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C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE D ATA C OHORT D ATA L IFECYCLES & D ATA L IFECYCLE M ODELS F EBRUARY 3, 2014 Jake Carlson Associate Professor of Library Science.

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Presentation on theme: "C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE D ATA C OHORT D ATA L IFECYCLES & D ATA L IFECYCLE M ODELS F EBRUARY 3, 2014 Jake Carlson Associate Professor of Library Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE D ATA C OHORT D ATA L IFECYCLES & D ATA L IFECYCLE M ODELS F EBRUARY 3, 2014 Jake Carlson Associate Professor of Library Science / Data Services Specialist Marianne Stowell Bracke Associate Professor of Library Science / Agricultural Sciences Information Specialist

2 WHAT WILL BE COVERED An introduction to terms and concepts relating to data lifecycles. An understanding of the purpose of lifecycle models. Coverage of some life cycle models and principles how they may relate to each other.

3 WHAT IS A LIFECYCLE? The continuous sequence of changes undergone by an organism from one primary form, as a gamete, to the development of the same form again. Graphic:

4 DATA LIFECYCLES Primer on Data Management s/DataONE_BP_Primer_020212.pdf

5 R ESEARCH L IFECYCLES Loughborough University Library (UK) Graphic:

6 R ESEARCH L IFECYCLES : S PECIALIZED Cross- Cultural Surveys Institute of Social Research Graphic:

7 R ESEARCH L IFECYCLE : F UNDING Wayne State University, Division of Research Graphic:


9 D ATA R ESEARCH L IFECYCLE : O RGANIZATION Data Management Consulting Group:

10 D ATA R ESEARCH L IFECYCLE : C OMMUNITY USGS: Data Lifecycle Overview dm/lifecycleoverview.php

11 E LEMENTS OF A L IFECYCLE PlanPlan: A documented sequence of intended actions to identify and secure resources and gather, maintain, secure, and utilize data holdings comprise a Data Management Plan. AcquireAcquire: Acquisition involves collecting or adding to the data holdings. There are four methods of acquiring data: collecting new data; converting/transforming legacy data; sharing/exchanging data; and purchasing data.

12 E LEMENTS OF A L IFECYCLE Process: Processing denotes actions or steps performed on data to verify, organize, transform, integrate, and extract data in an appropriate output form for subsequent use. Analyze: Analysis involves actions and methods performed on data that help describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations, and test hypotheses.

13 E LEMENTS OF A L IFECYCLE PreservePreserve: Preservation involves actions and procedures to keep data for some period of time and/or to set data aside for future use, and includes data archiving and/or data submission to a data repository. Publish/SharePublish/Share: The ability to prepare and issue, or disseminate, quality data to the public… Data sharing also requires complete metadata to be useful to those who are receiving the data.

14 D OCUMENTATION AND D ESCRIPTION Describe (Metadata, Documentation)Describe (Metadata, Documentation): Throughout the data lifecycle process, documentation must be updated to reflect actions taken upon the data. This includes acquisition, processing, and analysis, but may touch upon any stage of the lifecycle. Documentation also includes ancillary materials (e.g., field notes) from which metadata can be derived.

15 D ATA L IFECYCLE : O RG G UIDANCE Preparing Data for Sharing > Address disclosure risk limitation > Determine file formats to deposit > Contact archive for advice

16 USES OF LIFECYCLE MODELS Helps define and explain complex processes (graphically). Help to identify important components, roles, responsibilities, milestones, etc. Demonstrate connections and relationships between parts and the whole. Provide a framework for service providers to communicate to users.

17 LIMITATIONS OF LM S “All models are wrong, but some are useful” George E.P. Box, Statistician, 1976 – Models generally reflect the interests, perspectives (and biases) of the agencies that created them. – Models mask complexity. – Models tend to overlook heterogeneity / diversity. – Models are often presented as orderly and linear. – Models depict the ideal.




21 D ISCUSSION Q & A on Data Lifecycle Models generally –Reactions to the Models in CEOS document and their relevancy to your data –Other elements that should/could be included in a Data Lifecycle Model Thinking about developing a Data Lifecycle for your own data –What would it contain? –Benefits / Challenges

22 A SSIGNMENT Begin to develop your own Data Lifecycle Model For each stage: What happens? (brief) What Tools / Equipment are used? Who is involved?

23 D ISCUSSION Draw your Data Lifecycle Model on a Post-It Note and display it at the front of the room

24 A SSIGNMENT Complete the template document based on your lifecycle model

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