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Flying Clubs. Defined: “a nonprofit or not-for-profit entity organized for the express purpose of providing its members with aircraft for their personal.

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Presentation on theme: "Flying Clubs. Defined: “a nonprofit or not-for-profit entity organized for the express purpose of providing its members with aircraft for their personal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flying Clubs

2 Defined: “a nonprofit or not-for-profit entity organized for the express purpose of providing its members with aircraft for their personal use and enjoyment only” -Club aircraft must be in the name of flying club or owned by all members. -No part of the net earnings of the club will benefit an individual in any form. -Not derive greater revenue from use of its aircraft. -May not offer or conduct aircraft rental operations. -May conduct flight instruction for regular members only, with no obligation of pay. -Mechanic members are not obligated for pay by the flying club. (5190.6B, FAA Airport Compliance Manual, paragraph 10(6)(a))

3 AOPA Proposal Item 1- Pay for flight instruction when: (a) provided to a club member by commercial operator authorized by the airport sponsor to provide instruction on field. (b) provided to a club member by flight instructor who is also a club member. Airport Sponsor has the right to limit flight instruction for monetary compensation but must permit the club to compensate club instructors with credit against payment of dues or flight time.

4 AOPA Proposal Item 2- Mechanic members may be compensated not to exceed a reasonable rate for work at the discretion of other club members. Airport Sponsor has the right to limit maintenance work for monetary compensation but must permit the club to compensate club mechanics with credit against payment of dues or flight time.

5 Proposal Support & Comments Support to change policy- - 44 airport users offered support of both AOPA policy proposals. - would provide an incentive for pilots who belong to flying clubs to remain current and continue their education in a convenient, cost- effective, and familiar environment. - small airports rely on flying clubs because there is not enough business activity to support a flying school. - airports without flight schools and clubs without CFI’s – club members cannot receive proficiency checkouts or additional training without violating airport’s policy. Opposed to change policy- - Belief that “for profit” flight schools would suffer financially.

6 Final policy Changes -Flying clubs should at no time hold themselves out as fixed based operators, flight schools, or as business offering serviced to general public. -CFIs and mechanics should be permitted to receive either monetary compensation or discounted club member dues, but not both. -Must not indicate that they are a flight school or that they are a business where people can learn to fly. (5190.6B, FAA Airport Compliance Manual, paragraph 10.6(c)(3-4, 8-9)

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