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Word Problems Made Easy ( Introductory-addition).

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1 Word Problems Made Easy ( Introductory-addition)

2 Frame problems for the following situations Situation 1: Example: Number of things in Group 1 Number of things in Group 2 Total Number of Things altogether There are 7 red balls in a bag 16 white balls in the bag How many balls are there in all in the bag?

3 Lets see some more examples of such situation Example 1. Raj collected 12 marbles. Harish collected 6 marbles. How many marbles do Raj and Harish have altogether? Example 2. My mother bought 4 oranges. She also bought 6 bananas. How many fruits are there in her basket? Example 3. There are 23 girls in Class III. There are 19 boys in Class III. How many students are there in Class III?

4 Example 4: There are 8 butterflies in a garden. 7 more came flying and joined them. How many butterflies are there in the garden now? Example 5: The price of Shirt is Rs 250. The price of Pant is Rs 425. What is the total bill ?

5 When you know the amounts in each group and not the total, We ADD Addition means putting things together or joining or increasing a quantity by a given number.

6 Look at a situation Hema plucked 17 flowers. Disha plucked 4 flowers. There are 21 flowers in all. Various Statements which can be made using the given facts A)Adding 17 flowers and 4 flowers together make 21 flowers. B)4 more flowers added to 17 flowers give 21 flowers C)The total number of flowers are 21 D)4 flowers less than something give 17. These are various statements which can be written out of 17 + 4 = 21

7 Total of increased Altogether sum joined combined In all together

8 Group Activity ( For each situation frame two story problems with your partner ) 1.Bus 2.Road 3.Your school ground 4. Shop 5.Ice-cream parlour 6.Drawing Class


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