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PIXEL ladder alignment Hidemitsu ASANO. Photo analysis & survey beam data (with zero magnetic field) ① SVX standalone tracking Global Tracking Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "PIXEL ladder alignment Hidemitsu ASANO. Photo analysis & survey beam data (with zero magnetic field) ① SVX standalone tracking Global Tracking Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIXEL ladder alignment Hidemitsu ASANO

2 Photo analysis & survey beam data (with zero magnetic field) ① SVX standalone tracking Global Tracking Strategy of alignment Text file (svxPISA.par) Geometrical information. (To be used as the initial input of sensors’ position.) upload Fit residual distribution and Adjust misalignment database Iterate until we can get good resolution ②

3 ① Procedure of photo analysis Origin BP1 of left most chip 3D-CMM Photo analysis Measuring method drawing Through hole BP35 - Estimate the surveyed chip positions in the 2-dim ladder coordinate system. 1.In each combined photo, read the relative position between Bonding Pad #35 and a through hole -Sensor and Ladder relative position 2.Instead of the position from the photo, use the Bonding Pad #35 position from the 3D- CMM. 3.In the drawing, read the relative position between the surveyed chip and the through hole 4.The chip position is 1 + 2 + 3 (more detail: AlignmentManual)

4 Photo analysis check -Comparison of position of Bonding Pad(x,y) of photo analysis and 3D-CMM result *Accuracy of photo analysis is within several ten um.

5 -Comparison of relative position of TH-BP35 on photo analysis and drawing Photo analysis check 2 *Buses are not precisely assembled on sensor modules.(100um~300um difference from drawing).Photo analysis is necessary for all ladders. Results for all ladders are uploaded in

6 Assembling accuracy of Pt-1000 on bus (measured by photos of Ladder 36 ) E0 Measured distance between TH and Pt-1000 on photo and drawing um Chip #

7 Need to change the coordinate of survey data. survey coord. → PHENIX coord. (x,y,z) (-x,z,y) Survey point on pixel ladder (pt-1000). -Surveyor could not see sensors after assembling ladders on barrels. Each survey point is calculated by surveyors as they are installed in central magnet. More information about survey See: x y z x y z Survey coord.PHENIX coord.

8 Accuracy of analysis 3D-CMM ~0.5um Photo analysis < 40~50um Assembly accuracy of Pt-1000 ~100um? Survey ~35um(?)

9 Comparison of survey data and photo analysis T0 T15 T3 T7 T8 T12 Origin is center of T0 used to compare distances which were calculated from survey data and photo analysis -consistency check of survey data and photo analysis -If survey data is reliable, estimate systematic error of (photo analysis + assembling accuracy of pt-1000) -remove the point if it has large difference between survey and photo analysis.

10 T0 T15 T3 T7 T8 T12 origin Ex. (T3-T0 in Photo) – (T3-T0 in survey) Comparison between photo - survey




14 Calculate each sensors’ position in PHENIX 1. Put all ladders parallel to X-Z plane in PHENIX. The center of sensor is given by drawing. 3. Rotate each sensor. Axis of this rotation is the center of each sensor. Rotation angle around z-axis is decided from drawing (not survey data). Calculate each pt-1000’s position. 2. Then, assuming that center of sensor is located in ideal position, calculate pt-1000’s position for each sensor using photo analysis and drawing. ( x-z direction: photo analysis and drawing) (y direction: drawing ) z y x z y x z y x 4. Compare the position of pt-1000 calculated in 3. and survey data. Calculate real sensor position. z real sensor position Ideal sensor position Real Pt-1000 (surveyed) Rotation axis

15 WEST Barrel 0 Analysis (x) - GEANT (x) Analysis (y) - GEANT (y) Analysis (z) - GEANT (z) These plots are for comparing the center of each sensor calculated from photo analysis and from GEANT.

16 EAST Barrel 0 Analysis (x) - GEANT (x) Analysis (y) - GEANT (y) Analysis (z) - GEANT (z)

17 WEST Barrel 1


19 EAST Barrel 1


21 How to define each sensor’s position and orientation in PHENIX rotation matrix(R) is 3x3 matrix. This describes orientation of each sensors. φ is rotation around z-axis. (Let's call new coordinate x'y'z'-axis after this rotation). θ is rotation around y'-axis. Currently, rotation around x(x’)-axis is not assumed in offline code. translation vector(x,y,z) indicates the center of sensor in PHENIX coordinate system. -Each sensor has translation vector and rotation matrix. R = In offline code, local coordinates for each sensor and global coordinates are defined. (more detail : ) local-> global transformation is performed as Caution: Here the rotation matrix is “transposed” matrix. If θ = 0,the sensor’s angle from x-z plane is “ - φ” This transformation is defined in “SvxSensor” class in offline code. x Local coordinate of pixel sensor z y x z Global coordinate  WEST EAST 

22 Output offline/packages/svx/wrk/svxPISA.par.pixelaligned

23 Issue -In zero magnetic field run, we can do relative alignment of the ladders to the central arm. (blue line).These ladders which locate on the same track can be aligned. -we cannot do a relative alignment of the ladders to ladders which are not located on the same track. ? CM


25 backup

26 Pt-1000

27 Barrel mount yuganderuhanasi

28 Issue -In zero magnetic field run, we can do relative alignment of the ladders to the central arm. (blue line).These ladders which locate on the same track can be aligned. -we cannot do a relative alignment of the ladders to ladders which are not located on the same track. ? CM


30 ladder drawing FullLadder080204.dwg Half bus drawing left -PHENIX_ver3.6-chk0714.dwg right -phenix_ver2.3-chk0917.dwg Both Buses in this drawing are older version.

31 Assembling accuracy of Pt-1000 TH4 of Ladder36 -100μm slide Pt-1000 T3(L36) Accuracy of sensor-Pt1000 position > 100micron ?

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