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Sources of Error Session 12. Sources of error In 1972, Selinker reported five sources of errors: 1.Language transfer 2.Transfer of training 3.Strategies.

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1 Sources of Error Session 12

2 Sources of error In 1972, Selinker reported five sources of errors: 1.Language transfer 2.Transfer of training 3.Strategies of second language learning 4.Strategies of second language communication, and 5.Overgeneralization of TL linguistic material.

3 Cordor 1.Interlingual errors – Transfer of phonological elements of L1 as in dentist – Transfer of morphological elements, as in: *There are three clever student in our class”. – Transfer of grammatical elements,as in: *I'm going to school at 8 o'clock everyday‟. – Transfer of lexico-semantic elements, as in: *We will arrive back to Baghdad after 5 o'clock/watch. – Transfer of stylistic and cultural elements, as in: *Dr. Najafi is he great doctor‟.

4 Intralingual errors – Cordor 2.Intralingual and development errors – Overgeneralization, as in:*He comed yesterday. – Ignorance of rule restriction, as in: *There are many fishes in the lake. – False analogy, as in:*He thinks most woman should remain home and grow up children. – Hyperextension, as in: *The apples smelled freshly. – Hypercorrection, as in: *He doesn't afraid of anything. – Faulty categorization, as in: *I enjoy to swim.

5 Intralingual errors – Cordor 3.Errors which are caused by faulty teaching techniques, and also called transfer of training errors, as in: *I am liking to continue my studies 4.Communicative strategies involved: They are a systematic technique employed by a speaker to express his meaning when faced with some difficulty

6 Richard and Simpson 1.Language transfer, to which one third of the deviant sentences from second language learners could be attributed 2.Intralingual interference: Richards exposed four types and causes for intralingual errors: a)overgeneralization (p. 174): it is associated with redundancy reduction. It covers instances where the learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of his experience of other structures in the target language. It may be the result of the learner reducing his linguistic burden. b)ignorance of rule restrictions: i.e. applying rules to contexts to which they do not apply. c)incomplete application of rules d)semantic errors such as building false concepts/systems: i.e. faulty comprehension of distinctions in the TL.

7 Richard and Simpson 3.Sociolinguistic situation: motivation (instrumental or integrative) and settings for language learning (compound or co-ordinate bilingualism) may affect second language learning. 4.Modality: modality of exposure to the TL and modality of production. 5.Age: learning capacities vary with age. 6.Successions of approximative systems: since the circumstances of language learning vary from a person to another, so does the acquisition of new lexical, phonological, and syntactic items. 7.Universal hierarchy of difficulty: this factor has received little attention in the literature of 2nd language acquisition. It is concerned with the inherent difficulty for man of certain phonological, syntactic, or semantic items or structures. Some forms may be inherently difficult to learn no matter what the background of the learner.

8 Brown Interference transfer: that is the negative influence of the mother tongue of learner, Intralingual transfer: that is the negative transfer of items within the target language. In other words, the incorrect generalization of the rules within the target language, Context of learning: this overlaps both types of transfer. For example, the classroom with the teacher and its materials in the case of school learning or the social situation in the case of untutored second language learning. In a classroom context, the teacher or the textbook can lead the learner to make wrong generalization about the language, and Communication strategies: it is obvious that communication strategy is the conscious employment of verbal mechanisms for communicating an idea when linguistic forms are not available to the learner for some reasons. There are five main communication strategies, namely: – Avoidance, – Prefabricated patterns, – Cognitive and personality style, – Appeal to authority – Language switch

9 Diagnosis-based categories of error (James) 1.Interlingual: interference happens when “an item or structure in the second language manifests some degree of difference from, and some degree of similarity with the equivalent item or structure in the learner’s first language” (Jackson, 1987: 101). 2.Intralingual: – Learning strategy-based errors: false analogy misanalysis incomplete rule application exploiting redundancy overlooking cooccurrence restrictions hypercorrection (monitor overuse) overgeneralization or system simplification 3.Communication strategy-based errors: holistic strategies: e.g. approximation, language switch, calque analytic strategies: circumlocution (expressing the concept indirectly, by allusion rather than by direct reference

10 Diagnosis-based categories of error (James) 4.Induced errors: they result more from the classroom situation than from either the student’s incomplete competence in English grammar (intralingual errors) or first language interference (interlingual errors): – Material induced errors – Teacher-talk induced errors – Exercise-based induced errors – Errors induced by pedagogical priorities – Look-up errors

11 Dulay & Burt According to Dulay & Burt (1974), there are four types of “goofs”: Interference-like goofs L1 Developmental goofs Ambiguous goofs (either interference-like or L1 developmental goofs) Unique goofs (neither interference-like nor L1 developmental goofs)

12 Exercise I would rather football to any other games and sports. We saw a theater last night. If I was a doctor I try to get better my patient. Some kinds of foods is very cheap and some another is cheaper. At that time I couldn’t employed because I didn’t have diploma. Everyone has need to water because he don’t die. In each games, thee are some players, who everyone of them do different words. It is difference between sport and game. My parents were borned there. There is special nothing that one do in my town.

13 Exercise They should have veterinarians around them in case they get sick or any strong disease stricked them. When I secure a job my goal is to become partner and have a quarter office. You never know what god has installed for you. I can’t say much here besides that playing ball gives me a good workout and I stay in shape. I am caring mainly because an animal doesn’t have the same mental abilities as humans do. That, I have been doing since a long time ago.

14 Exercise (multiple) No man will listen to you talk if he doesn't know it is his turn next. Everything we need are so handy; we just have to search well so that we can find it, haven’t we? When I hanged up I realized it will take me too hours to call her back. When I will see him I won't give him money; but you don't give him any too! I would like to talk about several problems wich I have faced them lately All the advices my father has given me two years ago, proved to be useful.

15 Exercise (multiple) You cannot apply for this job! You don’t have a license in economics! There is a lot of luggages at the door. I’ve shone Jerry the place where they should be placed. Tom, would you give him a hand, please? Tony is not here; I don’t know where has he been. Yesterday Dr. Smith hanged his coat on the hook, set the table for dinner then laid on the bed to rest. This is an unique opportunity for him to gain the experience. I live in a two-rooms appartment with my elder daughter. You’d better to revise the essay before handing it in, wouldn’t you?

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