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Published byStephen Nichols Modified over 8 years ago
Growth in the West, 1860-1900 Miners, ranchers, cowhands and farmers help settle the West and conflict with Native Americans. Ch.19 RSGs Academic Vocabulary
Ch. 19.1 Academic Vocabulary frontier Great Plains boomtown The sparsely settled area in the West Area from Missouri River to Rocky Mountains Town that experiences economic or population boom
Ch. 19.1 Academic Vocabulary long drive vaquero vigilante Cattle drive to cow towns One of the early cowhands who came to the Southwest from Mexico A citizen who took the law into his or her own hands
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. Geography and population of the West – 1. How did railroads help to open the West? Frontiers – unsettled, sparsely settled area, Native Americans occupy Great Plains – region from Missouri River to the Rockies Few whites settle in Great Plains, follow miners to California Despite Native American occupants, U.S. claims ownership, Great Plains Trains – carry natural resources of the West to the East – Bring White Settlers to West ends Native American way of life. What part of the United States had the most people in 1850? Why did few settlers make their home on the Great Plains?
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. Mining in the West – 2. Why did many mines eventually close? Miners rush to gold, silver strikes in Colorado, Nevada and South Dakota Boomtowns – towns that have fast economic, population growth Strikes draw people from Eastern, Western U.S., and other parts of world Mining companies use equipment to dig deep and strip land Mining work is dangerous, causes deadly cave-ins, and lung problems Mining boom over by 1890s, many boomtowns become ghost towns The cost of operating mines had become too high leading to the closure of the mines
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. Mining the West Organize this section into 5 events. This happened, so this happened, then this, etc.
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. The Rise of the Cattle Industry – 3. What groups worked as cowhands during the mid-1800s? Before 1860s, small cattle herd in West, ranchers sell cattle locally Railroads make transport of cattle to Eastern cities possible Ranchers, livestock dealers make large profits Cowhands take cattle drives – long drives – to cow towns along railways – Cowhands included former Civil War soldiers, – Mexicans, – and African Americans. Follow specific trails, first in Chisholm Trail – San Antonio to Abilene What made cattle ranching profitable?
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. Vaqueros and Cowhands First cowhands, or vaqueros (Spanish), come from Mexico Help Spanish, Mexican ranchers, teach American cowhands to rope, and ride May cowhands are former soldiers, Mexicans, African Americans What was a vaquero?
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. The “Wild West” – 4. What did vigilante justice often consist of? Cow Towns have no local government, law officers Have gambling, “con men” are common Some Union and Confederate veterans bitter about war, become outlaws Some women become outlaws, Belle Star, horse thief Vigilantes – people who take the law into their own hands hanging or shooting suspects without a trial Try to protect citizens, catch criminals, punish them without a trial. What were the main problems in cow towns? How did citizens respond to these problems? How would you have responded?
Ch.19.1 Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands Miners, Ranchers and Cowhands settle in the West seeking economic opportunities. End of Long Drives – 5. What factors led to the end of the cattle boom? Cattle Industry booms for about 20 years By 1886, several developments bring boom to an end: – Price of beef drops sharply – Farmers, sheep herders use barbed wire, end open range – Many cattle die in harsh winter of 1886-1887 What ended cattle drives?
Ch.19.2 Academic vocabulary reservation Sand Creek Massacre Sitting Bull Land set aside for Native American tribes A deadly attack on a peaceful Cheyenne village by Colorado militia Sioux chief
Ch.19.2 Academic vocabulary George A. Custer Battle of the Little Big Horn Wounded Knee Massacre Dawes Act U.S. cavalry commander Famous battle between U.S. troops and Native Americans Mass killing of Native Americans by U.S. troops Plan that gave Native Americans land to farm
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. “Sometimes at evening I sit, looking out on the Missouri River... In the shadows I seem... To see our Indian village, the smoke curling upward from the Earth lodges; and in the river’s roar I hear the yells of the warriors, the laughter of... Children as of old.” – Buffalo Bird Woman, quoted in Native American Testimony, edited by Peter Nabokov. What does this quote tell you about what was happening to the Native American way of life?
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. Native American Life on the Plains – 1. What was the result of the refusal of some Native Americans to hand over more land to the federal government? Before Europeans arrive, Plains tribes live in villages along rivers Learn to ride horses brought by Spanish (early 1540s) Hunters ride far from their village seeking buffalo Plains tribes use buffalo for food, use skins for shelter, and clothing What was life like for Native American in the Great Plains before settlers began to move west?
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. A Clash of Cultures – 1. What was the result of the refusal of some Native Americans to hand over more land to the federal government? Fighting increased between white settlers and Native Americans U. S. government promises huge area in West for Native Americans White settlers pressure U.S. government for more land in West First Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851): – Many but not all Plains tribes sign – Allows U.S. government to buy back some Native Americans land – Sets boundaries for tribal lands What was the major change that took place in the West between 1850 and 1890? (See map p. 563)
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. A Clash of Cultures Some Cheyenne, Sioux resist treaty, fight settlers, soldiers, and miners U. S. troops kill Cheyenne men, women and children – Sand Creek Massacre Plains tribes react, and raid white settlements Second Treaty of Fort Laramie with Sioux (1868): – Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, Arapaho sign – Gives tribes land in Black Hills of South Dakota How did the Sand Creek (1864) and Fetterman (1866) massacres affect government policy toward Native Americans?
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. Battle of Little Bighorn – 2. What did defeat at Little Bighorn cause the government to do? Seeking gold, miners ignore Fort Laramie Treaty, rush onto Sioux land Tribal leaders reject government offer to buy back land Many Sioux warriors flee reservation during winter of 1875- 1876 Reservation – land set aside for Native Americans Unite under Sioux chiefs, Sitting Bull and Crazy horse
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. Battle of Little Bighorn – 2. What did defeat at Little Bighorn cause the government to do? U.S. 7 th Calvary sets out to return Sioux to reservation Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer commands Calvary Fights thousands of Sioux, and Cheyenne at Battle of Little Bighorn Custer, men wiped out, U.S. steps up military action against tribes Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull’s followers surrender, and return to reservation The government then stepped up its military effort against the Native Americans How did the battle of Little Big Horn affect government Indian Policy?
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. Resistance in the Northwest and South West – 3. Why did some tribes fight against white settlers? – Native Americans did not want to give up their land and move to reservations. U.S. government forces Nez Perce to sell land and move to Idaho Chief Joseph refuses and leads followers toward Canada. He is caught and surrenders In Southwest, Navajo and Apache fight against being moved to reservations They did not want to give up their land and move to reservations. Navajo surrender to U.S. troops, take “Long Walk” to reservation Apache forced to settle on Arizona reservation, Geronimo refuses Leads Apaches on raids of settlers homes, surrenders (1886), sent to prison
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. A Way of Life Ends – 4. Why did the government round up the followers of Wovoka? Wovoka’s followers flee reservations, U.S. troops track them down The government thought that they were preparing for war. Wovoka’s followers start to surrender to U.S. troops, someone fires a shot U.S. troops massacre 300 Native Americans – Wounded Knee Massacre Ends Native American armed resistance in the West.
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. A Way of Life Ends Plains tribes depend on dwindling buffalo for survival Hired hunters kill millions of buffalo for sport, railroads and factories Some plains tribes turn to Paiute prophet, Wovoka, for hope Preaches whites will be removed, tribes will freely hunt buffalo Wovoka’s vision quickly spreads among Plains peoples
Ch.19.2 Native Americans Fight to Survive The Native Americans of the Great Plains fight to maintain heir way of life as settlers pour onto their lands. The Dawes Act Fails – 5. Why did the Dawes Act fail? White reformers call for better treatment of Native Americans: – Feel assimilation is only way for Native Americans to survive Dawes Act (1887): – Encourages Native Americans to reject traditions and become farmers – Divides reservations into plots of land – Sends Native American children to schools, to learn white culture Dawes Act does little to help Native Americans because few Native Americans wanted to settle down and become farmers What were the effects of the Dawes Act on Native Americans?
Ch.19.3 Academic vocabulary homestead Mexicano William “Buffalo Bill” Cody buffalo soldier A piece of land and the house on it Spanish-speaking southwesterner Buffalo hunter who promoted life in the West Name given to an African American serving in the U.S. army in the West
Ch.19.3 Life in the West Diverse groups of people help to shape both the reality and the myth of the West. Women in the West – 1. What rights did women in the West enjoy? Homestead – piece of land an the house on it On a homestead, women rarely see neighbors, do cooking and first aid Women often work as teachers, servants, do sewing and laundry Some women run dance halls, and boarding houses They could own property, control their own money, and some even could vote. In most Western Territories, women own property, and control own money Wyoming Territory gives women the cote (1869). What were the challenges of pioneer life for women in the west? What legal rights did women in the west gain first?
Ch.19.3 Life in the West Diverse groups of people help to shape both the reality and the myth of the West. The Rise of Western Cities – 2. What factors led to the growth of cities in the West? Gold, and silver strikes cause cities to grow rapidly in the West Denver quickly becomes capital of Colorado Territory (1867) Railroad brings rapid growth to Denver, CO; Omaha, NB; Portland, OR and other cities. How did San Francisco change in 3 years? What factors led to the raid growth of western cities?
Ch.19.3 Life in the West Diverse groups of people help to shape both the reality and the myth of the West. Mexicanos in the Southwest – 3. What effect did the American settlement in the Southwest have on Mexicanos? For centuries, Southwest is home to Mexicanos Mexicanos – south-westerners of Spanish descent who come from Mexico They lost their land, as well as their political and economic power. Railroads spur increase of white settlers in Southwest (1880s, 1890s) Mexicanos lose economic and political power, and land to white settlers Hispanic society survives only in New Mexico territory What opportunities did the military offer African Americans?
Ch.19.3 Life in the West Diverse groups of people help to shape both the reality and the myth of the West. The Myth of the Old West – 4. What groups promoted the myth of the West? writers and artists promote the myth of the Old West “Dime novels” portray Wst as heroic place filled with adventures Sometimes hero was a real person, plots are fictitious exaggerated Western myth continues with novels, plays, and movies William “Buffalo Bill” Cody brings Wild West Show to the world
Ch.19.3 Life in the West Diverse groups of people help to shape both the reality and the myth of the West. The Real West – 5. List the groups that played a role in settling the West. First cowhands are Mexican Vaqueros Native Americans, African Americans help with cattle ranching African Americans serve in U.S. Army, known as “buffalo soldiers” Chinese immigrants help greatly in building railroads Native American attacks often caused by broken treaties How was the real West different from the mythical west?
Ch.19.4 Academic vocabulary Homestead Act Exoduster sodbuster Grange Law that offered land to anyone who agreed to settle it An African American who migrated to the West A farmer on the Great Plains Group that helped farmers
Ch.19.4 Academic vocabulary cooperative Populist Party gold standard William Jennings Bryan Farm organization owned and run by its members National political party formed by farm groups System in which government backed every dollar with a certain amount of gold Presidential candidate supported by Populists and Democrats
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems U.S. Government Encourages Settlement – 1. Name two groups that settled in the West in large numbers. U.S. government passes Homestead Act (1862): – Offers free land to anyone who will live on, improve it for 5 years. – Reconstruction ends, African Americans face discrimination in the South – Many migrate to Kansas call themselves Exodusters – Many Europeans immigrate to the West – U.S. sells land to railroads, railroads resell much land to settlers How did the federal government encourage western settlement?
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems Life on the Farming Frontier – 2. Which inventions aided farmers on the Plains? Farmers on the Plains build homes out of blocks of sod Farmers called sodbusters, dig deep wells, face harsh weather Inventions like steel plow, reaper, improved windmills, and barbed wire help farmers face challenges How did financial problems affect farmers in the South and West?
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems The problems of farmers – 3. Why were farmers seeking action against the railroads? As farmers grow more food, prices for crops drop (1870s) Farmers have to pay more for machinery, railroad rates They felt that railroads were charging them too high shipping fees. Farmer from Grange – group meets social needs of farm families Form cooperatives – organizations owned and run by members: Buy grain elevators Sell crops directly to merchants Allow farmers to keep more profits. U.S. states regulate freight rates, storage charges Why did farmers form the Grange? Would you have joined if you were a farmer? Why or Why not?
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems Supply and Demand Read p. 576 Suppose farmers found a new market for wheat – the people in another country, for instance. What affect would that have on the price? Explain why. 2. How does the price of blue jeans show the law of supply and demand? 3. Whiteside Example – The Rice Krispy Treat Vs Pencil Demand Dilemma!
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems The Rise of Populism – 4. Why did farmers support a free silver policy? Farm groups form Populist party or People's Party (1890) Want U.S. to adopt free silver policy to increase inflation It would put more money in circulation, which would lead to inflation and cause prices to rise. – Inflation would increase crop prices, help farmers pay back loans. Opponents want U.S. to keep gold standard to keep prices down Gold Standard – U.S. back every dollar with certain amount of gold Populist presidential candidate loses but has a good showing (1892) What were the arguments for and against free silver? Which side do you agree with and why?
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems Election of 1896 – Nation suffers through depression, The Panic of 1893 Money issues matter more to voters Populists back Democrat William Jennings Bryan for President Farmers in South, West vote overwhelmingly for Bryan Industrialists, bankers, business leaders vote for William McKinley McKinley wins presidential election by half million votes Would you have voted for McKinley or Bryan? Explain why.
Ch.19.4 Farming and Populism A wave of farmers move to the Plains in the 1800s and face many economic problems The Closing of the Frontier – 5. When did the frontier officially disappear? Indian Territory, last remaining open land Oklahoma land rush, settlers claim land that Native Americans once had Indian Territory becomes Oklahoma Territory (1890), frontier ends Frederick Jackson Turner writes that end of frontier marks end of era Today, many historians disagree, think U.S. remains land of opportunity What events symbolized the closing of the frontier?
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