Recognized in all Promotional Materials ◊ Recognized in all Media Communications ◊ Number of Spots Available 123568


23 Our ULTIMATE goal is to make as large of a donation to the Salvation Army as we can. By providing us with ways to save money, through donating gifts and/or services, you will be enabling us to succeed!!!

24 PRINTING/PAPER/OFFICE SUPPLIES SPONSOR ($500.00 Value) Provide the paper, printing and other supplies needed to generate info cards for each place setting Table number cards with logos of sponsors Colour posters for the community 100 Brochures 100 rack cards Any other signage required

25 FOOD SPONSORS ($300.00 Value) provide meat and cheese trays (3 large) provide fruit and veggie platters (4 in total) Chips and popcorn for each table (30 tables) Cookie tray (2 large)

26 PIZZA SPONSORS ($450.00 Value) Provide pizza to serve 250 people (30 Party trays) DÉCOR SPONSORS ($250.00 Value) Provide 80’s and 90’s themed décor in the form of old records, colourful balloons, posters etc… SILENT AUCTION/DOOR PRIZE SPONSOR ( $20.00+) Provide a gift to be raffled off, auctioned off or given as a door prize PRIZE SPONSOR ($200.00+) Provide 8 items to be given to the winning team Provide other items to be given to winners of other activities


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