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Augmentative Communication Device Client: Dr. Lawrence Kaplan Advisor: Prof. Tom Yen Group Members (in order of appearance): Steve Wyche (BSAC), Erin Devine.

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Presentation on theme: "Augmentative Communication Device Client: Dr. Lawrence Kaplan Advisor: Prof. Tom Yen Group Members (in order of appearance): Steve Wyche (BSAC), Erin Devine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augmentative Communication Device Client: Dr. Lawrence Kaplan Advisor: Prof. Tom Yen Group Members (in order of appearance): Steve Wyche (BSAC), Erin Devine (Communication), Brian Mogen (Leader), Prachi Agarwal (BWIG)

2 Presentation Overview I. Background Information II. Existing Devices III. Problem Statement IV. PDS Summary V. Previous Work VI. Design Matrix VII. Final Design VIII. Future Work

3 I. Background Information Cerebral Palsy – Between 500,000 and 800,000 affected in US Laryngectomies – 60,000 in US Paralyzed Diaphragm Difficulties speaking – Dysarthria – Lacking tone and muscle control – Insufficient air support

4 I. Background Information (Cont.) Causes great frustration Current technology inadequate

5 Existing Devices Problems: – Slow – Unexpressive – Cumbersome – Expensive – Inaesthetic Tango DynaVox Palmtop DynaVox DV4

6 Problem Statement We will be continuing work on our communicative device. Our work this semester focuses on working from our proof of premise prototype. Our goal is to integrate the components into a small, compact device that is easy to use while improving clarity.

7 PDS Summary Device must be: – Fast – Understandable – Phonetics based – Intuitive – Easy to use

8 Previous Work Used musical hardware to create a proof of principal prototype

9 Attachment Methods FactorWeightNeckEarCapHipGlassesLapel User Conven- ience 30%427526 Aesthetics 40%3898.514 Ease of Man. 20%726838 Cost 10%846838 TOTAL104.6

10 Power Supply FactorWeightLi/IonDisposableInput Size 20%8510 Safety 10%779 Lifespan 30%824 Convenience 30%848 Cost 10%838 TOTAL

11 Sound Source FactorWeightCompression Driver Piezo speakerStandard Speaker Size 30%799 Frequency Response 30%918 Cost 10%999 Volume 30%928 TOTAL

12 Final Design: Hardware Sound source Amplification system User’s Mouth Compression Driver FIG: Circuit for our hardware, which will comprise of an amplifier, compression driver & tube

13 Future Work: After designing our hardware: Package our circuit in a PCB case Design the software, i.e. An Iphone Application Hardware Tubing

14 Limitations: Our device requires the patient to use his/her facial muscles: If orbicularis oris is damaged, user will be unable to use the device If the hypoglossal nerve, involved in articulation of speech is damaged, it would again limit the user to use the device

15 Acknowledgements Dr. Lawrence Kaplan, Waisman Center (client) Dr. Thomas Yen (advisor)

16 References er1.jpg n.jpg /do_you_tango_he.html /do_you_tango_he.html 1 1

17 Questions????

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