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Published byAbraham Ferguson Modified over 8 years ago
Interdisciplinary Writing Unit: Narrative, 4 th Grade Informational, 4 th Grade Narrative: A day in the life of… By: Suzannah Dell
Georgia Writing Test Given in 5 th grade 2 topics to write about –Imaginative –Related to personal experience Scored from 1-6, 6 is the highest Scored over –Creativity –Spelling –Mechanics –Grammar iculum/testing/writing.asp
Introduction to Unit 4 th Grade Narrative Social Studies GPS SS4H6: The student will explain westward expansions of America between 1801 and 1861. Describe territorial expansion with emphasis on the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the acquisitions of Texas ( the Alamo and independence), Oregon (Oregon Trail), and California (Gold Rush and the development of mining towns).
Pre-assessment Prompt Describe a day in the life of your mom or dad. Imagine that you found the last page of a story book that read, “That’s how I met the President.” Write a story using this sentence as the last sentence in the story.
Prewriting: Getting Ready to Write First step in writing process Brainstorm Jot ideas in phrases Graphic organizer Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Fill in graphic organizer individually
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Prewriting- graphic organizer Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will fill in their graphic organizer using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Graphic Organizer for Meriwether Lewis, William Clark or Sacagawea Characters with descriptions: Setting Place: Date of the Day: Weather: Plot Event 1: What happened when you first woke up? Details: 1. 2. 3. Event 3: What did you see during the day? Details: 1. 2. 3.
Event 2: What did you do during the day? Details: 1. 2. 3. Event 4: What happened in the afternoon? Details: 1. 2. 3. Ending or Conclusion: What happened before you went to sleep? Details: 1. 2. 3. Adapted by Suzannah Dell from Crosby, N. (2006). Story map about the Cherokee Indians. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, (READ 7140), GA.
Prewriting Scoring Guide Student Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvemen t Needed 1 Beginning (Setting) Setting is accurate to the timeline Setting is not accurate to the timeline Event 14 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 24 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 34 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 44 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event EndingThe plot is evident The plot is not evident Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Drafting Begin writing rough draft Use ideas from graphic organizer Write in sentences and paragraphs Skip lines Introduction introduces characters and setting Body lists details Conclusion wraps up the story, plot is evident
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Write rough draft individually
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Drafting- Rough Draft Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will write their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Drafting Scoring Guide Student Name: ______________________ Date: ____________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 Graphic Organizer/ Timeline All ideas from the graphic organizer and used accurate information from timeline are included Most ideas from graphic organizer and used accurate information from timeline are included Few ideas from graphic organizer and used some accurate information from timeline are included No ideas from graphic organizer and/or accurate information from timeline are included Beginning of Story Student introduced story using many details Student introduced story using few details Student introduced story using no details Event 1 In sentences 4 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 2 In sentences 4 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 3 In sentences 4 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Event 4 In sentences 4 details given for event 3 details given for event 2 details given for event 1 detail given for event Ending 4 details 3 details 2 details 1 detail Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Drafting scoring guide. Unpublished Manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Revising Author Read story Uses proofreader’s marks Add details Delete sentences not related to story Rearrange sequence of events only one who writes on the paper Partner Only gives suggestions
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Revise individually first Revise with small group of two to three
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Revising- Revise Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will revise their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Revising Scoring Guide Name: _________________________ Date: ____________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 Proofreader’s marks Proofreader’s marks used correctly throughout the story Proofreader’s marks throughout most of the story Some proofreader’s marks throughout the story Very little proofreader’s marks in a few areas of the story CharactersDetails added about characters Details not added about characters EventsDetails added to events Details not added to events SequenceSequence of story makes sense Sequence of story somewhat makes sense Sequence of story does not make sense Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Revising scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Editing Author Edits alone Complete sentences Spelling Ending punctuation Capitalization Uses proofreader’s marks Quotation marks Partner Makes suggestions Does not write on paper
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Revise individually Revise in pairs
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Editing- Edited Model Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will edit their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Editing Scoring Guide Name: ________________ Date: _________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 Complete Sentences All sentences are complete Most sentences are complete Few sentences are complete No sentences are complete SpellingAll word spellings have been corrected Most word spellings have been corrected Few word spellings have been corrected No word spellings have been corrected Ending Punctuation All punctuatio n has been corrected Most punctuatio n has been corrected Few punctuation has been corrected No punctuation has been corrected Capitalizatio n All capitalizat ion errors have been corrected Most capitalizat ion errors have been corrected Few capitalization errors have been corrected No capitalization errors have been corrected Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Publishing Rewrite story Make all changes Correct spellings Punctuation used Capitalization Complete sentences Legible handwriting Published piece will be sent home in the form of a book
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Work individually to write final story
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Publishing- publish writing
Publishing Scoring Guide Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 HandwritingLegible handwriting Mostly legible handwriting With some legible handwriting No legible handwriting CapitalizationNo errors in capitalization 1 capitalization error 2-3 capitalization errors 4 or more capitalization errors SpellingNo errors in spelling 1 spelling error 2-3 spelling errors 4 or more spelling errors PunctuationAll sentences have punctuation Some sentences have punctuation No sentences have punctuation SentencesAll sentences are complete 1 incomplete sentence 2-3 incomplete sentences 4 or more incomplete sentences Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Publishing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Accommodations and Modifications for Student with ADHD Write about two events instead of three Extra time will be given finish writing processes Sit in front of room during practice activity Extra help during revising and editing
Interdisciplinary Writing Unit: Informational, 4 th Grade A Report
Georgia Writing Test Given in 5 th grade 2 topics to write about –Imaginative –Related to personal experience Scored from 1-6, 6 is the highest Scored over –Creativity –Spelling –Mechanics –Grammar iculum/testing/writing.asp
Introduction to Unit 4 th Grade Informational Science S4E3 Students will differentiate between the states of water and how they relate to the water cycle and weather. e. Investigate different forms of precipitation and sky conditions (rain, snow, sleet, hail, clouds, and fog).
Pre-assessment Prompt If you could invent something, what would you invent and what would it do? Think about the most important thing you own and explain why it is important to you.
Prewriting: Getting Ready to Write First step in writing process Brainstorm Jot ideas in phrases Graphic organizer Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Fill in graphic organizer individually
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Prewriting- graphic organizer Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will fill in their graphic organizer using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Prewriting Scoring Guide Student Name: __________________ Date: _____________________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 TopicIncludes a topic Does not include a topic BodyIncluded information about all areas on the graphic organizer Included information about most areas on the graphic organizer Included information about some areas on the graphic organizer Included information about few areas on the graphic organizer Conclusion4 or more feelings about the weather condition 3 feelings about the weather condition 2 feelings about the weather condition 1 feeling about the weather condition Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Drafting Begin writing rough draft Use ideas from graphic organizer Write in sentences and paragraphs Skip lines 3 body paragraphs about topic Give details Write closing sentence
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Write rough draft individually
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Drafting- Rough Draft Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will write their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Drafting Scoring Guide Authors Name: __________ Date: ____________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 TopicTopic statedTopic is not stated Body 1Relates to the topic Somewhat relates to the topic Does not relate to the topic Body 2Relates to the topic Somewhat relates to the topic Does not relate to the topic Body 3Relates to the topic Somewhat relates to the topic Does not relate to the topic ConclusionIncludes 4 details Includes 3 details Includes 2 details Includes 1 detail ClosingClosing sentence included Closing sentence not included SentencesAll sentences are complete Some sentences are complete No sentences are complete Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Drafting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Revising Author Read report Uses proofreader’s marks Delete sentences not related to story Rearrange sequence of events only one who writes on the paper Partner Only gives suggestions
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Revise individually first Revise with small group of two to three
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model Revising- Revise Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will revise their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Revising Scoring Guide Name: _________________Date: ____________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 Proofreader’s marks Proofreader’s marks used correctly throughout the story Proofreader’s marks throughout most of the story Some proofreader’s marks throughout the story Very little proofreader’s marks in a few areas of the story Topic Information deleted that did not pertain to the topic Information not related to the topic was not deleted Reader Content fit the reader Content somewhat fit the reader Content did not fit the reader Sequence Sequence of story makes sense Sequence of story somewhat makes sense Sequence of story does not make sense Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Revising scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Editing Author Edits alone Complete sentences Spelling Punctuation Capitalization Uses proofreader’s marks Quotation marks Partner Makes suggestions Does not write on paper
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Revise individually Revise in pairs
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Editing- Edited Model Culture/Linguistic Non standard English speaking students will fill edit their rough draft using the form of language they are most familiar with magazines, videos and pictures will build background knowledge
Editing Scoring Guide Name: ______________ Date: _________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvement Needed 1 Complete Sentences All sentences are complete Most sentences are complete Few sentences are complete No sentences are complete Spelling All word spellings have been corrected Most word spellings have been corrected Few word spellings have been corrected No word spellings have been corrected Punctuation All punctuati on has been corrected Most punctuati on has been corrected Few punctuation has been corrected No punctuation has been corrected Capitalizatio n All capitaliza tion errors have been corrected Most capitaliza tion errors have been corrected Few capitalization errors have been corrected No capitalization errors have been corrected Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Publishing Rewrite story Make all changes Correct spellings Punctuation used Capitalization Complete sentences Legible handwriting Published piece will be hung up in the hall
Practice Activity Shared writing used in whole groups Assessment Activity Work individually to write final report
Modeling Teacher will show students completed model for each stage and will explain processes for completing each model –Publishing- publish writing
Publishing Scoring Guide Name: _____________________ Date: ___________ Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Progress Toward Meeting Standard 2 Improvem ent Needed 1 Handwritin g Legible handwritin g Mostly legible handwritin g With some legible handwritin g No legible handwritin g Capitalizat ion No errors in capitalizat ion 1 capitalizat ion error 2-3 capitalizat ion errors 4 or more capitalizat ion errors SpellingNo errors in spelling 1 spelling error 2-3 spelling errors 4 or more spelling errors Punctuatio n All sentences have punctuatio n Some sentences have punctuatio n No sentences have punctuatio n SentencesAll sentences are complete 1 incomplete sentence 2-3 incomplete sentences 4 or more incomplete sentences Comments: Total: Dell, S. (2006). Publishing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.
Accommodations and Modifications for Student with ADHD Write about two events instead of three Extra time will be given finish writing processes Sit in front of room during practice activity Extra help during revising and editing
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