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EBRPSS Jump Start Career and Technical Education LASAFAP April 5, 2016 1.

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1 EBRPSS Jump Start Career and Technical Education LASAFAP April 5, 2016 1

2 What is Jump Start? Jump Start is the state’s new initiative which provides students with basic and advanced credentials. It requires a collaboration between school districts, colleges, and businesses in providing career courses and workplace experiences to students, allowing them to continue their education after high school, and also certifying them for the career fields most likely to lead to high- wage jobs. Links to what is Jump Start 2

3 Terms associated with Jump Start Credential vs Certification -For the purposes of Jump Start, “credential” and “certification” are used synonymously (along with Industry Based Certification and IBC). Industry-Based Certification (IBC)-An IBC is a credential issued by an industry organization. IBCs are “industry- promulgated” (designed and issued by industry) and “industry-valued” (considered by companies when they evaluate job applicants). Employability Value-An IBC or credential has employability value when it will help a student attain entry-level employment. Credentials have greater employability value when they help students attain higher-wage employment. Statewide credential-Credentials identified by the Workforce Investment Council (or WIC) related to “high- demand” job sectors (i.e., job sectors that have employment opportunities and pay higher wages). Advanced Statewide Credentials indicate a student has attained advanced industry-valued skills. Students that attain Advanced Statewide Credentials earn their schools 150 accountability points. Basic Statewide Credentials indicate a student has attained a basic proficiency with an industry-valued skill set. Students that attain Basic Statewide Credentials earn their schools 110 accountability points (vs 100 for graduation with a Regional Core credential). Core Credential-The credential(s) a student attains in order to graduate with a Jump Start Career Diploma. Each graduation pathway defines the culminating credential(s) a student must attain to graduate. Complementary Credential-A safety or computer literacy credential that has value across multiple industries. Some graduation pathways also offer other Complementary credentials related to a specific industry sector. Link to additional terms associated with Jump Start 3

4 What are the pathways? 4 Updated February 3, 2016 (20) Statewide Graduation Pathways Automobile Service Carpenter Certified Mechanical Drafter Certified Nursing Assistant Collision Repair Cyber Engineering Dental Electrician Emergency Medical Tech Four Stroke Engine Tech HVAC Tech Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Internet Web Foundations Mobile Crane Operator Oil & Gas T@ Safety Systems Pipefitter Plumber Prostart/Restaurant Web Design Professional Welder (10) Integrated Graduation Pathways Agriculture Tech Digital Media and Entertainment Technology Health Sciences-Patient Care and Management Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary and Retail Information Technology Manufacturing Specialist Manufacturing, Construction Crafts and Logistics Maritime STEM Technology Specialist (4) Act 833-Eligible Regional Pathways Ag Tech 833-Eligible Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary and Retail 833- Eligible Manufacturing, Construction Crafts and Logistics 833- Eligible Workplace Safety 833-Eligible (13) Regional Graduation Pathways Business Management Carpenter’s Helper Commercial Driver Electrician’s Helper Fashion Design Industrial Maintenance Mechanic’s Helper Mason Micro-Enterprise Piperfitter’s Helper Public Service Sheet Metal Welder’s Helper Workplace Safety

5 What is the difference between the pathways? Statewide? Regional? Integrated? Statewide pathway offers an additional 10 points. (Advanced statewide credential additional 50 points.) Integrated pathway (either statewide or regional) Regional pathway offers no additional points. (It is a requirement for graduation so the school will receive 100 points.) 5

6 Big Changes Elimination of Basic and Career Diploma Jump Start students will not graduate without the appropriate IBCs. 4 English (no English III or IV, now Technical Writing and Business English), 4 Math (no Geometry, now Financial Literacy and Business Math), 2 Science, 2 Social Studies, 9 electives (1 must be career readiness). 6

7 Field trips Guest speakers Mentorships Career dress up day Career fairs Career Awareness 7 Career Awareness and Counseling Options

8 New Skills for Youth grant Aimed at increasing economic opportunity for young people by strengthening career-focused educations, starting in high school and ending with post- secondary degrees or credentials aligned with business needs. LDOE received $100,000 through Phase 1. It is one piece of $75M 5 year initiative (thanks to JP Morgan Chase) 8

9 Contact Martha Sealy Jump Start Supervisor 225-922-5507 9

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