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Published byCaroline Newton Modified over 8 years ago
The Executive Budget – Department of Education : 2015-2017 Biennium 1 Dale A.R. Erquiaga State Superintendent of Public Instruction January 20, 2015 Presented to the Legislative Commission’s Budget Subcommittee
Nevada Department of Education Vision, Mission, and Goals 2
NDE Restructuring Aligning Functions to Vision 3
NDE Restructuring 4
Create Activities Prioritize Activities Monitor the Effectiveness of Our Efforts 8 Aligning Budgets with Functional Areas Provides the Ability to:
NDE Restructuring Our current budget structure (by funding source) leads to activities that are segmented across several different budget accounts. This makes prioritizing and monitoring difficult if not impossible to accomplish! 9 BA 2719 EXPENDITURES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES, INLCUDING SAIN BA 2720 BA 2697 BA 2673 BA 2712
NDE Restructuring Our proposed budget structure (by functional area) leads to activities that may be prioritized and monitored. 10 EXPENDITURES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES, INLCUDING SAIN BA 2716 Data Systems Management (District Support) BA 2720 Information Technology (Department Support)
Performance Based Budgeting 11 “Nevada Ready” Division Office Individual 36 Lives a Day
Performance Based Budgeting 36 Lives a Day In Nevada, there is a loss of 36 students from the graduation population each school day Reduced Possibility of Finding a Job; Low Income/Poverty; Increased Possibility of Incarceration (63 times higher than a college graduate) Cost to Taxpayers - $292,000 over a Lifetime 12
Performance Based Budgeting Priorities and Performance Budget Activities Standards and Instructional Support Student and School Support Early Childhood Education Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options Assessment, Data, and Accountability Management Educator Effectiveness and Development Educator Licensure Family Engagement Education Policy and Management School District Support (pass-through funds and audits) Department Support (fiscal services and information technology services) 13
Performance Based Budgeting Activity Performance Measures For each activity, there is at least one performance measure. In addition to the performance measures outlined in the budget, all offices and staff of the Department will have performance measures tied to meeting one or more of the goals of the Department. 14
Revenue & Expenditures for Education 15 *Other = taxes, fees and unclaimed gift cards.
NDE Budget Accounts Current and Proposed 16 Budget Accounts with No Change BA 2610 – Distributive School Account BA 2612 – Educator Effectiveness BA 2614 – Educational Trust Fund BA 2615 – Remediation Trust Fund BA 2616 – Incentive Fund for Ed Personnel BA 2617 – State Supplemental School Support Fund BA 2676 – Career and Technical Education BA 2678 – GEAR UP BA 2680 – Continuing Education BA 2699 – Other State Education Programs BA 2715 – Individuals with Disabilities
NDE Budget Accounts Current and Proposed 17 Budget Accounts That Change Budget Account Current NameAgency Budget Request Name BA 2673Education State ProgramsOffice of the Superintendent BA 2697Proficiency TestingAssessment, Data and Accountability Management BA 2705Teacher Ed & LicenseEducator Licensure BA 2706Discretionary Grants- UnrestrictedParental Involvement & Family Engagement BA 2709Discretionary Grants – RestrictedEarly Learning and Development BA 2712ESEA Title IStudent & School Support BA 2713ESEA Title II, V & VILiteracy Programs BA 2719NDE Staffing ServicesDistrict Support Services BA 2720Education Support ServicesDepartment Support Services
NDE Budget Accounts Current and Proposed 18 New Budget Accounts BA 2618 – Regional Professional Development Programs (pass through) BA 2675 – Standards and Instructional Support BA 2716 – Data Systems Management
The Executive Budget Total New Positions = 14 19 Student Needs Education Personnel Needs Management Needs
Major Budget Initiatives DSA & Related Budget Accounts (discussed previously) Read By Three – BA 2699 (E-280) Expand Full-Day Kindergarten – BA 2615 (E-287, E-292, and E-293) Expand Zoom Schools – BA 2615 (E-275) Implement Victory Schools Grant Program – BA 2615 (E- 276) 20
Major Budget Initiatives Department of Education Budget Accounts (not previously discussed) Safe and Respectful Schools Office & Social Worker Grant Program Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program & Broadband and Wide Area Network (WAN) Matching Grant Program Great Teaching and Leading Fund 21
New Positions Office of the Superintendent 1.0 FTE Deputy Superintendent – Oversee the Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement (BA 2673, E-275, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE Director and 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant – Office of Safe and Respectful Learning (BA 2712, E-279, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE Management Analyst III – Office of the Superintendent to assist in conducting studies, research and analysis (BA 2673, E-225, State General Fund) TOTAL 4.0 FTE 22
New Positions Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement 1.0 FTE Education Program Professional (EPP) – Great Teaching and Leading Program (BA 2612, E-285, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant – Assist the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Teacher and Leaders Council (BA 2612, E-286, State General Fund) TOTAL 2.0 FTE 23
New Positions Student Achievement Division 6.0 FTE Supervisor and Staff – Nevada Ready! High Quality Preschool Development Grant (BA 2709, E-275, Federal and State General Fund) 2.0 FTE Education Program Professionals (EPPs) – Read by Three (BA 2713, E- 280, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE EPP – Victory Schools Program (BA 2712, E-278, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE EPP and 1.0 FTE Management Analyst II – Turnaround Schools Program (BA 2712, E-276 and E-278, State General Fund) 24
New Positions Student Achievement Division (continued) 1.0 FTE EPP – GEAR UP (BA 2678, E-225, Federal Grant Funds) 1.0 FTE Information Technology Professional III – Support the System for Accountability Information in Nevada (BA 2716, E-227, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE Management Analyst II – Assessments and Accountability: Develop and maintain a system to manage and deliver data inquiries from stakeholders (BA 2697, E-288, State General Fund) TOTAL 14.0 FTE 25
New Positions Business and Support Services 1.0 FTE Grants and Projects Analyst II – District Support Services: State Grant Programs (BA 2719, E-228, State General Fund) 1.0 FTE Accounting Assistant III – Department Support Services: to provide timely processing of State grant funds and accounting support to programs (BA 2720, E-226, Cost Allocation) 1.0 FTE Management Analyst II – Department Support Services: to provide contract administration and oversight related to State funded programs (BA 2720, E-227, Cost Allocation) TOTAL 3.0 FTE 26
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Office of the Superintendent BA 2712 Student and School Support E-279 Creates the Safe and Respectful Learning Office. State General Funds support a new unclassified Director and an Administrative Assistant. The Office will: Work directly on safe and respectful learning environment issues; Establish programs and training to prevent, identify and report incidents of bullying and cyberbullying; Monitor compliance of school districts with the program; and Monitor the impact of programs funded through the Bullying Prevention Account (NRS 388.1325) Administer the new social worker /mental health professional in schools grant program (BA 2699 – E-281 & BA 2712 – E-281) 27
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Office of the Superintendent BA 2614 Educational Trust Account (proceeds from abandoned gift certificates) Stipend for a Graduate Student or Educator in Residence: Two $50,000 stipends each fiscal year for nine months work at the Department on projects related to accountability, educator effectiveness, or data-driven instruction. (E-294) Teacher of the Year – Space Camp: $4,000 each fiscal year. (E-297) 28
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Office of the Superintendent BA 2673 (State General Fund) Public Information Officer: Increase in operating expenses to support campaigns, such as Nevada Ready! Expand NDE outreach with parents and the public – $53,421 over the Biennium. (E-226) 29
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2709 New Office of Early Learning and Development Findings from Nevada’s Current Early Childhood Education Program ($3.3 million – BA 2699) Approximately 1,400 children and 1,500 adults are served under the State’s current program Over 1,200 children and families waiting for space to enter the program. Children who participated in the program achieved significant learning gains in preschool. The program met or exceeded all six Statewide indicators on the development program of children and parent involvement. The program showed positive long-term effects on student academic skills on into elementary school, especially for English language learners. 30
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2709 New Office of Early Learning and Development Nevada Ready! High Quality Preschool Development Grant First year grant allotment is $6.4 million, with the potential allotment over four years exceeding $43 million. E-275 – State Match: $4.5 million in FY 2016 and $5.8 million in FY 2017. Approximately 1,400 children and 1,500 adults are served under the State’s current program ($3.3 million – BA 2699). These grant funds will increase Nevada’s preschool population by 58% over four years, serving approximately 15% of the State’s four-year-old population living under 200% of federal poverty level. Funding will support new and existing preschools within 5 counties: Churchill, Clark, Lyon, Nye, and Washoe. 31
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2709 New Office of Early Learning and Development E-276: State General Funds of $125,000 in FY 2016 supports an outside vendor to study the feasibility of social impact bonding to continue and expand preschool services. Social impact bonds, also known as “pay for success” bonds, utilize private investment for public sector program costs, repaying the investor with savings realized through the program’s ultimate success. The Department of Education will collaborate with the Department of Administration to select a vendor for the feasibility study. 32
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2678 – GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) The GEAR UP program is a federal grant program designed to increase the number of low income, first generation students to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. Nevada has administered the grant since 2001. Objectives: Increase Academic Performance Increase the High School Graduation Rate Increase Educational Expectations Results: 2006-2012 Cohort – 76% Graduated High Schools & 60% Attended a Nevada System of Higher Education institution. E-225 Support a new Education Programs Professional position to assist in expanding the program. 33
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2712 Student and School Support Expand Advance Placement Courses (E-290) $1.2 million in State General Fund over the biennium - Increase access to courses - Teacher preparation - Double Participation - Competitive Grants to increase participation and passage 34
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2697 Assessments and Accountability Nevada Assessments Smarter Balanced Assessment (Grades 3-8) Science Assessment (Grades 5, 8 and 10) End of Course Examinations College And Career Readiness Assessment – The ACT Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA) English Language Proficiency Examination (ELPA) 35
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2697 Assessments and Accountability Smarter Balanced Assessment – CRT Grades 3-8 E-275: State General Fund of $1.4 million in each fiscal year to support the Complete (versus Basic) assessment package, which provides three components: Grades 3 – 8 English and mathematics summative assessments; Interim Assessments; and Access to the Digital Library. 36
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2697 Assessments and Accountability Potential cost savings with the Complete Package: Interim Assessments If the state provides access to and use of the Interim Assessment, school districts will have the option of dropping local Interim Assessment contracts. This would provide school districts with a cost savings of $4-8 per student. Nevada would have a single, comprehensive aligned assessment system. Access to the Digital Library (Assessment Item Pool) No longer necessary to pay a vendor to create items. Alignment to New Standards When comparing the cost of Smarter Complete with the cost of aligning our current CRTs to the new standards, we save nearly $350,000 in FY 2017. 37
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2697 Assessments and Accountability Nevada Alternate Assessment The NAA is the state assessment of alternate achievement standards in special education. The assessment is administered to less than 1% of all students in Nevada who meet the strict criteria required in order to be assessed with the NAA. E-275: State General Fund of $500,000 in Fiscal Year 2017 to add a science assessment that is federally required. 38
Summary of Major Budget Initiatives & Program Enhancements By Division Division of Student Achievement BA 2716 Data Systems Management Data Privacy and Test Security Few Issues are as critical to public confidence in public education as the safety and credibility of Nevada’s statewide accountability databases and the administration of summative assessments. The Department investigates all testing irregularities and must ensure data privacy for all students. E-229: State General Fund of $250,000 in each Fiscal Year to augment existing staff positions and programs with the availability of contractors. Contracted services would assist the Department in meeting the recommendations of the review by WestEd review of Nevada’s Test Integrity. 39
Summary of Enhancements Division of Student Achievement BA 2716 Data Systems Management Implement Infinite Campus (IC) Statewide (E-243): $3.5 million over the Biennium NDE Implementation: $1.0 million each fiscal year of the biennium School Districts with IC: Clark, Washoe, and the Charter School Authority School District Conversion: FY 2016: 5 school districts FY 2017: 10 school districts 40
Summary of Enhancements Division of Student Achievement BA 2716 Data Systems Management Nevada School Performance Framework: School Climate Survey $800,000 over the Biennium (E-294) School Climate Survey: Require all middle and high school students to participate in the survey. Research indicates that students achieve higher scores on standardized tests in schools with healthy learning environments. 41
Summary of Enhancements Division of Student Achievement BA 2716 Data Systems Management Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF): E-Metric $670,000 Over the Biennium (E-278) Website Enhancement & Training Growth Model NSPF for Non-Traditional Schools 42
Summary of Enhancements Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement BA 2618 Professional Development Programs Great Teaching and Leading Fund (E-298 & E-299) E-298: $4.9 million in State General Fund in each Fiscal Year to Incentivize professional development and improvements to the educator pipeline. In the first year, the focus will be Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) rollout, new science standards, teacher recruitment and training, leadership training. After the first year, the State Board will establish annual criteria for the Fund, to include an expansion from previous Regional Professional Development Programs. Entities which can receive the grants include the RPDPs, school districts, higher education, and nonprofit organizations. 43
Summary of Enhancements Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement BA 2618 Professional Development Programs Great Teaching and Leading Fund (E-298 & E-299) E-299: Transfers funding of $6.6 million in State General Fund from the Regional Professional Development Programs (RPDPs) in Fiscal Year 2017. The RPDPs continue as regional programs eligible for grants of funds to provide professional development in support State Board annual criteria. 44
Summary of Enhancements Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement BA 2705 Educator Licensure Licensure Study - $60,000 in Fiscal Year 2017 (E-241) Comprehensive study of the provisions of NRS & NAC relating to licensure. The goal of the study is to obtain recommendations on how to align licensing laws and regulations with the elements of the NEPF to make them more: Cohesive; Up-to-Date; and Legally Defensible. 45
Summary of Enhancements Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement BA 2705 Educator Licensure Automated Educator Licensure System (E-550) Faster Access to Applicant/Licensure Data Faster Access to Issued NDE Licensure 46 FY 2016FY 2017Biennium Total FY 2018FY 2019FY 20205-Year Total $41,105$217,527$258,632$190,522$51,100 $551,054
Summary of Enhancements Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement BA 2705 Educator Licensure New Phone System - $51,522 (E-238) 47
Summary of Enhancements Division of Business and Support Services District Support Services Grants Management Team (Transfer of 3.5 FTE Positions) Ensure grant funds are allocated in accordance with grant requirements; Maintain independence from program offices; Provide support to school district grant personnel; Monitor available grant opportunities; and Coordinate efforts with the Department of Administration Grants Management Unit. 48
The Executive Budget – Department of Education : 2015-2017 Biennium “…we are united in our desire to move Nevada with a transformed education system…” Governor Brian Sandoval January 15, 2015 49
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