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Workplace Safety Discount March 2016. Why apply? Provides a framework for building successful and sustainable workplace health and safety practices A.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Safety Discount March 2016. Why apply? Provides a framework for building successful and sustainable workplace health and safety practices A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Safety Discount March 2016

2 Why apply? Provides a framework for building successful and sustainable workplace health and safety practices A safe workplace is good for everyone. It can: –help you, your employees and any visitors avoid accidents and injuries –help you avoid the costs and negative impacts of an injury (such as time off work, reduced productivity) Your health and safety practices will be recognised

3 You can apply if… You are self-employed or You are a small business with a total annual payroll of $578,000 (or less) OR employ no more than 10 full-time equivalent employees You, or an employee, have appropriate experience in workplace health and safety You agree to complete an annual declaration You agree to a possible on-site audit of your health and safety practices

4 The benefits to you Your health and safety practices are recognised A 10% discount is applied to your ACC work cover levies from the start of the tax year (1 April) in which your application is received The discount applies for three levy years (from 1 April to 31 March) including the year your application is accepted

5 How to apply? Select and complete the application form. The application includes a self-audit of your health and safety practices Attach documents to support your self-audit and post or email these to ACC ACC6748 For those with NO employees ACC6747 For those WITH employees OR

6 Audit Standard The Workplace Safety Discount Audit Standard is made up of five critical elements: –Commitment to health and safety management practices –Hazard identification and management –Incident and accident investigation –Emergency management and procedures –Employee training in health and safety matters (only if you complete the ‘with employees’ application form)

7 Supporting documentation Emergency Accident investigationHazard registerCommitment statementApplication For those with employees: Training plan Appropriate Experience One of the following documents: training certificate testimonial letter health and safety plan.

8 Pre-application checklist Application form page 11 –self assess to see where you stand before you commence the application process –need to be honest with yourself –auditor cannot complete the audit of your application if things are missing / blank

9 Sample Manual Index – Page 2 How to use – Page 3 Employer commitment to H&S – Page 4,5 Hazard Management Pages 6-11 Accident and incident Investigation – Pages 12–17 Emergency Management – Pages 18-21 Employee Training – Pages 22 - 27

10 Audit Standard Section1 Page 12 Application Form 1.1 Documented health and safety policy 1.2 Documented commitment to Return to Work Sample Manual Page 4 Statement of commitment Fill in position and name Page 5 Sample Policy Policy statement bullets 4 and 10 Fill in details on pg 5: Company name Signature & date

11 Audit Standard Section 2 Page 13 Application Form 2.1a Documented Process to identify and record hazards 2.2a Definition of significant hazard 2.2b Documented process to demonstrate the identification of significant hazards 2.2c Hazard Register Sample Manual Page 6, 2 Hazard Management and 2.1 Recording Hazards Page 7, paragraph 2 Significant Hazard Page 6, 2.2 Hazard Assessment To do – fill in: Details pg 6 Delete bottom p 7 Company name pg 9

12 Audit Standard Section 2 Page 13 Application Form 2.3a Documented process for developing controls 2.3b Details of controls developed Sample Manual Page 7, 2.3 Hazard Controls Page 10, Hazard Register Eliminate / Isolate / Minimise and Controls Required columns

13 Audit Standard Section 2 Page 13 Application Form 2.3c Documented process for the issue, renewal and maintenance of safety equipment 2.3d Evidence that controls.. are based on appropriate documentation or advice Sample Manual Page 8, Personal Protective Equipment and Page 11, Personal Protective Equipment Register Page 8, Personal Protective Equipment paragraph 5

14 Audit Standard Section 3 Page 14 Application Form 3.1a Documented process for reporting, recording and analysing accidents 3.1b Accident reporting and investigation form 3.1c Collation of all accident investigation forms..for analysis Sample Manual Page 12, Accident and Incident Investigation Page 15, Accident Report and Investigation Form Page 16, Company’s summary of accident reports / investigations

15 Audit Standard Section 3 Page 14 Application Form 3.2a Documented process for corrective actions 3.2b Feedback on hazard management Sample Manual To do – fill in details: Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 17

16 Audit Standard Section 4 Page 15 Application Form 4.1a Documented emergency plan… 4.1b An emergency plan that includes the appropriate response for each identified situation 4.2 Documented evidence of emergency drills (also see Page 7, 4.2a) Sample Manual To do – fill in: Page 18, Emergency Procedures Page 19 Company name Page 20, Emergency Procedures Chart Page 21, Record of Emergency Drill / Actual Evacuation

17 Audit Standard Section 5 Employee Training Application Form 5.1a Documented evidence of employee health and safety induction training… 5.1b Signed employee induction record 5.2a Documented training needs for specific roles, tasks, areas of work Sample Manual Page 22, 5.2 Induction for employees Pg 23, Workplace Induction Checklist Pg 24, Workplace Induction Checklist signature and date Pg 25 Trainer records Pg 26, Employee’s safety training plan

18 Audit Standard Section 5 Employee Training Application Form 5.3a A documented process that requires assessment of relevant experience and skills for the supervision of employees undergoing on the job training Sample Manual To do – fill in: Page 25, 5.3 Training Records table Page 26 &/or Training record

19 Declaration Application form page 19 –must be completed fully in all respects –all pages with green bar at bottom must be included with your application (pages 13- 19) –evidence must be scanned and attached to your application, unless you wish to apply in hardcopy form –email or send, addresses on page 10

20 What happens next? Once we receive your application, audit & documents we’ll assess them and let you know if; 1.Your application has been accepted, you have passed the audit and been awarded the 10% discount; or 2. We need more information – this can be avoided by providing full and complete information with your application 3. You have been selected to have an on-site audit of your health and safety practices.

21 More information The application forms contain the Audit Standard Guidelines and a glossary of terms to assist you You can download the application forms and templates from You can contact us by: - phone 0800 222 776 - email - Freepost 264, PO Box 242, Wellington 6140.

22 Fleet Safety Programme

23 The Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) shifts the focus from monitoring and recording health and safety incidents To proactively identifying and managing risks so everyone is safe and healthy. Fleet Safety can help!

24 Provides companies with resources to support good fleet management and reports of on road incidents at no cost Identifies employers that could benefit from fleet safety improvements Gives tailored interventions for those with highest risk of road crashes The Fleet Safety Programme ….

25 Resources …..

26 Data for the Fleet Safety Programme employer reports is provided by NZ Police and NZ Transport Agency NZTA - data includes: vehicle kilometers travelled registration numbers. Police - Infringement data includes: alcohol and drug impairment dangerous driving speed restraints fatigue. Police - Crash data Data Collection for reports….


28 Operator Rating System: TSL/PSL Compulsory membership New Data six monthly Includes COF, roadside inspections, maintenance, infringements Star rating – public Fleet Safety Programme: Light-heavy Optional Data updated monthly Traffic infringements and crash data Secure to company How does Fleet Safety fit with ORS

29 Summary: You identify and manage your on road risk with other PICBU’s and workers. Fleet Safety is one of the resources with to help this process.

30 Working with small business and self-employed All information in this presentation was correct at the time of publishing. This information is intended to serve only as a general guide. The information provided in this presentation does not replace or alter the laws of New Zealand and other official guidelines or requirements. The information provided in this presentation should not be used as a substitute for business, tax, accounting, legal or any other professional advice. Cheryl Newcombe Relationship Manager - Intermediaries -

31 Types of assistance ACC can offer For covered injuries the types of assistance you may receive include: –Weekly compensation –Medical treatment/surgery, medication –Rehabilitation –Home help, attendant care, child care, transport –Lump sum or independence allowance –Fatal injury assistance

32 Choices for cover for Self Employed and Non PAYE Shareholder Employees

33 Our Standard Products CoverPlus and WorkPlace cover 24/7 cover for personal injuries Access to a full range of medical and rehabilitation benefits Weekly compensation: –Based on up to 80% of the previous tax year’s earnings or previous 52 week’s liable earnings –Maximum compensation is $96,056* p.a. –Levies charged on 100% of liable earnings (up to the maximum at a rate based on your industry risk) –Weekly compensation is abated if you return to work part-time or continue to receive earnings (ie no loss). *These amounts are for 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 levy year

34 CoverPlus Extra Available to self-employed and non-PAYE shareholder employees An application for CoverPlus Extra must be completed You must earn above $23,712*, OR work more than 30 hours per week to be eligible The level of cover cannot be less than the minimum $23,712* or greater than the maximum $96,056* (amounts adjusted annually) ACC financial underwriting may apply to agreed level of cover CoverPlus Extra does not apply to pre-existing conditions or injuries. *These amounts are for the 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 levy year

35 Key benefits If you are injured and have to take time off work you will receive the pre-agreed level of cover if entitled Proof of earnings is not required at claim time There is no need to provide proof of loss Weekly compensation is 100% of the agreed cover while returning to work gradually or if the business continues to generate an income – No Abatement applies to CPX

36 When to consider CPX Your income fluctuates year to year You’re new to business or have changed your remuneration method. You split income with a partner or spouse Your taxable income is not representative of your actual earnings. Your personal duties are not a reflection of the business activity You want to control your risk On WHT

37 Things to be aware of Loss of entitlement Both fatal entitlements and weekly compensation Pre Existing injuries Injuries that incurred prior to the start date of the CoverPlus Extra cover being agreed to and then reoccur while covered by CoverPlus Extra will fall under the original cover rules and use 80% of the previous years earnings.

38 Considerations when Adjusting ACC cover in favour of other insurance Wait period - 1 week vs. 13 weeks Exclusions (industry based, existing conditions, recreational activities) Loss of Death Entitlements Duration of cover Age related premiums Need for Review Vocational rehabilitation

39 Any questions? Visit our website Agents and advisors 0800 222 991 Self-employed 0508 426 837 Employers 0800 222 776 Claims 0800 101 996 Cheryl Newcombe - (RMI)027 233 5035

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