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IPPC International Plant Protection Convention Roman Vágner European Commission, DG SANCO Plant health / Harmful organisms Bruxelles, 23 November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "IPPC International Plant Protection Convention Roman Vágner European Commission, DG SANCO Plant health / Harmful organisms Bruxelles, 23 November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPPC International Plant Protection Convention Roman Vágner European Commission, DG SANCO Plant health / Harmful organisms Bruxelles, 23 November 2011


3 International Plant Protection Convention Established: 1952 Revision 1: 1979 (in force 1991) Revision 2: 1997 (in force 2005) ~ WTO/SPS Current membership: 177 countries EU: 27 Member States + EU (2005) Pakistan: adhered 1954

4 IPPC – 1997 Revision Alignment with WTO/SPS principles: transparency of phytosanitary measures technical justification of phytosanitary measures assessment of risk (PRA) proportionality of measures adaptation to regional considerations including Pest Free Areas, etc.

5 IPPC – Basic Structure (1) CPM - Commission on Phytosanitary Measures - (executive body) CPM Bureau – executive body (7 elected members) IPPC Secretariat – coordinating and administrative functions, seated with FAO SC – Standards Committee (25 members)

6 IPPC – Basic Structure (2) Establishing National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) Establishing Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs, 9-10) RPPOs: EPPO – European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization APPPC – Asian and Pacific Plant Protection Organization

7 IPPC - RPPOs RPPOs – possible key platform for IPPC activities Standard setting PCE – Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Tool Coordination regarding Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Technical Consultations amongst RPPOs

8 IPPC – Standard Setting IPPC – one of the 3 sisters under WTO/SPS As at 2011: 34 approved ISPMs Process Topics Specifications Technical Panels Standards Committee Country Consultation/Regional Consultations Final approval at CPM

9 IPPC – Other Activities Information Exchange Dispute Settlement Capacity Building

10 IPPC – Key Challenges Budget regular budget ~ 3 m$/year EU (300.000 € + 400.000 €) participation in the CPM Implementation Review & Support System Promotion & Resource Mobilisation IPPC Long Term Strategy Standard Setting Process

11 IPPC – Efficient Participation Stability of staff Involve both experts & decision/policy makers Be active within RPPO – APPPC Participate at CPM Seek participation in Technical Panels Become SC member replacement Mr Ahmad TASNEEM

12 Thank You for Your attention

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