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Evaluation Questions 1.How did the professional development training workshops impact teachers’ knowledge-base and pedagogy in the classroom? 2.How did.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation Questions 1.How did the professional development training workshops impact teachers’ knowledge-base and pedagogy in the classroom? 2.How did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation Questions 1.How did the professional development training workshops impact teachers’ knowledge-base and pedagogy in the classroom? 2.How did SCHEV cohort teachers impact student learning? 3.Did SCHEV mentorship affect teacher retention?

2 Teacher Demographics Years of teaching experience New teacher 27.1% 1-3 years 12.5% 4-6 years 4.2% 7-10 years 18.8% 11-15 years 25.0% Over 15 years 12.5% Subject area Math 16.7% Science 2.1% Language arts 4.2% General elementary 77.1% Education level Bachelors 22.9% Bachelors + 15 39.6% Masters 33.3% Masters + 15 4.2%

3 Content Strategies (N=13)NASA (N=19) NASA Follow-Up (N=15) MeanS.D.MeanS.D.MeanS.D. To what degree was the workshop well planned and designed to meet its purpose? 5.00.0004.53.6124.53.834 To what degree did the content of the workshop enhance your understanding subject matter? 4.77.4394.37.5974.401.056 Were participant questions addressed? 5.00.0004.50.5144.50.855 To what degree were the presentations and handouts appropriate and relevant to the purpose of the workshop? 5.00.0004.44.6164.461.050 How would you rate the overall value of the workshop? 4.85.3764.53.6124.501.019 Combined workshop survey responses

4 Teacher Workshop Ratings

5 poor-average average average-excellent Excellent To what degree did the content of the workshop enhance your understanding of the subject matter? 2.13% 8.51% 27.66% 61.70%

6 average average-excellent Excellent Were participant questions addressed? 6.67% 22.22% 71.11%

7 poor-average average average-excellent Excellent How would you rate the overall value of the workshop? Pies show counts 2.17% 6.52% 19.57% 71.74%

8 Mean Std. Deviation To what extend did your participation in the SCHEV grant strengthen your teaching capacity? 4.5714.97590 To what extent did you participation in the SCHEV grant have an influence on student performance 4.1429.89974 To what extend did your participation in the following aspects of the grant influence your motivation to stay in the field of teaching? Staff development 4.00001.29099 On-site classroom based support and follow-up activities 4.0000.81650 Mentorship 4.42861.27242 To what extend did the on-site classroom based support and follow-up activities strengthen your teaching capacity? 4.0000.81650 To what extend did the on-site classroom based support and follow-up activities have an influence on student performance? 3.8571.89974 To what extend did preparation mentorship strengthen your teaching capacity? 4.5714.78680 To what extent did mentorship have an influence on student performance? 4.28571.11270 Final Teacher Survey

9 What aspects of the integrating Reading/Science into the Core-Areas project were most effective for you as a teacher and for improving student performance? · Integration · Students actively involved · Reading in context · Making learning fun · Summarizing · Visual representations What specific areas of teacher professional development did you find lacking (if any) in the training you received? · Seat time is not effective · Some things needed better connection to SOLs Open Ended Questions Summary

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