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Spring Semester - Phase 2 Captain’s Meeting February 20, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Semester - Phase 2 Captain’s Meeting February 20, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Semester - Phase 2 Captain’s Meeting February 20, 2006

2 Introductions Dan Hazlett - Director, Intramurals Nancy Williams - Office Manager Josh Davis - Graduate Assistant Supervisors

3 Sports/Leagues Offered Softball$45.00 Fraternity, Graduate, Housing, Independent, Women, Co-Rec, Recreational 4 on 4 Flag Football$40.00 Fraternity, Graduate, Housing, Independent, Women 3 on 3 Hoops$40.00 Fraternity, Graduate, Housing, Independent Team Dodgeball$40.00 Fraternity, Graduate, Housing, Independent, Women, Co-Rec

4 Online Registration Tuesday 8AM - Wednesday12PM Must pay in the IM office before 12PM on Wednesday (Unpaid teams will automatically be removed from the schedule) Bring: Registration ticket, league card for each team with assigned captain, Cost Sheet, Team Summary Report, payment Can pay with check (made out to “Georgia Tech”), Visa, MasterCard……….NO CASH ALLOWED! Late Registration is Wednesday beginning at 1PM (for those not at the Captain’s Meeting) Instant scheduling Leagues will be set up as 4/5-team leagues

5 Updated League System Men’s School Championship – Graduate – Fraternity – Housing – Independent Co-Rec Championship Women’s Championship Recreational

6 Regular Season Registration concluded Wednesday at 5PM all changes will be completed by Thursday at 5PM. Teams MUST respond to changes by then. Captains should check their email frequently. Final schedules will be posted online by Friday at 5PM First day of play is March 8 th – Check Days of Play for each division carefully!

7 Playoffs Only top two teams of each division will advance Ranking does NOT determine playoff teams…Exception: the highest ranked 3rd-place team (in each league) will be given a wild card. Tie breakers First place teams seeded first based on rating score Second place teams and wild card team fill in bracket based on rating score

8 New League Information You should play in the league that fits your team unless that league is completely filled Only one team per fraternity in “Fraternity” League and one team per hall council in “Housing” League – must use official Fraternity/Hall Council name – Other teams play “Independent” League playoffs: top two from each league division plus one wildcard. Leagues play separate tournaments. School Championship Tournament – Champion and Runner-up from each league tournament will qualify for “School Championship” tournament

9 Ranking System Does NOT determine who makes playoffs Only determines where playoff teams are placed in the brackets The higher the rating score, the higher the team’s ranking Determining factors: * Record * Points Against * Opponents’ records * Sportsmanship Rating * Points For

10 Sportsmanship Rating Determined by the officials and supervisors of the game Scale is 0 - 4.0 Must average 2.75 to be considered for playoffs A rating of less than 1.5 in a game removes teams from all tie- breaking considerations Playoff rating is separate: Less than 2.75 = probation Less than 1.5 = forfeit loss Forfeits and No Shows do not count toward the average

11 Rosters Do not have to be submitted prior to your first game Can add players until playoffs begin, but not after May add in the office, on the courts, or in IMOnline Wednesday and Thursday Individual must be present with Buzz Card All participants must sign the waiver and be on the roster legally to be eligible for regular season AND playoffs Roster limit is fixed; teams cannot remove a player to add another player except documented injuries (by physician)

12 Roster limits Softball20 Team Dodgeball15 4 on 4 Flag Football10 3 on 3 Hoops6

13 Eligibility Not on probation, Co-ops must pay Activity & Rec Facility Fees prior to first game Must be taking 6 or more hours…graduating seniors may have 3-5 hours Faculty/staff must be full- time IPST students are eligible…….Intensive English students are not eligible Spouses are eligible for Co-Rec sports only. Must get Buzz Card Team forfeits all games in which ineligible player has participated……No Exceptions!

14 Required Fees All students MUST pay the Activity & Rec Facility Fees All Faculty/Staff must purchase a CRC Membership pass to gain access into the CRC.

15 One-Team Rule An eligible player may only play for one team per sport. They may also play on a co-rec team within the same sport. Acceptable… Graduate League Soccer and Co-Rec Soccer Unacceptable… Housing League Billiards and Independent League Billiards Second team the player signs up on will forfeit all games played by person playing on two teams. Women can play in men’s OR women’s league, plus a Co- Rec league

16 No Shows & Forfeits A No Show (NS) is defined as not having any one member of the team sign in for the game (NS is a forfeit) A Forfeit (F) is defined as not having enough members signed in to start the game at the scheduled game time Game Time = Forfeit Time - teams must be signed in and ready to play Two No Shows = removal from league play One No Show = removal from all tie-breaking considerations Three Forfeits = removal from league play

17 All ejected players must leave the playing area immediately or a forfeit will be called (out of sight and sound) Must email director or graduate assistant to arrange a meeting… no walk-in meetings allowed Meetings must occur prior to the player’s next game Ejected players are deemed ineligible for all sports until meeting with director or graduate assistant Ejections

18 Captain’s Responsibilities Sign up team(s) Understand and enforce eligibility rules Keep in contact with Intramural Office Notify team members of rules and schedules Represent team at all meetings if applicable Check the accuracy of the standings and/or scores Maintain high standards of sportsmanship Keep informed of the rules of conduct Ensure team attends all scheduled games

19 Online Registration Accessed through Intramural Home Page Choose a unique name, Card ID and password on Registration Ticket Be PATIENT Must pay at IM Office before 12PM on Wednesday Bring Team Summary (receipt) report to office when signing up your team (printout) Must have different captains on Team Cards for multiple teams in the same sport – Exception: One person can be captain of both a Co-Rec and a Men’s Team/Women’s Team

20 Online Registration – Step by Step Login to Follow the link to the Online Registration Login using the Card ID and password on your card Enter your personal information (can do this following captains meeting) Select your league, day and time and sign up your team using ‘+’ sign next to term/day/division Sign up any additional teams Print Summary Report Come by the Intramural Office and bring the Summary Report, Cost Sheet, ID Card, and method of payment

21 The Login Use the password and Card ID given on the back of your Captain’s Card. Please make the user name unique, like your first and last name with no spaces.

22 Entering a Captain 1) Enter Login Name, card ID and card password. 2) Enter in captain’s information. Student ID will be required here. Starred items are required fields. 3) Click Submit to enter captain’s information into IMTrack If you go to enter your captain's information and you get an error that says “Member ID not in database”, CALL the IM Office. Do not email if you want expeditious service in this matter.

23 Signing up a Team 1) Check captain’s information to ensure that it is correct. If incorrect, click Edit Information. 2) Click on + next to term you would like to register.

24 Signing up a Team 1) Start the team registration process by selecting a sport, then select a day of play, select a league and time for the sport you want to play 2) If a spot is available for your team, click in the field and add your team name. Next, click the drop-down arrow and select your team color. 4) Prices for the sports for this semester and the balance due for payment in the IM office 3) Click on Buy Team to add your team When there is no space in the desired division, that means the division is full and you must find another time.

25 Payment* 1) Once you are complete, click on Logout 2) Print a copy of your receipt and bring to IM office to pay for your teams *Payment is due by 12:00pm on Wednesday, February 22 nd. If not paid by then, the system will remove your team.

26 Spring Intramural Information Correspondence information LocationCRC 4 th Floor Office Phone404.894.9984 Office

27 Additional Information When registering, use Internet Explorer No apostrophes in team names New league system Team names must not closely resemble names already registered (i.e. fraternities/hall councils) Modified & new point system New GT alias and RS Manager

28 Special Events National Recreational Sports & Fitness Day February 22 nd Poker TournamentMarch 2 nd Georgia Collegiate Basketball ChampionsMarch 10 th – 12 th Health & Fitness ChallengeMarch 30 th NIBCApril 21 st – 23 rd

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