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9:00 am – Sunday School 9:55 am – Coffee Fellowship 10:15 am – Worship 11:15 am – Special Need Prayer.

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Presentation on theme: "9:00 am – Sunday School 9:55 am – Coffee Fellowship 10:15 am – Worship 11:15 am – Special Need Prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 9:00 am – Sunday School 9:55 am – Coffee Fellowship 10:15 am – Worship 11:15 am – Special Need Prayer

2 7:00 am – First Word at McD’s in North Branch for high school students We will not meet this week. Join us again starting Jan 5 th.

3 7:00 pm BLAST for elementary students Youth Group for teens Adult Bible Study No Wed activities this week. Join us again next week, Jan 7 th.

4 Pastor Steve is on vacation until 12/31. In his absence, you may contact Pastor Caleb or Don Ramberg. Thanks to Rev. Duane Perry for bringing God’s message this morning!

5 There are a couple more days to use your Perkins coupons as a way to help raise funds for our youth going to CHIC. Pastor Caleb has more coupons if you need them!

6 There are sign-up sheets on the table outside the sanctuary for any who would like to serve as ushers, Scripture readers and communion servers. Training is available.

7 There are sign-up sheets on the table outside the sanctuary for any who would like to host our cottage prayer meetings in January. All that is needed is to let us meet in your home and to serve some treats.

8 Jan 4 th – 10 th, 7pm - Cottage prayer meetings. See your bulletin for locations. Sun, Jan 11 th – Annual meeting and potluck. Mon, Jan 12 th – Men’s Group Sun, Jan 25 th – Vitality Sunday

9 Sun, Jan 11 th – Annual meeting. A potluck will follow church and then we will convene the meeting. Our main business will be to elect several to the Leadership Team and nominating committee, and to adopt a Ministry Spending Plan for 2015. Annual Reports will be available.

10 Sun, Jan 25 th – Vitality Sunday. We will enjoy a potluck and hear from Vitality Team members who attended the national conference in November. We will also take a look at the vitality pathway for churches and hear about the Relational Covenant on which the team is working.

11 Remember these people in your prayers: John and Ruth Waldo Jolena Axberg Patti Winsor Kenn and Adina Wicklund

12 Remember these people in your prayers: Greg Perrault Jared Carlson Ryan Pietila

13 Ushers: Joe & Vandy Nelson Nursery: Cheryl Dylkowski Children’s Church: Linda Thompson Readers: Vandy Nelson Praise Team: Team 2

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