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Atmosphere II Prevailing Winds Lifting Mechanisms Clouds and Fronts.

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2 Atmosphere II Prevailing Winds Lifting Mechanisms Clouds and Fronts

3 Coriolis Effect The Coriolis effect results from an object's tendency to want to go straight even though the surface it is travelling on is moving in a different direction. A result of things moving on a spinning surface. Imagine if we were on a fast moving merry- go-round throwing and rolling objects. The Earth is the spinning surface!

4 Plane Travelling South 1 From the planes perspective it is moving straight while the Earth is spinning.

5 Plane Travelling South 2 For an observer on the Earth the plane seems to be... What would happen on the southern hemisphere?

6 Summary of Coriolis Effect Anything moving on the Northern Hemispher drifts to the “right” as it travels. CW Anything moving on the Southern Hemisphere drifts to the left. CCW

7 Recall From Earlier Convection –Change in density due to temperature Advection –Air moves high pressure to low pressure

8 Hadley Cells Most of the year the area between the tropics (about the equator) receives more energy due to its low albedo. It warms the air above it and the air rises. (convection)‏ As it rises air must replace it from cooler regions. (advection)‏ This results in the formation convection belts that surround the world.

9 Idealized Hadley Cells

10 Jet Streams Between the Hadley cells in the upper atmosphere there are fast moving flows of air that travel around the world.




14 Prevailing Winds Hadley cells and the Coriolis effect combine to create the prevailing winds. The winds will change depending on the seasons.

15 What Effect Does All This Have on Climate? Air rising in a Hadley cell and drops rain. Air dripping from a Hadley cell drops and absorbs moisture. –Deserts and rain –Effects of wind

16 Watch a News Clip to See How Much You Know

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