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Capacity Building for Implementation of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEA) : Pesticide life-cycle management component A partnership between the.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Building for Implementation of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEA) : Pesticide life-cycle management component A partnership between the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building for Implementation of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEA) : Pesticide life-cycle management component A partnership between the EC ACP Secretariat, FAO and the LRD at SPC

2 Project background Contribution of US$1M to Pacific component Funds channeled from ACP Sec to FAO 5 main project components Contributes to LRD strategic objective 2 FAO implementation with regional partners (SPC and SPREP) SPC to coordinate implementation of 3 of 5 components

3 Project background LoA signed with FAO in April 2010 LRD acts as executing partner Review of focus with FAO and SPREP Project focus on main pesticide importing countries (Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Tonga) Aimed to achieve maximum impact for limited $ Develop a framework, systems and guidance for roll-out to the region

4 SPC components Pesticide regulation Alternatives to current pesticide usage Communications and awareness raising Life-cycle management

5 Component 1: Pesticide regulation Review of existing legislation in 5 countries completed Review of life-cycle management completed in 3 countries Key areas for focus identified Reviewed at HOAFS pre-meeting Sept 12 / 13

6 Component 1: Pesticide regulation Key challenges: – Variations in legislation (loop holes) – Lack of capacity to regulate at national level – No risk assessments (Health or Environment) – No post-registration monitoring – No MRL review – No fee system exists

7 Component 1: Pesticide regulation Result: – not compliant with Code of Conduct – not meeting international obligations – Risk of increased impact of health and environment – Increased risk of loss of soil fertility

8 Component 1: Pesticide regulation Next steps: – Close loop holes in national regulations and standardise – Develop a regional system for registration at SPC LRD – System designed based on division of responsibility between SPC and countries – Use EC MEA funds to design system (NZ keen to assist) – Proposed regional FAO TCP funding to implement system – Operational as voluntary scheme to 2012 Ministerial meeting and review effectiveness – Roll-out to region once system endorsed by Ministers

9 Component 2: alternatives Aim to eliminate use of highly hazardous pesticides (Class 1a, 1b and 2) Replacement by lesser toxic alternatives Promotion of agro-ecological approaches Build on existing initiatives to ensure complimentary Review of existing initiatives in the region completed Not only focusing on organic production

10 Component 2: alternatives Next steps: – Complete review of existing work – Make linkages with on-going initiatives – Formulate Regional FAO TCP project using EC MEA funds – Focus on current high use crops – Demonstrate cost benefit, increased yield, lower residues – Present findings to 2012 Ministerial meeting and subsequent roll-out to region

11 Component 3: communications Review of awareness and communications in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands Draft communications strategy developed Importance of linkages with NGOs explored Key methods for communication confirmed Reviewed at pre-HOAFS meeting

12 Component 3: communications Next steps: – Complete assessment in other islands – Look at sensitisation of decision makers / donors – Formulate a complete communications and awareness strategy using EC MEA funds – Develop FAO Regional TCP project for development of comms materials – Develop materials and assess effectiveness – Present findings to 2012 Ministerial meeting and subsequent roll-out to region

13 Conclusion There is a need to address gaps EC MEA support can be used to design strategies and systems Formulation of 3 Regional FAO TCP projects (approx US$1.5M over 2011 / 2012) Needs your (HOAFS) endorsement for SPC and FAO to move forward Results will form basis for wider regional strategy

14 FAO and SPC LRD requests HOAFS to endorse : Develop a regional TCP to revise legislations and develop a harmonised regional pesticide registration system; Develop a TCP on alternatives to pesticides. Develop a TCP to develop communication materials.

15 Thank you for your Attention!

16 Development and dissemination of crop protection information for Farmers and Extension Officers in the Pacific Background Climate change is expected to influence and increase new pest and diseases. There is a continual lack of information on pest and diseases to farmers and extension officers Up scaling of pest and disease information (fact sheets) developed under ACIAR funded Project Improved Plant Protection in Solomon Islands (IPPSI) – 100 fact sheets developed

17 HOAFS endorsement SPC seeks endorsement of HOAFS for LRD to seek funding and produce fact sheets and other relevant information in multiple formats

18 Thank you!

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