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An Introduction to producing Official Statistics Thursday 26 th April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to producing Official Statistics Thursday 26 th April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to producing Official Statistics Thursday 26 th April 2012

2 Welcome, aims & key roles Julie Wilson Deputy Chief Statistician Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance

3 Seminar delegates today Public Bodies who have been producing Official Statistics for 16 months Public Bodies who will become a producer of Official Statistics in June 2012 Scottish Government statistical and policy staff

4 Today’s Aims Legislation Guidance, support and workshop Understanding key roles Broader Context Ministerial Relationship Reflections from fellow producer and ASD UK Statistics Authority

5 Background – key legislation 2007 - Statistics and Registration Services Act –Defined ‘Official Statistics’ and stated who produces them. Created UK Statistics Authority –Created ‘Code of Practice for Official Statistics’ 2008 - Pre-release access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2008 - Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2010 - Official Statistics (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 - Official Statistics (Scotland) Amendment Order

6 Key roles Lead official within the producer body responsible for the production of statistical outputs within their organisation ie operational matters, and for compliance with the Code of Practice and pre- release arrangements. Sponsor ASD at SG to provide statistical advice, on code compliance etc. Chief Statistician to provide statistical advice on breaches and other issues (like Chief Statistician’s current role for NRS & ISD)

7 Communication channel Producer Body Ministers Scottish Government - ASD Scottish Government - Chief Statistician

8 Key Note Address Roger Halliday Chief Statistician Scottish Government Thursday 26 th April 2012

9 What makes Official Statistics different to other statistics?  Used in big decision making and policy evaluation  Inform government  Inform the public about government  Produced within legislative framework  Follow international standards  Candidate for National Statistics kite mark

10 Key developments in UK  First Official Statistics Code  1997 elections and development of “National Statistics”  Run up to Statistics & Registration Service Act 2007  Scottish Parliament endorsement

11 Scotland and UK - differences  Fewer issues of perceived interference  So less emphasis on trust and more on usefulness/relevance to decision making  Very different approach to pre-release access  Reminder that statistics are devolved  Not the UK “transparency” agenda  Our own Framework – comments welcome: ramework/frameworkcon#top ramework/frameworkcon#top

12 Role of Chief Statistician and Heads of Profession  The “responsible statistician”  Susan Burney covers NHS – National Services Scotland  Chief Statistician covers everything else except NRS  Roles set out in Framework  But some differences for new producers – to be explained later via guidance

13 Role of National Statistician  Head of Government Statistical Service (GSS)  Indirect role in Scotland but there are times when National Statistician is involved (e.g. Breaches, Exemptions and the Assessment process)  See National Statistician’s web pages statistician/index.html statistician/index.html statistician/index.html

14 Focus for New Producers  Understand your interaction with Ministers and policy  Prioritise the key standards now  Staged approach to other standards is fine  Resource issues  Role of Responsible person  Tease out roles at the public body

15 Conclusion  Crucial role of Official Statistics in informing government and public  Impact of NPF/SOA – importance of quality statistics  Austerity is a challenge to all producers (‘New’ and ‘Old’)  Steep learning curve  Welcome to the family!

16 Code of Practice for Official Statistics & Guidance David Campbell Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance Thursday 26 th April 2012

17 Today’s aims…. Code Guidance Breaches

18 Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 Overall objective: To promote and safeguard the quality of official statistics that serve the public good. Created UK Statistics Authority: Prepare, adopt and publish a code of practice.


20 Code of Practice for Official Statistics Replaced the National Statistics Code of Practice (the old code) Draws on international guidelines Extensive public consultation (published) 8 Principles with 53 practices 3 Protocols with further 21 practices

21 Principles and Protocols of the Code of Practice Principle 1: Meeting user needs Principle 2: Impartiality and objectivity Principle 3: Integrity Principle 4: Sound methods and assured quality Principle 5: Confidentiality Principle 6: Proportionate burden Principle 7: Resources Principle 8: Frankness and accessibility Protocol 1: User engagement Protocol 2: Release practices Protocol 3: The use of administrative sources for statistical purposes

22 Where not to interpret the code too literally: –Where there is a reference to the National Statistician this should be read as the Chief Statistician (3.5, 5.5, Protocol 2.8) –Protocol 2.3 on the UK Publication Hub – at Scottish Government we link to our statistics topic pages rather than individual publications. You should think about how you plan to promote your outputs through the Hub. It is important that users go to your website as the prime place to go for your statistics rather than the UK Hub.

23 Best practice guide for Official Statistics Code has been framed to support assessment of compliance National Statistics = Code Certified Exceptions/Exemptions – UKSA decide if OK Does not cover Pre-release Access (except early access for Quality Assurance) Breadth of Official statistics UK Statistics Authority considers Official Statistics to be National Statistics in waiting Worth noting 1

24 Worth noting 2 Focus on what’s relevant today. User engagement has a strong focus Admin sources and MI recognised as increasingly important issues Code will be reviewed and updated Code is IMPERATIVE & DYNAMIC….


26 How do we use the Code? Refer, assess, interpret Satisfy yourself that you are complying Refer to your sponsor ASD if in doubt Note any weakness (and strengths) – build into your improvement plans Code is top tier of the guidance but is not always crystal clear

27 Guidance TIER 1 – UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice TIER 2 – National Statistician’s guidance booklets TIER 3 – Scottish Government guidance TIER 4 – Your own guidance?

28 National Statistician’s guidance booklets Quality, Methods and Harmonisation Presentation & Publication Confidentiality Use of Administrative or Management Information

29 SG guidance - Corporate Policy Statements As per the Code of Practice, you will find the following on the Statistics pages on SG website: SG Revisions Policy SG Confidentiality Policy SG Corporate Policy Statement on Quality SG Quality Assurance guidance SG Statement of Administrative Sources New Producers should think about their own version of these and publish them on their website. Your statistical staff should comply with these policies.

30 Scottish Government guidance On SG Intranet Detailed and procedural – always evolving Useful to staff as sets out what to do Encompass SG/ Devolved Administration considerations On SG website Concise and consolidated version for New Producers with focus on producing Official Statistics On internet for bodies to access:

31 SG guidance for Official Statistics Producers 1.Pre-Announcement 2.Release practices 3.Unbiased commentary and presentation 4.Quality Assurance 5.Consultation/engaging with users 6.Management information 7.Other requirements 8.Scrutiny by the UK Statistics Authority 9.Pre-release Access order

32 Your own Guidance Inevitable that you will develop this as your experience of producing Official Statistics grows Tailor it to suit your Organisational needs and particular data needs

33 You could develop your own Example Bank to sit with your guidance……. ……think about what you do when you apply the code to your work…. Collection of REAL instances of applying Code……CASE LAW? Particularly helpful for those grey areas Helps you share best practice Helps you understand best practice Lets you demonstrate best practice Helps you drive up standards Efficient!

34 Breaches Alert your own ‘HoP’ and your ASD contact who will alert the SG ASD Senior Statistician & Chief Statistician Investigation needed then report breach (if a major breach). Keep records of minor breaches. National Statistician involvement Public acknowledgment on your website and on UKSA site NB - Learn from mistakes. Improve procedures. UK Statistics Authority publicly praised us for our timely updates to breaches part of our website – helps with integrity and public perception of the statistics

35 Considerations…. Official statistics –comply with key parts of Code National Statistics –future programme of work for bodies –can you demonstrate Code compliance? Breaches – minimise and learn from

36 PRE-RELEASE ACCESS TO OFFICIAL STATISTICS Janette Purbrick Thursday 26 th April 2012

37 To cover Legislation – background, scope & purpose Legislation – background, scope & purpose Arrangements across the UK Arrangements across the UK When should you give pre-release access? When should you give pre-release access? What should you be doing? What should you be doing? Responsibilities of those receiving pre-release access Responsibilities of those receiving pre-release access How the UK Government rules affect you How the UK Government rules affect you Experience to date and issues that have arisen Experience to date and issues that have arisen Considerations Considerations Where to go for help Where to go for help

38 Legislation - Background New Code of Practice applies to whole of UK but separate pre-release access arrangements in each administration New Code of Practice applies to whole of UK but separate pre-release access arrangements in each administration Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2008 came into force on 1 December 2008 Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2008 came into force on 1 December 2008 Applies to early access given to Ministers and others to official statistics in their final form prior to publication. Applies to early access given to Ministers and others to official statistics in their final form prior to publication. Timing remains at 5 working days (1 day for market sensitive statistics) Timing remains at 5 working days (1 day for market sensitive statistics) Procedures and compliance are now stricter Procedures and compliance are now stricter Compliance (for National Statistics) will be assessed by UK Statistics Authority Compliance (for National Statistics) will be assessed by UK Statistics Authority

39 Legislation - scope Order applies to all official statistics Order applies to all official statistics Order does not apply to early access to statistics for QA purposes – this is covered by the Code of Practice Order does not apply to early access to statistics for QA purposes – this is covered by the Code of Practice QA access timing is at the discretion of the responsible statistician QA access timing is at the discretion of the responsible statistician You must be able to evidence that value is added by involving colleagues in QA You must be able to evidence that value is added by involving colleagues in QA The QA period must not be used for preparing ministerial briefing The QA period must not be used for preparing ministerial briefing

40 Legislation - purpose To increase public trust in official statistics through greater clarity and transparency To increase public trust in official statistics through greater clarity and transparency Internationally recognised principle of equality of access to National Statistics Internationally recognised principle of equality of access to National Statistics Pre-release access on a “need to know” basis Pre-release access on a “need to know” basis Ensures that those who need to comment at the time of release can be properly informed Ensures that those who need to comment at the time of release can be properly informed

41 Arrangements across the UK Different arrangements for each administration UK Government & Northern Ireland – 24 hours for all official statistics UK Government & Northern Ireland – 24 hours for all official statistics Wales – similar to Scotland – 5 working days Wales – similar to Scotland – 5 working days And now onto the practicalities….

42 When should you give pre-release access? To ensure Ministers and key officials can comment on the statistics on an informed basis at the time of release To ensure Ministers and key officials can comment on the statistics on an informed basis at the time of release To enable public bodies whose functions are described by the statistics to comment on an informed basis To enable public bodies whose functions are described by the statistics to comment on an informed basis To allow Communications staff to comment on the statistical news release To allow Communications staff to comment on the statistical news release To ensure related publications or other material being prepared for release at some time (or shortly after) are properly informed by the correct figures To ensure related publications or other material being prepared for release at some time (or shortly after) are properly informed by the correct figures In other exceptional cases where this would not damage public trust In other exceptional cases where this would not damage public trust

43 What should you be doing? Ensuring key policy and communications contacts are aware of new rules Ensuring key policy and communications contacts are aware of new rules Ensuring recipients are told why they are given access and that they must only use the statistics for this purpose Ensuring recipients are told why they are given access and that they must only use the statistics for this purpose Ensuring recipients are aware of their responsibilities under the pre-release order Ensuring recipients are aware of their responsibilities under the pre-release order Marking all files relating to pre-release statistics as “ restricted” until the date of release Marking all files relating to pre-release statistics as “ restricted” until the date of release Only sending pre-release statistics to named individuals, not generic mailboxes. We have some exceptions in SG: Only sending pre-release statistics to named individuals, not generic mailboxes. We have some exceptions in SG: Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers Directors General Directors General OCS Forthcoming publications OCS Forthcoming publications

44 What should you be doing? – cont. Ensuring we can justify why access is being given and keeping a record of all recipients and reason for access Ensuring we can justify why access is being given and keeping a record of all recipients and reason for access Reporting any wrongful disclosure to your statistical Head of Profession (Breaches) Reporting any wrongful disclosure to your statistical Head of Profession (Breaches) The UK Statistics Authority may investigate possible breaches The UK Statistics Authority may investigate possible breaches

45 Responsibilities of those receiving pre-release access Responsibilities of those receiving pre-release access Must only use pre-release statistics for the purpose for which access granted Must only use pre-release statistics for the purpose for which access granted Must not use the access for personal or political gain Must not use the access for personal or political gain Must not pass pre-release statistics on to others or disclose any indication of the content Must not pass pre-release statistics on to others or disclose any indication of the content Must not use early access for quality assurance purposes as time to prepare ministerial briefing Must not use early access for quality assurance purposes as time to prepare ministerial briefing Must not save to a shared area Must not save to a shared area

46 Responsibilities of those receiving pre-release access – cont. Ministerial statements and policy briefing on the statistics must retain marking “Restricted Statistics” until the time of publication Ministerial statements and policy briefing on the statistics must retain marking “Restricted Statistics” until the time of publication Embargoed early access can no longer be given to journalists Embargoed early access can no longer be given to journalists Any accidental or wrongful release must be reported to the responsible statistician Any accidental or wrongful release must be reported to the responsible statistician Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) useful Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) useful

47 How UK Government rules affect us Where UK Depts publish devolved statistics it is not always clear which pre-release access rules apply Where UK Depts publish devolved statistics it is not always clear which pre-release access rules apply Depends on the type of publication. E.g. Depends on the type of publication. E.g. Joint publication - where we publish devolved statistics at the same time as UK Gov Dept publishes UK-wide statistics - e.g. Income inequality and poverty statistics Joint publication - where we publish devolved statistics at the same time as UK Gov Dept publishes UK-wide statistics - e.g. Income inequality and poverty statistics Government Compendia – publishing comparisons across the UK – e.g. General Household report on smoking and drinking Government Compendia – publishing comparisons across the UK – e.g. General Household report on smoking and drinking Where UK Government or a UK-wide body publishes a separate country publication on a devolved matter Where UK Government or a UK-wide body publishes a separate country publication on a devolved matter

48 Experience to date Some issues that have arisen: Some issues that have arisen: Pre-release access to representative bodies Pre-release access to representative bodies Senior Management Team (SMT) Senior Management Team (SMT) Access to draft pages on your internet editor Access to draft pages on your internet editor Issues around access to management information Issues around access to management information

49 Considerations SG Pre-release access review in 2010 concluded that rules were working well. SG Pre-release access review in 2010 concluded that rules were working well. UK Statistics Authority constantly campaign for PRA to be minimised. UK Statistics Authority constantly campaign for PRA to be minimised. Your duty to uphold rules – minimise leaks Your duty to uphold rules – minimise leaks

50 For help…. Guidance is available Guidance is available Please continue to contact your sponsor ASD for advice. They will pass ‘grey area’ queries to OCSP. Please continue to contact your sponsor ASD for advice. They will pass ‘grey area’ queries to OCSP.

51 The Ministerial relationship with Official Statistics Mrs Julie Wilson Deputy Chief Statistician

52 Who is involved? Portfolio Ministers Minister for Statistics – Mr Swinney Chief Statistician – authorised delegate for Scottish Ministers

53 Scope Portfolio ministers agree which outputs that can be published as Scottish Official Statistics Process is via your ASD by ministerial submission – examples available

54 Major user Ministers are a major user of your statistics – not just the published figures but also any internal Management Information. Include Ministers in consultations about your statistics.

55 Forthcoming Publications Pre-announcement mechanism Ministerial stage (1 week to view)

56 Pre-release Access Ministers may need to comment on your outputs and should be included in the Pre- release access stage if applicable. Ministers do not take part in the QA process.

57 News Releases The Code says that policy and/or Ministerial statements about your statistics must be separate to your own statistical new release.

58 National Statistics Designation It is Ministers who put Official Statistics forward for formal assessment and designation by the UKSA.

59 Where Ministers are not involved Ministers have no say in the format, content and timing of your outputs and it would be classed as a breach of the Code if they did try and influence you on these matters. You must produce your statistics in an environment that is free from political interference.

60 Conclusion Ministers are important in Official and National Statistics If in doubt about whether you need to involve your Minister at any stage, contact your ASD rep for advice

61 Statistical Support for Public Bodies Chris Newson Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance Scottish Government

62 Presentation Outline Today I will talk to you about: Today I will talk to you about: The role of ASD Support Teams; The role of ASD Support Teams; The ScotStat Public Sector Analysts Network; The ScotStat Public Sector Analysts Network; Online resources that may be of use; and Online resources that may be of use; and The support we can provide. The support we can provide. Time at the end for any questions Time at the end for any questions

63 ASD Support Teams It is the role of analytical staff in teams sponsoring the public body to provide support and advice on compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, this may cover: It is the role of analytical staff in teams sponsoring the public body to provide support and advice on compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, this may cover: Pre Release Access Pre Release Access Preparing for product assessment Preparing for product assessment The principals and protocols within the Code The principals and protocols within the Code Ministerial correspondence Ministerial correspondence

64 ScotStat Public Sector Analysts Network Open to anyone from Local Government or other public bodies as well as academics No need to be an analyst by profession About sharing analytical knowledge and experience For more information or to join please visit For more information or to join please visit Or contact me at: Or contact me at: 0131 244 0443 0131 244 0443

65 Network Purpose Develop mutual understanding of statistical needs and opportunities between local authorities, public bodies and Scottish Government; Develop mutual understanding of statistical needs and opportunities between local authorities, public bodies and Scottish Government; Consider the best means for Scottish Government to share its analytical resources with other public bodies to build analytical capacity more widely; Consider the best means for Scottish Government to share its analytical resources with other public bodies to build analytical capacity more widely; Consider issues across public bodies in data collection in order to take a strategic approach to harmonisation and efficient use of resources; Consider issues across public bodies in data collection in order to take a strategic approach to harmonisation and efficient use of resources; Discuss how Scottish Government statistics are used by public bodies and how they might be improved to be of more benefit; Discuss how Scottish Government statistics are used by public bodies and how they might be improved to be of more benefit; Increase knowledge and understanding of functional issues (e.g. Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, Sample Surveys, Official Statistics), cross cutting themes (e.g. equality statistics, geographical statistics) and methodological issues (e.g. measuring change, reporting on targets). Increase knowledge and understanding of functional issues (e.g. Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, Sample Surveys, Official Statistics), cross cutting themes (e.g. equality statistics, geographical statistics) and methodological issues (e.g. measuring change, reporting on targets).

66 What the Network does The Network’s aims are met through demand-led local workshops and short lived working groups. The Network’s aims are met through demand-led local workshops and short lived working groups. Decisions of working groups and workshops are made by Network members. Decisions of working groups and workshops are made by Network members. Network members contribute to arrangement for workshops with support from Scottish Government Network members contribute to arrangement for workshops with support from Scottish Government Workshops can be tailored to specific needs Workshops can be tailored to specific needs The Network also aims to keep members informed of related work that may be of interest, such as the Local Outcome Indicators Project. The Network also aims to keep members informed of related work that may be of interest, such as the Local Outcome Indicators Project.

67 Analysts Network Workshops Can cover any methodological or cross-cutting issue, such as: Can cover any methodological or cross-cutting issue, such as: Presenting data Presenting data Using administrative sources Using administrative sources Understanding the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Understanding the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Using Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics ( Using Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics ( Or many other issues… Or many other issues… Free to attend Free to attend Held in a variety of locations, provided by members Held in a variety of locations, provided by members Tend to have 15 to 20 attendees so they can be interactive and tailored to specific needs or issues Tend to have 15 to 20 attendees so they can be interactive and tailored to specific needs or issues

68 Analysts Network Workshops All details of past workshops including materials and feedback received are available on the network website: Workshops All details of past workshops including materials and feedback received are available on the network website: Workshops Workshops Workshops Most past workshops can be re-run if there is sufficient demand from Network members. Most past workshops can be re-run if there is sufficient demand from Network members. There are some suggested workshop topics on the network pages There are some suggested workshop topics on the network pages

69 Some of the Past Network Workshops Understanding Economic Statistics, Edinburgh Understanding Economic Statistics, Edinburgh Contribution Analysis, Ayr Contribution Analysis, Ayr Interpreting the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, Glasgow Caledonian University Interpreting the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, Glasgow Caledonian University Forecasting and Projections, Aberdeen Forecasting and Projections, Aberdeen Data Access, Data Sharing and the Data Protection Act, Kirkcaldy Data Access, Data Sharing and the Data Protection Act, Kirkcaldy Measuring Change and Monitoring Targets, Kirkcaldy Measuring Change and Monitoring Targets, Kirkcaldy Statistics, Orkney Statistics, Orkney An Introduction to Understanding Data and Setting Targets, Edinburgh An Introduction to Understanding Data and Setting Targets, Edinburgh Survey Design and Analysis, Edinburgh City Council Survey Design and Analysis, Edinburgh City Council Surveys, Falkirk Surveys, Falkirk Equalities Data Workshop, Edinburgh Equalities Data Workshop, Edinburgh Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, Inverness Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, Inverness

70 Analysts Network Contact Details Website: Email: Phone: 0131 244 0443

71 Analytical Guidance Library Created by a short-lived working group of the Analysts Network Created by a short-lived working group of the Analysts Network Electronic library of analytical guidance material Electronic library of analytical guidance material Covers a magnitude of topic areas: Covers a magnitude of topic areas: Confidence intervals Confidence intervals Ethics Ethics Modelling Modelling Statistical Process Control Statistical Process Control tsnetwork/AnalyticalGuidanceLibrary tsnetwork/AnalyticalGuidanceLibrary tsnetwork/AnalyticalGuidanceLibrary tsnetwork/AnalyticalGuidanceLibrary

72 Methodology Glossary Quick reference materials for specific analytical techniques Quick reference materials for specific analytical techniques No previous understanding required, covers different levels (Tiers 1 and 2) No previous understanding required, covers different levels (Tiers 1 and 2) Tier 1 – Basic introduction to the technique Tier 1 – Basic introduction to the technique Tier 2 – More detailed how to guide with examples. Tier 2 – More detailed how to guide with examples. ogy/Glossary ogy/Glossary

73 One-to-one and Hands-on Analytical Support Available from the Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance

74 What other support can we offer? Statistical Support for Public Bodies Branch in the Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance Statistical Support for Public Bodies Branch in the Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance Methodological Questions Methodological Questions Advice or ‘sounding board’ for analytical projects Advice or ‘sounding board’ for analytical projects May be able to be involved in Local projects May be able to be involved in Local projects 0131 244 0443 0131 244 0443

75 Example I Involvement in a working group looking at data availability within a Community Planning Partnership (CPP) area Involvement in a working group looking at data availability within a Community Planning Partnership (CPP) area Offering critical friend and challenge role Offering critical friend and challenge role Information on data suitability and availability Information on data suitability and availability Liaise with colleagues in SG on specific topics Liaise with colleagues in SG on specific topics Helped in the production of a report setting out the current state of play in the CPP to assist in identifying priority areas of concern for the future Helped in the production of a report setting out the current state of play in the CPP to assist in identifying priority areas of concern for the future This developed the relationship we have with the CPP which is beneficial for both parties This developed the relationship we have with the CPP which is beneficial for both parties

76 Example II Methodological advice and assistance on hypothesis testing Methodological advice and assistance on hypothesis testing A colleague in Local Government was interested in analysing survey results by equalities characteristics and wanted to test for association between variables A colleague in Local Government was interested in analysing survey results by equalities characteristics and wanted to test for association between variables We provided advice on most appropriate test to use for this case We provided advice on most appropriate test to use for this case Developed a detailed how to guide that became part of the methodology glossary Developed a detailed how to guide that became part of the methodology glossary Provided further assistance to review the approach taken. Provided further assistance to review the approach taken. In the end because of the sample size it was difficult to use this technique however, we were still able to provide advice on the analysis and interpretation of the survey results In the end because of the sample size it was difficult to use this technique however, we were still able to provide advice on the analysis and interpretation of the survey results

77 Any Questions? Check out the Network website: If you think of anything later, feel free to contact us: 0131 244 0443


79 To cover GUIDANCE FOR PUBLIC BODIES PUBLISHING OFFICIAL STATISTICS IN SCOTLAND - Key Requirements in more detail Other issues/areas of interest Coffee Producer time

80 Guidance note 1. - Pre-Announcement Official Statistics publications should be pre-announced in 2 stages. Planned publications should be announced 12 months ahead, together with the planned month of release. The exact date of publication should be announced at least 4 weeks in advance. This is intended to prevent perception of political interference in the timing of release of the data but is also of considerable assistance to users who then know when new figures are due to be published. Any change of date must be published in the forthcoming publication schedule together with the reason for the change.

81 Guidance note 2 - Release practices Official Statistics should be published as soon as they are judged ready so that there is no opportunity, or perception of opportunity, for the release to be withheld or delayed for political reasons. All official statistics must be published at 9.30am on the day of publication. All official statistics should be announced by a statistical press release and this must not include any political commentary. Action must be taken to guard against leaks. Leaks include giving an indication of the direction of change e.g. if results were favourable. Colleagues granted pre-release must not share the data with anyone else – even members of their own team.

82 Guidance note 3 - Unbiased commentary and presentation The format and presentation of the statistics must be unbiased. The statistics must be published separately from any policy or Ministerial statement. However, the policy and operational context of the statistics should be explained objectively in the publication – for example by noting any government or performance targets informed by the data. Statements or comments on performance should be issued separately, for example in a ministerial press-release and/or a policy document published at the same time or after the official statistics publication.

83 Guidance note 4 - Quality Assurance You must ensure suitable process for quality checks are in place. A clear indication of the quality of the statistics detailing appropriate use and limitations should be provided in the release. A note of any plans to improve quality should also be included. Copying of draft statistics to others to assist in quality assurance, whilst to be encouraged, must be managed and records kept e.g. maintain a list of all QA recipients. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) can help minimise the chance of leaks

84 Guidance note 5 - Consultation/engaging with users Users should be involved in any plans to change the data collection, methodology or release arrangements. You should advise users of the publication plans and the intention to publish the data as official statistics Ideally, you should document how user engagement has influenced what you produce. Document the uses made of your statistics

85 Guidance note 6 - Management information Where management information is used to produce official statistics, public statements should be based on the published official statistics and not based on any similar, unpublished management information. Access should be given to management information and similar data when it is needed for supporting the day to day management/operation of the organisation or decision-making but it should not be used publicly before it has been published as official statistics.

86 Guidance note 7 - Other requirements You should publish on your website, details of your arrangements for ensuring confidentiality of any personal data collected. If you have any outputs that are subject to scheduled revisions, you should publish a Revisions Policy explaining how these are managed. Publish a Statement of Administrative Sources, which lists any administrative systems which feed into your official statistics. Report annually the estimated cost (for example, on business, service providers, or the public) of responding to statistical surveys. Strive to develop methods that will reduce the cost to individual organisations or people.

87 Guidance note 9 - The statutory requirements of the Pre-release order Access to official statistics in their final form before they are published is restricted. Such access is allowed only for specific purposes set out in the Pre- release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order (although there is scope for exceptions subject to due process) The main purpose is to ensure that those who must comment publicly at the time the statistics are produced, do so based on a correct understanding of the statistics. Access to draft results can be provided to individuals for the purpose of quality assuring descriptive commentary although the quality assurance of the figures themselves should have been completed much earlier. Access can be provided a maximum of 5 working days before publication (24 hours for market sensitive figures). A record must be kept of all those given access and why.

88 Media & Briefing The Press cannot see your statistics before they are published Your Statistical news release is written by you then published by you at the same time as your statistics Your policy and/or Ministerial colleagues might prepare a news release or a press briefing/conference to come out at the same time as your SNR. They can use the PRA period to prepare the briefing. It is fine for you to attend and comment at briefings but you can only comment on the statistics not the policies.

89 Example of press release with both statistical and policy type Provisional Sea Fisheries Statistics Statistical Release /03/17094627 /03/17094627 Ministerial Release 7114100 7114100

90 Document everything! A GOOD HABIT –Decision making process and agreed changes –Interaction with users –Keep register of adhoc requests –Publish where necessary Reviewing your documentation helps you improve your statistics and your processes

91 Early Access Quality Assurance Final Form LegislationCode of Practice Pre-release access Order Keep lists of those given access YES Ministerial Access NOYES Risk of leak?YES

92 Non-Disclosure Agreement As the recipient, please respond to this email indicating in your response you agree to the following restrictions regarding your early access to the pre-release statistics for the product named: The results you will receive will be in their final form and you are receiving access to ensure that those who need to comment at the time of release can do so based on an informed and correct interpretation of the figures. Pre-release access is restricted to I day/5 days. You will work with policy advisors or communications briefing must take place within these times. You will treat the material and any indication of the results as restricted until public release, which is scheduled for DD/MM/YY. You will retain any security markings that the product shows. You will not attempt to change the release date.

93 Non-Disclosure Agreement (Ctd) If any accidental release or wrongful release occurs you must let me know as soon as possible so that a breach can be recorded on the Scottish Government website.Scottish Government website If there are others within your work area who would like to contribute to the quality assurance process please do not forward this email or any data to them – instead forward their contact details to me for consideration. We keep detailed records of who has been given pre-release access and for how long the access lasts. These records are scrutinised by the UK Statistics Authority. For more information on your responsibilities when receiving pre-release access to official statistics please see the guidance.

94 Publication Checklist Think and plan ahead. What to do: Around 12 months before you publish About 2 months ahead 1 month before 5 days before (PRA period)

95 Your website Dedicated Official Statistics section? Explain what OS are, legislation and the date you became OS producer. Use this area to pre-announce, publish your statistics, engage with your users For examples, see SEPA and Scottish Funding Council websites

96 The role of the UK Statistics Authority Neil Jackson Official Statistics - New Producers’ Seminar 26 April 2012

97 Coverage of presentation Background and organisation of the Authority Monitoring function Assessment function Findings from Assessment

98 ONS Omnibus, 2007 Figures are generally accurate Figures are produced without political interference Government uses figures honestly %% Agree 362016 Neither agree nor disagree 312326 Disagree 335758 Base = 100%1112 Views about official statistics in general

99 EU Eurobarometer 2007 Do you trust official statistics?

100 Framework for National Statistics, 2000 New post - ‘National Statistician’ New set of rules - ‘Code of Practice’ New quality standard - ‘National Statistics’ New Watchdog –‘The Statistics Commission’

101 UK Statistics Authority Authority established by the Statistics and Registration Service Act, 2007 to promote and safeguard the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good A non-ministerial Department – overseen by Parliament, not a Government Minister Authority’s responsibilities extend to the whole of the UK - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

102 Monitoring Reviews Migration Statistics: The Way Ahead? Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics - A Review of the Statutory Arrangements Overcoming Barriers to Trust in Crime Statistics - England and Wales Strengthening User Engagement

103 Monitoring Briefs Knife crime statistics Gender pay gap The use made of official statistics Findings from Assessment Reports Scotland's major population surveys Creating official statistics from administrative data

104 Aims of Assessment to determine whether the Code of Practice for Statistics has been complied with to communicate to Parliament and the public the extent of compliance with the Code to help the producers of official statistics to enhance the quality of the statistical service

105 Elements of Assessment New statutory Code of Practice Self-evaluation evidence from producer teams Views of users, suppliers and other stakeholders Review of statistical releases and associated documentation

106 Designation Statistics… Meet identified user needs Are produced, managed and disseminated to high standards Are well explained

107 Published Assessment Reports as at April 2012 Scotland38 Wales16 Northern Ireland16 UK Government Departments69 Office for National Statistics40 Other19 Total198

108 Number of Requirements by Principle and Protocol; first 190 Assessments

109 Findings from assessment Better understand and communicate the use made of official statistics Improve the text that accompanies the first release of official statistics Improve the documentation of sources and methods Make better use of existing administrative data for statistical purposes Improve the comparability between some statistics produced by the four administrations

110 Typical Requirements Investigate and document the uses of these statistics and user needs; publish information about users’ experiences of these statistics Publish more information about the quality of the statistics, including strengths and limitations Improve the commentary in the statistical releases so that it aids user interpretation of the statistics

111 Impact of assessment Enhancing producers’ understanding of the use made of their statistics; Improving producers’ engagement with users of statistics outside their own organisations; and Improving the quality and accessibility of statistical releases – the ‘shop window’ of the statistical service

112 Questions?

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