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1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting April 24, 2007 Prepared by; NDIA IBR Working Group April 15, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting April 24, 2007 Prepared by; NDIA IBR Working Group April 15, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting April 24, 2007 Prepared by; NDIA IBR Working Group April 15, 2007 Strength through Industry & Technology

2 2 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group IBR Guide NDIA Working Group Objectives: Review the current Integrated Baseline Review Guide and determine if it should be revised to reflect: -Changes in the environment that would justify a revision -Clarifications that would improve results of IBRs -Verify consistency between the IBR Guide and recent other NDIA EVM Guides

3 3 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group IBR Guide NDIA Working Group Members Walt Berkey, Lockheed Martin Joe Houser, Lead, KM Systems Group Gary Humphreys, Humphreys & Associates Sondra Ewing, Lockheed Martin Denis Hallman, Welkin / CSC Keith Kratzert, FAA Kevin Martin, KM Systems Group Dan Milano, FAA Debbie Tomsic, DoD Dennis White, RG

4 4 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Current Environment Since the NDIA IBR Guide was issued in June 2003, there have been changes in policy and practices that may justify a Guide review to address: - Review NDIA application guide and recently revised FAR-EVM, OMB requirements, and Capital Programming Guide to identify changes required for existing NDIA IBR Guide - Compare IBR guide to other NDIA Guides for inconsistencies clarifications that would improve IBRs

5 5 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Complete - Conduct comparison of related documents and document findings - Application Guide – Walt Berkey - Certification Guide – Denis Hallman - Surveillance Guide – Joe Houser - EVM FAR Clause – Gary Humphreys - Intent Guide – Keith Kratzert - Capital Programming Guide – Kevin Martin - Civilian Agency IBR needs – Dan Milano - DoD EVMIG, Debbie Tomsic - OMB August 2005 Guidance – Dennis White Forward Plan - Conduct May 2007 PMI-CPM IBR Workshop with EVM community to gather satisfaction levels and recommendations – Humphreys / Houser - Assess and recommend IBR Guide revisions Note: during the Jan 2007 NDIA PMSC meeting, Debbie Tomsic indicated a single NDIA IBR guide for all Government agencies and departments was acceptable

6 6 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Forward Plan Schedule April 25 - Report findings and preliminary recommendations - Excludes PMI-CPM workshop findings - Obtain PMCS concurrence on preliminary findings May 10 - PMI-CPM IBR Workshop - IBR Working Group members are encouraged to attend and assist with the IBR Workshop August NDIA PMSC Meeting - Incorporate PMI-CPM Workshop findings - IBR Working Group final recommendations for PMSC review and concurrence

7 7 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Findings: DoD EVMIG Capital Programming Guide EVM FAR Clause Application Guide Surveillance Guide Certification Guide Intent Guide OMB August 2005 Guidance Civilian Agency IBR needs The current guide is consistent with all of the documents reviewed by the IBR Working Group “The basic IBR process is basically the same in a pre or post award situation” “The IBR guide should remain a ‘What” and not a ‘How To” document” “The document provides a generic vehicle to allow coverage for both contract and program level IBRs because of it’s high level.”

8 8 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Workgroup Recommendations: Provide an acronym list Application and Intent Guides have an acronym list Provide a “code of conduct” section Surveillance and System Acceptance Guides have a “code of conduct” section Page 1, the Foreword, add language reflecting OMB IBR requirements Current guide only addresses DoD requirements Page 8, Guidance section, last paragraph should include references that would include program level IBRs The current paragraph reads: “Principal factors that influence time and effort include project management and risk planning, the authorization/ negotiation process, the number, type, and severity of the risks identified during preparation for and execution of the IBR, size and complexity of the project, number of organizations with program performance responsibilities (such as, prime contractors, support contractors, and Government organizations) and, the number and experience level of the IBR team members.”

9 9 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Workgroup Recommendations, continued: Page 9 Expectations and Assumptions Upon determining the need for an IBR, the cognizant PMs should develop a plan for conducting the review. They should first define the objectives for the review. The plan should then be consistent with expectations and program dynamics. The PMs should be familiar with the scope of work (e.g., the project statement of work or statement of objectives) before planning the IBR. And they should have a clear understanding of the management processes supporting the project, including the management of Government resources, prime contractors, and subcontractors.

10 10 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Workgroup Recommendations, continued: Page 12 Project Management Aspects- Statement of work/statement of objectives Work breakdown structure dictionary/matrix Work authorization document Control account plans Terms and acronyms Funding Budget and schedule baselines Government resource management Prime contractor management Subcontractor management Management reserve

11 11 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Next Steps April 25 - Incorporate PMSC approved revisions May 10 - PMI-CPM IBR Workshop - IBR Working Group members are encouraged to attend and assist with the IBR Workshop August NDIA PMSC Meeting - Review PMI-CPM Workshop findings and obtain PMSC concurrence - IBR Working Group final PMSC review and concurrence - Document will be revised during the meeting

12 12 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Summary The IBR guide is consistent with existing EVM FAR clause, Capital Programming Guide, and NDIA Guides Recommended clarifications - Program level IBRs - Government program effort - Add acronym list and code of conduct PMI-CPM IBR Workshop may identify additional revisions

13 13 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group THANK YOU TEAM for a job well done Walt Berkey, Lockheed Martin Sondra Ewing, Lockheed Martin Denis Hallman, Welkin / CSC Gary Humphreys, Humphreys & Associates Keith Kratzert, FAA Kevin Martin, KM Systems Group Dan Milano, FAA Debbie Tomsic, DoD Dennis White, RG

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