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ATLAS Napoli Statistica del gruppo: – 16 autori 2 PhD (S.P. – G.Z.) – 1 in qualificazione (F.C.) – 14 M&O – 16.25 OT.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Napoli Statistica del gruppo: – 16 autori 2 PhD (S.P. – G.Z.) – 1 in qualificazione (F.C.) – 14 M&O – 16.25 OT."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Napoli Statistica del gruppo: – 16 autori 2 PhD (S.P. – G.Z.) – 1 in qualificazione (F.C.) – 14 M&O – 16.25 OT

2 OTP Class 1, 2 & 3

3 OTP Class 1, 2 & 3 – ITALIA 2014

4 OTP Class 1

5 OTP Class 2


7 OTP Class 3



10 OTP Class 4

11 OTP 2015 Stima Numero di Shift di Classe 1 e 2 per il 2015 (la tabella comprende gli shadow shift Sottraendo gli shadow shift il Numero di Shift di Classe 1 e’ circa 63 (30 blocchi da 2)  Servono 4 shift in ACR Classe 2: 368 unita’ di shift. Da quantificare le attivita’ previste

12 2015 - Shift P1

13 2015 - Shift P1 – Mail Polini With this announcement run coordination would like to remind you about the current P1 planning and invite you to contribute with shifts to the LHC startup period and beyond. After the TDAQ Technical Run week of Jan 26th, ATLAS will start with daily shifts (Feb 2nd-8th, 10am-6pm [mon-SUN]) for "Run Control” and "Trigger" in order to ease the preparation for stable running in Milestone 8. Milestone 8 will begin Feb 9th with full shiftcrew, 24/7. M8 will spill onto - and possibly fully cover - the week of Feb 16th. After M8 the plan is to keep the experiment running still with 24/7 shifts in preparation for the final validations, cosmic and calibration runs and the first beam splashes which would, according to the present LHC schedule, happen only a few weeks later. In case of delays, some shift desks could be cancelled by the relevant system run coordinator. We would like to continue collecting the names for shifts. The list of shift tasks is: - Shift Leader - Run Control Shifter - Trigger Shifter - Data Quality, Lumi, ADC - Inner Detector Shifter - Calo + Forward Shifter - Muon Shifter Two training session have been set for - Wed-Thu January 28th-29° - Wed-Thu February 25th-26th with a format similar to the one of last November. More trainings will be organized every 3-4 weeks at least for a few times in order to recruit enough shifters. Preliminary agendas (*) are now available. People interested should register to one of the trainings and contact the relevant system run coordinator(s) (see links below) in order to be added to the list of potential shifters and be prepared also for doing some shadow shifts. For shift leaders (and run control) the booking (first 3 months from M8 onwards) will be opened THIS THURSDAY January 8th 2pm. More information and updates will be posted as usual on the Run2Preparation twiki and an M8 training page:

14 Panoramica su RPC Lvl1&DAQ On-call

15 Restart in 2015 Beam Splashes First Collisions Schedule still compatible with earlier estimates VdM + low µ+ LHCf Technical Run M Preparation Atlas Week Validation of all Subsystems Subsystems update TDAQ version New TDAQ release New SW release 20.1 New TDAQ release New SW release 20.1 CTP commissioning and integration ATLAS Weekly EB, 13-15 January 2015 15 A. Polini, A. Cerri

16 Shift Training and Booking Booking for pre-luminosity period (February - April) Detector desks almost fully booked. Please consider booking Central Shifts (Shift Leader, Run Control, Trigger, DQ) !!! More info: Training sessions: Jan 28 th -29 th ; Feb 25 th -26 th Proposal for March 25 th - 26 th (i.e. one week before Easter). Keep similar periodicity for later sessions. A. Polini, A. Cerri ATLAS Weekly EB, 13-15 January 2015 16 The list of participants for Jan 25-26 training is getting very long, please consider the next training sessions (February and beyond).

17 On-Call Experts in Run1 Riccardo Vari (Roma1) Vincenzo Izzo Massimo Della Pietra Franz Safai Tehrani (Roma1) Francesca Pastore (Roma1) Mimmo Della Volpe Stelian Buda (CERN) Stefano Veneziano (Roma1)* Andrea Salamon (Roma2)* * = 1 turni/year Manpower

18 On-Call Experts in Run1 Riccardo Vari (Roma1) Vincenzo Izzo Massimo Della Pietra Franz Safai Tehrani (Roma1) Francesca Pastore (Roma1) Mimmo Della Volpe Stelian Buda (CERN) Stefano Veneziano (Roma1)* Andrea Salamon (Roma2)* On-Call Experts in Run2 Riccardo Vari (Roma1) Vincenzo Izzo Massimo Della Pietra (*?) Sabrina Perrella Claudio Luci (Roma1) Paolo Iengo (CERN) * = 1 turni/year Manpower

19 Turni On-Call 24/7 (da lunedì a lunedì) (principali interazioni con Muon, Trigger, Run Control shifters, SL) - Controllo principali istogrammi dei run notturni - Partecipazione Daily Meeting (9:30) - Validazione istogrammi presa dati del giorno precedente (entro le 12:00 o 14:00) - Monitoring principali tools per avvio run (spesso entro le 20:00) Principali azioni - Test accesso e comunicazione elettronica on-detector e off-detector (via ssh) - Powercycling remoto di moduli di elettronica (via tool grafico) - Utilizzo di tool specifici, non controllabili da Muon Shifter, per casi particolari - Inclusione o esclusione di settori nei run di presa dati (via editor di testo) Duties

20 Arturo On Jan 20, 2015, at 12:15 PM, Andrei Kazarov wrote: > Hi Arturo, > > Thanks for participating, >  You are added to the list in OTP, try to book some slots. As you may be know, for people without experience, we are asking not to book night/weekend shifts as your first shift -take 1-2 shadow shifts >  For shadow shifts, are you around in 2-6 Feb when we have pre-M8 week and we are planning to have some traning sessions right in ACR. Ciao Gianpaolo, Unfortunately I will be flying while the meeting is ongoing but I would like to mention my idea/plans for the shifts: a) Take the Muon shift training of 28-29 January 2015 as here: b) Take the Run Control shift of 25-26 February 2015 as here: c) Take at least 3 ADCoS shifts per month as the past year. My name was added to the Run Control OTP booking system, and it will be added for Muons for the next round of shifter-requests.

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