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Lesson 4 Programming Techniques Exception Handling /EH/ AUBG ICoSCIS Team Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Bonev March, 23 - 24, 2013 SWU, Blagoevgrad.

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1 Lesson 4 Programming Techniques Exception Handling /EH/ AUBG ICoSCIS Team Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Bonev March, 23 - 24, 2013 SWU, Blagoevgrad

2 Time Schedule March 23, Saturday -March 24, Sunday –10:00 – 10:4509:00 – 09:45 –11:00 – 11:4510:00 – 10:45 –12:00 – 12:4511:00 – 11:45Lunch Break (45’) –13:30 – 14:1512:30 – 13:15 –14:30 – 15:1513:30 – 14:15 –15:30 – 16:1514:30 – 15:15

3 3 Lecture Contents: §EH – Theory §EH – Practice §Demo Programs

4 4 EH – Theory §Obsolete PL are designed/implemented in a way that user programs can not detect/react with errors and specific cases. An occurrence of an error causes the program to terminate and transfer control back to OS as master caller. §The typical OS reaction to a run-time error is to display diagnostic message (meaningful or highly cryptic) and to terminate the program. §How to detect errors & attempt to recover without loss of app control?

5 5 EH – Theory §Over years, different mechanisms have evolved §Old systems non structured approach: error checking based on if stmt explicit tests of l special RTL function return values or l some auxiliary global variable such as C's errno or l floating point status flags or l input validation to filter exceptional cases §Structured approach: error checking based on exceptions and EH techniques

6 6 EH – Theory §Exception – any unusual event (erroneous or not) detectable by hardware or by software and that may require special processing. §Exception Handling – a special processing that may be required by the detection of an exception. §Exception Handler – a program code that is used to do the special processing, i.e. exception handling. §Exception is raised when the associated event occurs.

7 7 EH – Theory §Attention! §Next three slides of high importance. §There is no useless or needless even a word. §Read carefully in order to understand the EH philosophy.

8 8 EH – Theory (after D.Liang) §Runtime errors or abnormal conditions occur while a program is running if the environment detects an operation that is impossible to carry out. For example, §zero division, index out of range, int overflow, non existing file §In OOP, runtime errors are caused by exceptions. §Exception is an object that represents an error or condition that prevents execution from processing normally. §If exception is not handled, program terminates abnormally. §In order to avoid abnormal termination, we need EH. §In order to explore EH concept, incl. how to create, throw, catch and handle an exception, we use a syntax construct that contains try block, catch block(s) & optional finally block.

9 9 EH – Theory D.Liang §The try block contains code to execute in normal circumstances. §The catch block contains code to execute in abnormal circumstances (e.g. zero divisor). In such an event the program throws an exception by executing stmt like throw new ArithException(“zero division”); §The value thrown AE(“zero division”) is called an exception.  The execution of a throw stmt is called throwing an exception. §The exception is an object created from an Exception class. §When an exception is thrown, normal execution flow interrupts §The exception is passed from try block and caught by catch blk §The code in the catch block is executed to handle the exception §Afterward, stmt after the catch block is executed

10 10 EH – Theory D.Liang  The throw stmt is analogous to method call, but instead of calling a method, it calls a catch block. §In this sense, catch block is like a method definition with a parameter that matches the type of the value being thrown.  Unlike a method, after the catch block terminates, the control does not return to follow the throw stmt, §Instead it executes the next stmt after the catch block.

11 11 EH – Theory D.Liang §In summary, the try…catch blocks template may look like this:; try { Code to try; Throw an exception with throw stmt or from method; More code to try; } catch (type ex) { Code to process the exception; }  An exception may be thrown directly by using a throw stmt in a try block, or by invoking a method that may throw exception  An exception may be thrown explicitly ( throw stmt typed by developer) or implicitly (invoked by the environment)

12 12 EH – Advantages D.Liang §Problem: compute quotient using a method §The main method invokes quotient(…) method §If the method operates normal data, it returns a value to caller §If the method encounters error (zero divisor), it throws the exception back to its caller. §The caller’s catch block handles the exception. §EH advantages: EH enables a method to throw an exception to its caller. The caller can handle the exception. Without EH, the called method itself must handle the exception or terminate program. Often the called method does not know what to do in case of an error (RTL functions). The library method detects the error, but only the caller knows what needs to be done when an error occurs.

13 13 EH – Advantages D.Liang §The moral: The essential benefit of EH is to separate the detection of an error (done in called method) from the handling of an error (done in the caller method).

14 6/11/2016Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Bonev14 Advantages of having EH §Without EH the code required to detect errors can considerably clutter the program. §Exception propagation. It allows an exception raised in one program unit to be handled in some other unit, i.e. a single EHandler to be reused for a large number of different program units. §A PL that supports EH encourages its users to consider all the events that could occur during program execution and how they can be handled §This results to solid and reliable code.

15 15 EH – Practice in Java // file //Pure, naked, risky assignment statement quotient = dividend / divisor; §Run program with regular data and wrong data

16 16 EH – Practice in Java // file //Simple way to fix the problem is to add if stmt // to test the divisor if (divisor != 0) { quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + quotient); } else System.out.println("Divisor cannot be zero "); §Run program with regular data and wrong data

17 17 EH – Practice in Java // file //Explicitly written code to throw an exception... try { … if (divisor == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Divisor cannot be zero "); quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + quotient); } // end of try catch (ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println(" Exception: an integer cannot be divided by zero "); System.out.println(ae.getMessage()); ae.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } finally { System.out.println("\n\n Finally block executed"); }...

18 18 EH – Practice in Java // file //Implicitly written code to throw an exception //Run-time system creates exception and throws it... try { … quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + quotient); } // end of try catch (ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println(" Exception: an integer cannot be divided by zero "); System.out.println(ae.getMessage()); ae.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } finally { System.out.println("\n Finally block executed"); }

19 19 EH – Zero Division in Java // file //Exception explicitly/implicitly raised in one method //Exception caught in another method public static int quotient(int num1, int num2) throws ArithmeticException { if (num2 == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Divisor cannot be zero "); return num1/num2; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { result = quotient(dividend, divisor); System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + result); } // end of try catch (ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println(" Exception: an integer cannot be divided by zero "); System.out.println(ae.getMessage()); ae.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } } // end of main

20 20 EH – noncompatible input data typed in Java // file //Exception InputMismatchException implicitly raised if when cin.nextInt() method invoked, the input entered is not an integer //Exception caught §Open the file §Go over it §Build the app §Run program with regular data and wrong data

21 21 EH – registering nonexisting file in Java // file //Exception FileNotFoundException implicitly raised if when invoking Scanner(File file) constructor, and the file specified does not exist //Exception caught §Open the file §Go over it §Build the app §Run program with regular data and wrong data

22 22 EH – Practice in Java // File // File

23 23 EH – Instead of Conclusion §There are a couple of exception handling styles in use. l In the most popular style, an exception is initiated by a special statement (throw, or raise) with an exception object aargument. l The scope for exception handlers starts with a marker clause (try) and ends in the start of the first handler clause (catch, except, rescue). l Several handler clauses can follow, and each can specify which exception types it handles and what name it uses for the exception object. l There is a related clause (finally, or ensure), that is executed whether an exception occurred or not, typically to release resources acquired within the body of the exception-handling block. l In its whole, exception handling code might look like this (in Java- like pseudocode; note that an exception type called EmptyLineException would need to be declared somewhere):Javapseudocode

24 24 EH – Instead of Conclusion try { line = console.readLine(); if (line.length() == 0) { throw new EmptyLineException("The line read from console was empty!"); } console.printLine("Hello %s!" % line); console.printLine("The program ran successfully"); } // end of try catch (EmptyLineException e) { console.printLine("Hello!"); } // end of catch 1 catch (Exception e) { console.printLine("Error: " + e.message()); } // end of catch 2 finally { console.printLine("The program terminates now"); }

25 25 More on EH T

26 26 Part 1 brief introductin to Exception Handling Exceptions An exception is an event that disrupts normal program flow.

27 27 Three approaches to error checking 1.Ignore all but the most important errors.  The code is cleaner, but the program will misbehave when it encounters an unusual error. 2.Do something appropriate for every error.  The code is cluttered, but the program works better.  You might still forget some error conditions. 3.Do the normal processing in one place, handle the errors in another (this is the Java and C# way).  The code is at least reasonably uncluttered.

28 28 Java and C# approach: When an error occurs within a method (e.g. divide by zero; array index out of bounds; etc.), the method creates an object and hands it off to the runtime system. The object, called an exception object, contains information about the error, including its type and the state of the program when the error occurred. Creating an exception object and handing it to the runtime system is called throwing an exception.

29 29 After a method throws an exception, the runtime system attempts to find some code to handle it. The set of possible code to handle the exception is the ordered list of methods that had been called to get to the method where the error occurred. The list of methods is known as the call stack The call stack.

30 30 The runtime system searches the call stack for a method that contains a block of code that can handle the exception. This block of code is called an exception handler. The search begins with the method in which the error occurred and proceeds through the call stack in the reverse order in which the methods were called. When an appropriate handler is found, the runtime system passes the exception to the handler. An exception handler is considered appropriate if the type of the exception object thrown matches the type that can be handled by the handler.

31 31 The exception handler chosen is said to catch the exception. If the runtime system exhaustively searches all the methods on the call stack without finding an appropriate exception handler, the runtime system (and, consequently, the program) terminates.

32 32 A few kinds of Exceptions IOException : a problem doing input/output –FileNotFoundException : no such file –EOFException : tried to read past the End Of File NullPointerException : tried to use an object that was actually null (this is a RuntimeException ) NumberFormatException : tried to convert a non-numeric String to a number (this is another RuntimeException ) OutOfMemoryError : the program has used all available memory (this is an Error ) There are about 200 predefined Exception types!

33 33 The try statement Java provides a control structure, the try statement (also called the try-catch statement) to separate “normal” code from error handling: try { do the “normal” code, ignoring possible exceptions } catch (some exception) { handle the exception } catch (some other exception) { handle the exception }

34 34 How to use the try statement Put try {...} around any code that might throw an exception For each Exception that might be thrown, you must provide a catch block: catch (exception_type name) {...} –You can have as many catch blocks as you need. –name is a formal parameter that holds the exception object. –You can send messages to this object and access its fields.

35 35 Example try { result = numerator / denominator; validResult = true; } catch (ArithmeticException e) { validResult = false; }

36 36 The finally Clause Optional last clause in a try block. Will always be executed, no matter whether exceptions have been thrown and handled. Will even execute when return is used in a try block. Usually used to do some final “tidying up” and “housekeeping”. finally {... }

37 37 try { do the “normal” code, ignoring possible exceptions } catch (some exception) { handle the exception } finally {... }

38 38 Catching an Exception try { // normal code here! } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } §getMessage() is a method of the Throwable class that returns the error message describing the exception. §printStackTrace() is also a method of the Throwable class

39 39 What to do about Exceptions You can catch exceptions with a try-catch statement –When you catch an exception, you can try to repair the problem, or you can just print out information about what happened. You can “pass the buck” by stating that the method in which the exception occurs “throws” the exception –Example: void openFile(String fileName) throws IOException {... } Which of these you do depends on whose responsibility it is to do something about the exception –If the method “knows” what to do, it should do it –If it should really be up to the user (the caller of the method in which the exception occurs ) to decide what to do, then “pass the buck”.

40 40 public double divide (int dividend, int divisor) throws ArithmeticException { if (divisor == 0) { throw new ArithmeticException (“Divide by 0 error”); } return dividend / divisor; } Methods that Throw §Mark what it throws in method signature. §Throwing is a little bit like returning, ends method right away. §Now up to calling method to catch exception.

41 41 Stack Trace? public class TestException { public static void main(String[] args) { try { danger1(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void danger1() throws Exception { danger2(); } public static void danger2() throws Exception { danger3(); } public static void danger3() throws Exception { throw new Exception("Danger!"); } } java.lang.Exception: Danger! at Exceptions.danger3( at Exceptions.danger2( at Exceptions.danger1( at Exceptions.main( Running it prints this:

42 42 Multiple catch Statements try { // normal code here! } catch(ArithmeticException e) { // Specific error handling here } catch(AnotherException e) { // More general error handling here } Order Matters! Less general first!

43 43 Part 2 Exception Handling in Details

44 44 Introduction When a program runs into a runtime error, the program terminates abnormally. In Java, runtime errors are caused by exceptions. An exception is an object that represents an error or an abnormal condition. If the exception is not handled, the program will terminate abnormally. How can you handle the runtime error so that the program can continue to run or terminate gracefully? This is the Exception Handling subject.

45 45 Exception-Handling Overview §To demonstrate EH, including how an exception object is created and thrown:  Open that reads two integers and displays their quotient. §Run program with regular data §Run program with illegal data (integer zero div) §FYI: FP real value divided by zero does not raise an exception.

46 46 Exception-Handling Overview §Pure, naked, risky assignment statement  quotient = dividend / divisor;

47 47 Exception-Handling Overview §Simple way to fix the problem is to add if stmt to test the divisor:  Open that reads two integers and displays their quotient. §Run program with regular data §Run program with illegal data (integer zero div)

48 48 Exception-Handling Overview  User specified if statement if (divisor != 0) { quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend+" / "+divisor+" is = "+quotient); } else System.out.println("Divisor cannot be zero ");

49 49 Exception-Handling Overview §To demonstrate EH, including how to create, throw, catch and handle an exception object:  Open that reads two integers and displays their quotient. §Run program with regular data §Run program with illegal data (integer zero div)

50 50 Exception-Handling Overview §Explicitly written code to throw an exception §try { … if (divisor == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Divisor cannot be zero "); quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + quotient); } // end of try § catch (ArithmeticException aeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception: integer cannot divide by zero "); System.out.println(aeRef.getMessage()); aeRef.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } catch (InputMismatchException imeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception " + imeRef.toString() ); } finally { System.out.println("\n\n Finally block executed"); }

51 51 Exception-Handling Overview §To demonstrate EH, including how to create, throw, catch and handle an exception object:  Open that reads two integers and displays their quotient. §Run program with regular data §Run program with illegal data (integer zero div)

52 52 Exception-Handling Overview §No explicit code to throw an exception §Run-time system creates exception and throws it §try { … quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + quotient); } // end of try §catch (ArithmeticException aeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception: integer cannot divide by zero "); System.out.println(aeRef.getMessage()); aeRef.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } catch (InputMismatchException imeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception " + imeRef.toString() ); } finally { System.out.println("\n\n Finally block executed"); }

53 53 Exception-Handling Advantages F To demonstrate EH advantages:  Open that reads two integers and displays their quotient. F Run program with regular data F Run program with illegal data (integer zero div) F Now you see the advantages of using EH. It enables a method to throw an exception (implicitly or explicitly) to its caller. Without this capability, a method must handle the exception or terminate the program.

54 54 Exception-Handling Advantages F Exception explicitly raised in one method F Exception caught in another method F public static int quotient(int num1, int num2) throws ArithmeticException { if (num2 == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Divisor cannot be zero "); return num1/num2; } F public static void main(String[] args) { try { result = quotient(dividend, divisor); System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + result); } // end of try catch (ArithmeticException aeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception: an integer cannot be divided by zero "); System.out.println(aeRef.getMessage()); aeRef.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } catch (InputMismatchException imeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception " + imeRef.toString() ); }

55 55 Exception-Handling Advantages F Exception implicitly raised in one method F Exception caught in another method F public static int quotient(int num1, int num2) throws ArithmeticException { // if (num2 == 0) // throw new ArithmeticException("Divisor cannot be zero "); return num1/num2; } F public static void main(String[] args) { try { result = quotient(dividend, divisor); System.out.println(dividend + " / " + divisor + " is = " + result); } // end of try catch (ArithmeticException aeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception: an integer cannot be divided by zero "); System.out.println(aeRef.getMessage()); aeRef.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } catch (InputMismatchException imeRef) { System.out.println(" Exception " + imeRef.toString() ); }

56 56 Handling InputMismatchException Open that reads correctly input stream of integers. By handling InputMismatchException, your program will continuously read an input until it is correct.

57 57 Handling FileNotFoundException Open that raises an exception in case of file not found.

58 58

59 59 The class Throwable has two direct subclasses, Exception and Error. Exceptions (members of the Exception family) are thrown to signal abnormal conditions that can often be handled by some code, though some may not be caught. Errors (members of the Error family) are usually thrown for more serious problems, such as OutOfMemoryError, that may not be so easy to handle. In general, code you write should throw only exceptions, not errors. Errors are usually thrown by the methods of the Java API, or by the Java Virtual Machine itself.

60 60 Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions Java’s EH model is based on three operations: declaring an exception throwing an exception catching an exception

61 61 Declaring Exceptions Every method must state the types of checked exceptions it might throw. This is known as declaring exceptions. public void myMethod() throws IOException public void myMethod() throws IOException, OtherException

62 62 Throwing Exceptions When the program detects an error, the program can create an instance of an appropriate exception type and throw it. This is known as throwing an exception. Here is an example, throw new TheException(); TheException ex = new TheException(); throw ex;

63 63 Throwing Exceptions Example /** Set a new radius */ public void setRadius(double newRadius) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (newRadius >= 0) radius = newRadius; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Radius cannot be negative"); }

64 64 Catching Exceptions try {// Statements that may throw exceptions statements; } catch (Exception1 exVar1) { handler for exception1; } catch (Exception2 exVar2) { handler for exception2; }... catch (ExceptionN exVarN) { handler for exceptionN; } When an exception is thrown, it can be caught and handled in a try-catch block as follows:

65 65 Catching Exceptions pp465

66 66 Catch or Declare Checked Exceptions Java forces you to deal with checked exceptions. If a method declares a checked exception (i.e., an exception other than Error or RuntimeException), you must invoke it in a try-catch block or declare to throw the exception in the calling method. For example, suppose that method p1 invokes method p2 and p2 may throw a checked exception (e.g., IOException), you have to write the code as shown in (a) or (b).

67 67 Example: Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions  Objective: This example demonstrates declaring, throwing, and catching exceptions by modifying the setRadius() method in the Circle class. The new setRadius() method throws an exception if radius is negative. §Open file TestCircleWithExceptionCircleWithException

68 68 E.g.: Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions class Circle { … // methods mutators public void setRadius(double par) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (par >= 0.0) radius = par; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius cannot be negative"); } … } // end of class Circle public class CircleWithException { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Circle a = new Circle(); Circle b = new Circle(5.); Circle c = new Circle(-5.); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex){ System.out.println("\n-->>" + ex + "\n-->>"); System.out.println("\n-->>" + ex.getMessage() + "\n-->>"); ex.printStackTrace(); // print call stack } finally { System.out.println("\n Finally block executed"); } } // end of method main() } // end of class

69 69 Defining Custom Exception Classes F Use the exception classes in the API whenever possible. F Define custom exception classes if the predefined classes are not sufficient.  Define custom exception classes by extending Exception or a subclass of Exception.  the setRadius() method throws an exception if the radius is negative. Suppose you wish to pass the radius to the handler, you have to create a custom exception class.  Open file

70 70 Defining Custom Exception Classes class IllegalRadiusException extends Exception { private double rad; public IllegalRadiusException(double radius) { // constructor super("Invalid radius " + radius); rad = radius; } public double getRad() { return rad; } } // end of class IllegalRadiusException class Circle { // methods mutators public void setRadius(double par) throws IllegalRadiusException { if(par >= 0.0) radius = par; else throw new IllegalRadiusException(par); } } // end of class Circle public class CircleWithUserException { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Circle a = new Circle(88.); //a.setRadius(-22.); Circle b = new Circle(5.); // Circle c = new Circle(-5.); } catch (IllegalRadiusException ex){ System.out.println("\n-->>\nInvalid radius is " + ex.getRad() + "\n-->>"); } } // end of method main() } // end of class

71 71 try { // normal code here! } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // print call stack }  getMessage() is a method of the Throwable class that returns the error message describing the exception.  printStackTrace() is also a method of the Throwable class

72 72 Rethrowing Exceptions try { statements; } catch(TheException ex) { // perform operations before exits; throw ex; }

73 73 The finally Clause try { statements; } catch(TheException ex) { handling ex; } finally { finalStatements; }

74 74 Cautions When Using Exceptions §(+) Exception handling separates error-handling code from normal programming tasks, thus making programs easier to read and to modify. §() Be aware, however, that exception handling usually requires more time and resources because it requires instantiating a new exception object, rolling back the call stack, and propagating the errors to the calling methods.

75 75 When to Throw Exceptions §An exception occurs in a method. §If you want the exception to be processed by its direct caller or by a method within the chain of its callers, you should create an exception object and throw it. §If you can handle the exception in the method where it occurs, there is no need to throw it.

76 76 When to Use Exceptions? You should use it to deal with unexpected error conditions. Do not use it to deal with simple, expected situations. For example, the following code try { System.out.println(refVar.toString()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { System.out.println("refVar is null"); }

77 77 When to Use Exceptions is better to be replaced by if (refVar != null) System.out.println(refVar.toString()); else System.out.println("refVar is null");

78 78 Assertions § An assertion is a Java statement that enables you to assert an assumption about your program. § An assertion contains a Boolean expression that should be true during program execution. § Assertions can be used to assure program correctness and avoid logic errors.

79 79 Declaring Assertions An assertion is declared using the new Java keyword assert in JDK 1.4 as follows: assert assertion; or assert assertion : detailMessage; where assertion is a Boolean expression and detailMessage is a primitive-type or an Object value.

80 80 Executing Assertions When an assertion statement is executed, Java evaluates the assertion. If it is false, an AssertionError will be thrown. The AssertionError class has a no-arg constructor and seven overloaded single-argument constructors of type int, long, float, double, boolean, char, and Object. For the first assert statement with no detail message, the no-arg constructor of AssertionError is used. For the second assert statement with a detail message, an appropriate AssertionError constructor is used to match the data type of the message. Since AssertionError is a subclass of Error, when an assertion becomes false, the program displays a message on the console and exits.

81 81 Executing Assertions Example §To demonstrate effect of using assert keyword in Java:  Open source file. §Compile and run the demo program.

82 82 Executing Assertions Example public class AssertionDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int i; int sum = 0; for (i = 0; i 10 && sum < 5 * 10 : "sum is " + sum; System.out.println("\n\nExecution continues..."); } }

83 83 Compiling Programs with Assertions Since assert is a new Java keyword introduced in JDK 1.4, you have to compile the program using a JDK 1.4 compiler. Furthermore, you need to include the switch –source 1.4 in the compiler command as follows: javac –source 1.4 NOTE: If you use JDK 1.5, there is no need to use the –source 1.4 option in the command.

84 84 Running Programs with Assertions By default, the assertions are disabled at runtime. To enable it, use the switch –enableassertions, or –ea for short, as follows: java –ea AssertionDemo Assertions can be selectively enabled or disabled at class level or package level. The disable switch is – disableassertions or –da for short. For example, the following command enables assertions in package package1 and disables assertions in class Class1. java –ea:package1 –da:Class1 AssertionDemo

85 85 Using Exception Handling or Assertions Assertion should not be used to replace exception handling. Exception handling deals with unusual circumstances during program execution. Assertions are to assure the correctness of the program. Exception handling addresses robustness and assertion addresses correctness. Like exception handling, assertions are not used for normal tests, but for internal consistency and validity checks. Assertions are checked at runtime and can be turned on or off at startup time.

86 86 Using Exception Handling or Assertions, cont. Do not use assertions for argument checking in public methods. Valid arguments that may be passed to a public method are considered to be part of the method’s contract. The contract must always be obeyed whether assertions are enabled or disabled. For example, the following code should be rewritten using exception handling as shown in Lines 28- 35 in in Listing 13.8. public void setRadius(double newRadius) { assert newRadius >= 0; radius = newRadius; }

87 87 Using Exception Handling or Assertions, cont. Use assertions to reaffirm assumptions. This gives you more confidence to assure correctness of the program. A common use of assertions is to replace assumptions with assertions in the code.

88 Using Exception Handling or Assertions, cont. Another good use of assertions is place assertions in a switch statement without a default case. For example, switch (month) { case 1:... ; break; case 2:... ; break;... case 12:... ; break; default: assert false : "Invalid month: " + month }

89 Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Eighth Edition, (c) 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0132130807 89 Thank You for Your attention!

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