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Hope - Empowerment - Recovery Addictions Roundtable A Collaborative Peer Support Discussion Hope - Empowerment - Recovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Hope - Empowerment - Recovery Addictions Roundtable A Collaborative Peer Support Discussion Hope - Empowerment - Recovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hope - Empowerment - Recovery Addictions Roundtable A Collaborative Peer Support Discussion Hope - Empowerment - Recovery

2  Development of PSACC Standards of Practice  Important Questions  PSACC National Certification Handbook  Reviewing the Values, Principles of Practice & Code of Conduct  Moving forward Hope - Empowerment - Recovery

3  Originated from MHCC Peer Project  2010 cross country consultations & survey  developed the Peer Leaders Group (PLG) with representation from across Canada  resulted in the MHCC Guidelines and the PSACC Peer Support National Standards of Practice

4  values  principles of practice  code of conduct (the rules)  lived experience  knowledge requirements  experience requirements  competencies (the skills and abilities) our focus today future review

5 What are the important questions or issues that we need to address? Hope - Empowerment - Recovery

6 10 minute roundtable discussion 1. Do these values align with your work in peer support within the field of addictions? 2. If there are occurrences where the values do not align, how do they conflict? 3. Do you have any additional comments that you suggest need to be considered?

7 10 minute round table discussion 1. Do these principles of practice align with your work in peer support within the field of addictions? 2. If there are occurrences where the principles do not align, how do they conflict? 3. Do you have any additional comments that you suggest need to be considered?

8 5 minute round table discussion 1. Are peer supporters who work in the field of addictions able to abide by this code of conduct? 2. If there are occurrences where you believe there may be a conflict, please describe. 3. Are there any additional comments that you suggest need to be considered?

9  knowledge requirements  experience requirements  competencies (the skills and abilities) Future discussion Are you interested in participating in these future discussion? Please email us to be added to our mailing list: Subject: Addictions Peer Support Review

10 Hope - Empowerment - Recovery Thank You Hope - Empowerment - Recovery

11  A sense of hope for the future, rather than hopelessness, allowing peer support workers to be beacons of hope for others.  A sense of mastery over one’s life that includes self-care and resiliency strategies to help maintain a sense of wellness and emotional health, even if mental health challenges are still present.  A self-awareness that allows a person to know when stressors or stress levels are reaching an unhealthy level.  A confident and empowered sense of self within relationships and community that contributes to quality of life.  A readiness to share aspects of own lived experience in a manner that is helpful and keeps the focus on the peer’s experience. Adapted from MHCC Guidelines for the Practice of Peer Support, 2013

12  Hope  Demeanour  Interpersonal Relations  Communication  Self-Management & Resiliency  Flexibility & Adaptability  Self-Awareness & Confidence  Initiative & Commitment  Critical Thinking  Teamwork  Continuous Learning & Development

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