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Published byHester Thornton Modified over 8 years ago
Issachar Coaching Cluster Adapting Organizational Structures Year 4 Session 6
How has the Lord blessed you recently? As we pray, let’s remember those on our Evangelism Prayer List.
A primary end-product of the WPA District is to produce Growing, Spirit- filled, Christ-like Servant Leaders at every level in the Bride of Jesus Christ. Who is your Timothy, Barnabas & Paul?
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Abiding In Jesus Christ Competencies: 1-Growing in Intimacy with Christ 2-Crucifying Self 3-Claiming God’s Armor 4-Exercising Spiritual Disciplines 5-Practicing Sacred Pathways
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Empowering by Holy Spirit Competencies: 1-Claiming the Promise, Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit 2-Obeying the Holy Spirit -Quench Not -Grieve Not -Resist Not
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Empowering by Holy Spirit Competencies: 3-Being filled with the Holy Spirit 4-Manifesting the Fruit of the Holy Spirit 5-Exercising the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Thinking Strategically Competencies: 1-Defining Realities 2-Providing Direction 3-Facilitating Action 4-Thinking Divergently 5-Thinking Convergently
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading Self Competencies: 1-Developing Christ- like Character 2-Establishing Christ-like Priorities 3-Maximizing God- given Abilities 4-Establishing Healthy Relationships 5-Sharpening the Saw/Learning for Life
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading a Team Competencies: 1-Building Trust- filled Relationships 2-Communicating Effectively 3-Unleashing People to Act 4-Cultivating Effective Teams 5-Developing Leaders
Growing Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading the Ministry Competencies: 1-Cultivating God’s Preferred Future 2-Managing Change 3-Executing Strategy 4-Adapting Organizational Structures 5-Administrating the Ministry
Adapting Organizational Structures/Infrastructures
Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions
and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. NIV
Acts 6:1-7 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God
in order to wait on tables. 3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.“ This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full faith and of the
Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. NIV
Ex 18:17-22 Moses' father-in-law replied, "What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people‘s
representative before God and bring their disputes to him. Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. But select capable men from all the people — men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain — and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. NIV
There are three basic types of church growth: 1.Quantitative –Biological –Transfer –Conversion
There are three basic types of church growth: 2.Qualitative –Developing Healthy Christ-like Servant Leaders at every level in the church –Turning irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ –Sanctification
How can I build this pyramid taller? How might this apply to the church?
There are three basic types of church growth: 3.Organizational Structures Just like the human body needs a skeleton, so too the church needs an organizational infrastructure
Three are two basic “types” of church infrastructural models: 1.The “3 C” Model Church (Peter Wagner) 2.The Meta Model (Carl George)
The “3 C” Model Church –Celebration Groupings –Congregation Groupings –Cell Groupings
Meta Model –Celebration Groupings –Cell Groupings
The “3 C” Model Church –Celebration Groupings Primary Functions –Unity –Vision Casting –Celebrating God’s Blessings Size –Unlimited (Size of worship center)
Three “C” Model Church –Congregational Groupings Primary Functions –Fellowship –Outreach Size –Typically 17-90
Three “C” Model Church –Cell Groupings Primary (Unique) Functions –Intimacy –Accountability
Meta Model –Celebration Groupings Unity Vision Casting Celebrating God’s Blessings Not the PRIMARY Service (ministry event) Frequency of meetings varies
Meta Model –Cell Groupings PRIMARY Ministry Event (Body Life) Weekly Meetings (typically) Intimacy Accountability Worship, Fellowship, Teaching, Outreach
General Observations: Most C&MA Churches are based upon the “3 C” Model All WPA churches are basically the “3 C” Model
General Principles: Most Church Growth/Health Experts say it is IMPOSSIBLE to convert a Traditional “3 C” Church to a Meta Church (Never done successfully yet)
General Principles: Ignoring the unique dynamics of the Celebration, Congregation & Cell groupings can hinder growth & sometimes shrink a group.
Infrastructural Principles: Church Infrastructures MUST support the ongoing fulfillment the Vision, Purpose, Mission, and End-product of the church!!!
The 2 nd Commandment and Infrastructural Principles (Relational): The 2 nd Commandment gives every church a direct Biblical responsibility to ORGANIZE to insure healthy, loving relationships in the Body.
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): Myers Law –The church grows in number & meaningfulness to its members as the number of face-to-face groups is increased.
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): Corollary 1 of Myers Law –The church grows numerically as the number of outreach or open groups are multiplied.
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): Corollary 2 of Myers Law –The church grows spiritually as the number of healthy in-reach or closed groups are multiplied.
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): 3 Levels (Unity, Fellowship, Intimacy) –Unity (Eph 4:3-4) Unity comes from the Greek “oneness” Unity is a surface relationship w/other believers based upon common roots & a common purpose. (Acts 4:32)
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): –Fellowship “Koinonia” means to share, have in common, to be a partner, to co- participate Fellowship is “doing” together
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): –Fellowship “One-another” passages depend on Fellowship. Such commands require a knowledge of another person and this requires a limited size group
Infrastructural 2 nd Commandment Principles (Relational): –Intimacy Intimacy is an in-depth relationship that can only be maintained with a few individuals. The development of intimacy in a small group typically takes 9 months.
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of 70 Relates to the Fellowship level of a group Most individuals can only keep up with about 70 to 90 names of people in a group in which turnover is occurring
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of 70 Healthy churches must have Congregational groupings no larger than 90
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of 17 17 relates to the level at which our ability for intimacy saturates Many individuals feel uncomfortable becoming intimate in groups of less than 3 or more than 10.
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of Competition Most adults will only attend one group with the same dynamic, style & purpose. To keep from competing, churches must have three kinds of groups, one for each relational need
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of Continuation Since one major function of each group is to build relationships, these groups must be ongoing in nature. Segmented & Sequential
Infrastructural Principles (Relational): –Principle of Continuation The best way to short-circuit intimacy in cells is to meet for less than a year and then do a “fruit basket turn-over.” The best way to short-circuit fellowship is to exclusively use revolving adult electives for Congregational groupings.
Unity Celebration Over 70 Fellowship Congregation 17-70 Intimacy Cell 7-17
Celebration Group Principles: 1- Relational function is to produce the best possible experience of unity in corporate responsibilities such as: WorshipThanksgiving MusicPraise PrayerProclaim Truth Vision Casting
Celebration Group Principles: 2- Size limited only by your seating and PA system 3- Atmosphere should be a congruent experience of balanced celebrative & reflective worship 4- Quality of preaching, music and faculty is critically important 5- Environment should be inviting and exciting but not intimate.
Celebration Group Principles: 6- Elements which cause closure in groups over 70 in size: –Poor quality for your size church –Space strangulation –Projecting an intimate level of relationship by: Singing songs w/o providing words Having discussions versus announcements Sharing intimate problems as prayer requests Using first names No order of service published
Congregational Group Principles: 1- Relational function is to produce the best possible experience of fellowship so as to encourage the tasks of: –Organizing for outreach to specific target groups –Assimilating newcomers –Providing curricular Christian Education –Meeting individual needs –Challenging participants to go on in maturity
Congregational Group Principles: 2- Multiplying these groups causes numerical growth 3- Elements which causes closure in these groups includes: –Poor quality or irrelevant teaching –Poorly met individual needs –Improper size/atmosphere of meeting room –Group does not develop fellowship, remains “cool”
Congregational Group Principles: 3- Elements which causes closure in these groups includes: (continued) –Group remains under 17 for more than a year & intimacy develops or grows over 70, inhibiting fellowship –Group does not develop a purpose, leaders, cohesiveness or an identity –Too many people with poor social skills or critical attitudes
Congregational Group Principles: 3- Elements which causes closure in these groups includes: (continued) –Too intergenerational –Group is built around topics, teachers not the group members
Cell Group Principles: 1- Relational function is to produce the best possible experience of intimacy so as to encourage the tasks of: –Enabling transparence, mutual acceptance & accountability –Confession of sin & growth in godliness –Challenging participants to grow in commitment & obedience
Cell Group Principles: 2- As a general rule, healthy cells need” –A competent, clearly defined leader –The appropriate size and intimate atmosphere of room or facility –Participants who are not hypercritical & who play complementary roles –Clearly agreed upon purpose & ground rules –Members must experience relevant progress & have needs met
Unity Celebration Over 70 Fellowship Congregation 17-70 Intimacy Cell 7-17
Worship 1 Cong 1Cong 2Cong 3 Fishing Pools Leadership Community Policy Making Boards Worship 2 Support Covenant Task Basic Accountability Ongoing Accountability
Definitions of Small Groups Covenant Group:7-17 people focusing on Building the Believer. Intro to small groups & usually open cycling to closed. Timeframe 13-26 weeks. Group members can move to a Basic Accountability Group or into another Covenant Group
Basic Accountability Group: 7-17 people entering into Equipping the Worker disciplemaking level. Timeframe 6 to 24 months. Closed but may open to correct attrition.
Support Group: 7-17 people focusing on a specific need i.e. self-esteem, divorce recovery, addictions etc. Typically on a Winning the Lost or Building the Believer disciplemaking level. Timeframe 4 to 13 weeks typically.
Ongoing Accountability Group: 7-17 people focusing on Equipping Workers or Multiplying Leaders level of disciplemaking. Timeframe is ongoing. Closed but may open to correct attrition.
Fishing Pool: An outreach ministry/program that lasts long enough to build relational bridges with people or ministries in the church. Focus is on Winning the Lost. One time events are not Fishing Pools unless bridges are created i.e. 4 weeks of hunting class
Task Group: Any group in the church without a relational function; a group designed to fulfill a task i.e. choir, ushers, greeters, trustees etc.
Worship 1 Cong 1Cong 2Cong 3 Fishing Pools Worship 2 Support Covenant Task Basic Accountability Ongoing Accountability Winning the Lost Pre-Christians (The Lost)
Reaching Unchurched Families 1 Identify & Define Our Target Audience 2 Plan & execute Entry Events meeting Felt Needs 3 Lead people from Entry Events to Entry Paths 4 Successful Follow-up Charles Arn
Worship 1 Cong 1Cong 2Cong 3 Fishing Pools Worship 2 Support Covenant Task Basic Accountability Ongoing Accountability Building the Believer Believers
Worship 1 Cong 1Cong 2Cong 3 Fishing Pools Worship 2 Support Covenant Task Basic Accountability Ongoing Accountability Equipping the Worker & Multiplying the Leader Workers & Leaders
Worship 1 Cong 1Cong 2Cong 3 Fishing Pools Worship 2 Support Groups Covenant Groups Task Basic Accountability Groups Ongoing Accountability Groups Natural Flow of Infrastructure
Expressions of Adapting Organizational Structures At least once a year update an organizational flow chart to analyze existing realities and plan for future growth At least twice a year analyze the natural flow of the church’s infrastructure by completing an Infrastructure Exercise Regularly analyze the church’s balance in the areas of Winning the Lost, Building the Believer, Equipping the Worker and Multiplying the Leader,
Resources for Adapting Organizational Structures How to Break The Growth Barriers- George Prepare Your Church for the Future- George Size Transitions in Congregations- Gaede T-Net International ( Bob
As We Enter Our Triads First let’s review last month’s Smart Goals Second, focus on what the Holy Spirit brought to your attention Did we Go Deep, Clarify, Determine Next Steps? Pray for one another
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