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Physical Education I & II. 1. Fitness Acquired in the Weight Room 1. Prepare, not Compare Common misconceptions of the weight room Who can use the weight.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education I & II. 1. Fitness Acquired in the Weight Room 1. Prepare, not Compare Common misconceptions of the weight room Who can use the weight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education I & II

2 1. Fitness Acquired in the Weight Room 1. Prepare, not Compare Common misconceptions of the weight room Who can use the weight room at TG

3 A. Lifestyle Fit people suffer from fewer diseases Strength Training can help prevent such diseases as Diabetes (Type II) Heart Disease Stroke Osteoporosis Obesity Arthritis Some mental illnesses like Depression

4 B. Sports Increases Strength Increases Speed Increases Power Increases Endurance Increase Agility Decreases injuries

5 C. Self Esteem Provides a numerical indicator of progress How much could you lift when you first started and how much could you lift when you were done?

6 D. Osteoporosis The demineralization of the bones due to lack of or a decrease in calcium Calcium can no longer be absorbed Affects primarily post menopausal women Estrogen and Progesterone necessary for absorption of Calcium 80-85% of people affected by Osteoporosis are women Maximum bone density occurs between age 30-40

7 Osteoporosis Treatment 1. Calcium supplement (water soluble) 2.Hormone replacement therapy Synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone (Increase chances of heart disease and breast cancer, CDC Study) 3. Weight Bearing Exercise Lifting Walking Running

8 E. Increased Strength Overload Principal An increase in strength occurs due to a systematic and sequential increase in load(weight). A muscle responds to the increased load by adapting.

9 Basic Concepts 1. Rep (Repetition) One complete lift performed F.R.O.M. 2. Set A group of Reps performed at one time, utilizing F.R.O.M. 3. F.R.O.M.(Full Range of Motion) Entire range of motion a joint is capable of performing Strength is gained in the range worked Flexibility is maintained in the range worked

10 Basic Concepts 4.Flexion Decrease angle of a joint Pull Toward the mid-line of the body 5. Extension Increased angle of a joint Push Away from the midline of the body

11 Basic Concepts 6. Concentric Contraction Controlled shortening of the muscle Positive contraction Performed on a “2” count

12 Basic Concepts 7. Eccentric Contraction Controlled lengthening of a muscle Negative contraction Performed on a “4” count

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