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Secondary Behaviour & Attendance Network Meeting Summer Term 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Behaviour & Attendance Network Meeting Summer Term 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Behaviour & Attendance Network Meeting Summer Term 2008

2 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Learning outcomes I know the national and local behaviour priorities I am clear what the key elements are in the Ofsted categories for behaviour and self review framework I understand how parenting contract’s can contribute to improving relationships with parent/carers to improve young people’s behaviour I am aware that the NPSLBA is a strategy I can use to to improve the leadership and management of behaviour and attendance I have a clarity about the re-design of education services and the implications for school improvement I have an understanding about the next steps to improve behaviour in my setting taking into account Ofsted judgements

3 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Self assessment strategy - AfL Rate your knowledge against the five learning outcomes on a scale of 1 -10, 10 being the maximum knowledge you could have and 1 being the opposite You will have the opportunity to assess your learning at the end of the presentation j means 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What knowledge will you need to achieve your goal? How will you achieve your goal?

4 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services National Perspective Pippa Jackson Regional Adviser for Behaviour and Attendance

5 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Local Perspective Emotional Well-being and Behaviour Strategy 0 - 19 -continuum of provision -levels of intervention -windscreen wiper -social,emotional and behaviour skills (behaviours for learning) -workforce development -CAF

6 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Local Perspective Partnership work including: -High school and PRU’s working together -Access to high quality PRU, voluntary and private sector alternative provision -In Year Fair Access protocol -Managed moves protocol -Early identification of need and provision of support -Setting shared targets -BSF social inclusion centres

7 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Activity 1: Self Review Behaviour Framework  Read the four self-review framework behaviour sections  In your group discuss the allocated section  Consider what evidence and actions are appropriate to make an impact on improving behaviour –record on one sheet  Feedback to main group

8 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Activity 2: Ofsted descriptors for behaviour The cards are statements from the Ofsted descriptors for behaviour. In groups consider each card in turn and place the card under the heading you think is most appropriate. Look at the copy of Ofsted descriptors and compare the order Did you put all the statements under the correct headings? Were there any surprises? Feedback key issues to main group

9 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services National Programme for Specialist Leaders of Behaviour and Attendance (NPSLBA)

10 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Presentation: Improving behaviour to satisfactory Geoff Logan – Deputy Headteacher Brookway Sports College

11 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Break

12 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Activity 3: Parenting contracts Individually look at the Parenting contracts, Parenting orders and Penalty fixed term guidance In your group consider the key issues that need addressing in the case study Identify the key actions required by the different stakeholders and complete the blank Parenting contract Examine the sample copy of a parenting contract and explore any differences General discussion of key issues in main group

13 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services What works well? If a school is effectively improving behaviour what kind of things would you notice? Individually, reflect on something that your setting does well to: reduce low level disruption in the classroom reduce confrontational behaviour between staff and young people Work effectively with parent/carers

14 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services What works well? Carousel Share your effective practice with the person opposite you and listen to what their suggestion is. Move on and repeat to the next person when instructed to do so.

15 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services CAF Co-ordinators Rosemary Braithwaite, Overseas House Tel 234 7085 Sarah Downing / Darren Chambers Tel. 234 7047 NE – Patricia Campbell Tel. 234 7085 NW – Stephen Parker Tel. 234 7047 Central - Nichola Johnson Tel. 234 7013 South – Samantha Tran Tel. 234 7047 Wy - Cacara Vacara Tel. 234 7103

16 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Lunch

17 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Presentation: Moving from Satisfactory to Good Behaviour Tarun Kappur – Headteacher Parrs Wood High School

18 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services NEW WAYS OF WORKING and SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Dave Whalley (Senior School Effectiveness Officer – North)

19 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services New ways of working 1.District based 2.New LA relationships with your school 3.New elements of partnership framework

20 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services 1. District focus Improving multi-agency focus District panels Addressing local needs Who is working in your area?

21 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services 2. New relationships with your school Senior School Effectiveness Officer (SSEO) School Effectiveness Officer (SEO) Learning Strategy Officer (LSO)

22 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services 3. School improvement framework Integrated Support Plan (INSUP) External School Improvement Partner (SIP) Self Evaluation Form (SEF) OFSTED inspections New! Change! Existing

23 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Integrated support plan (InSuP) Sets out the school’s priorities and targets for raising attainment of all its learners Defines the support required to support delivery Makes an agreement between the school, LA and other providers on level/type of support for the school Is agreed between the school and the LA

24 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Training & development How does the InSuP work? Belongs to the school SEO supports development Reviewed termly* Focussed on impact Works alongside School Improvement Plan and School Development Plan

25 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services SIP visits Continuing part of the “challenge” model Now externally appointed Termly visits

26 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services School and Local Authority Relationships

27 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Reflection * Reflecting on today what do you think some of the key priorities would be for your school/setting to move from improving behaviour to satisfactory, satisfactory to good or good to outstanding? * Look at the questions and consider individually or in pairs each statement and then share ideas in the group

28 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Self-assessment of the learning outcomes of the presentation I know the national and local behaviour priorities I am clear what the key elements are in the Ofsted categories for behaviour and self review framework I understand how parenting contract’s can contribute to improving relationships with parent/carers to improve young people’s behaviour I am aware that the NPSLBA is a strategy I can use to to improve the leadership and management of behaviour and attendance I have a clarity about the re-design of education services and the implications for school improvement I have an understanding about the next steps to improve behaviour in my setting taking into account Ofsted judgements In a different coloured pen, assess your learning against the six learning outcomes on the scale 1 -10.

29 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Setting yourself a goal! On the scales in a different colour set yourself a goal! Consider and record what knowledge you need to achieve your goal and how you will achieve it!

30 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Questions ? ? ? ? ?

31 Behaviour & Attendance Strategy for Manchester Children’s Services Evaluation Please complete an evaluation sheet

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