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Electronic Portfolio: A Brief Overview External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Portfolio: A Brief Overview External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Portfolio: A Brief Overview External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract

2 What is an E-Portfolio? A portfolio is a purposeful collection of work that tells the story of a student's personal self and a student's achievement or growth. Portfolios are direct indicators of a student's learning experiences

3 What is an E-Portfolio? Comprehensive portfolios, maintained over a period of time, can exhibit comparisons of student work and illustrations of growth.

4 What is an E-Portfolio? Portfolios can grow and carry into the learner’s work life beyond the school environment

5 Why E-Portfolios? An increasingly self-reliant work force is evolving at an ever increasing pace. Today's technology allows electronic portfolios to be one career tool for life long learners in today's workplace.

6 Considerations Who is the audience? Who are / will be the users of the portfolio? What is the context ? Is the portfolio for display and/or the exhibition of growth?

7 Considerations II What materials and artifacts can / should be included? In what capacities will portfolios be utilized?

8 On the Internet University of Alabama, College of Continuing Studies, External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract

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