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본문 해석 Practical English Ⅱ 글의 구성 -Intro Practical English Ⅱ -Body ① Sports Psychologist ② sports Agent ③ sports Statistics ④ Sports Nutritionist -Conclusion.

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2 본문 해석 Practical English Ⅱ

3 글의 구성 -Intro Practical English Ⅱ -Body ① Sports Psychologist ② sports Agent ③ sports Statistics ④ Sports Nutritionist -Conclusion

4 Intro Practical English Ⅱ

5 We see famous sports stars almost every day on TV. Have you ever wanted to be one yourself? While not everyone can become professional athlete, it is still possible to work in the sports field. In fact, There are a number of professionals who work with athletes every day, such as athletic trainers, sports psychologists, and sports agents. Practical English Ⅱ 유명한거의 매일보다 = a sports star ~ 이긴 하지만 모든 사람 (x) ~ 가 되다전문적인 운동선수 여전히가능하다 분야사실은 ~ 가 있다많은전문가 ~ 와 같은트레이너 심리학자 스포츠 에이전트

6 Practical English Ⅱ Without these professionals behind the scenes, athletics cannot perform at their best. Let's hear from some of those professionals and learn about sports-related jobs. ~ 없이무대 뒤의 ~ 할 수 없다활약하다 최선을 다해 듣다 배우다 스포츠와 관련된직업들

7 sports psychologist 스포츠 심리학자

8 Practical English Ⅱ Did you see the penalty shoot-out between Korea and Spain during the 200 World Cup soccer game? The first four Korean players all successfully made their kicks, as did the first three from Spain. The fourth Spanish player hesitated a moment before he kicked the ball, and the Korean keeper blocked the shot. 승부차기 ~ 사이의 ~ 동안 성공적으로 망설였다 슛 막았다 ~ 전에 잠시동안

9 Practical English Ⅱ Then up stepped the Korean team captain Hong Myeongbo, who scored the winning goal. What a game! We were all on our feet as we watched Hong Myeongbo make that kick. Yet, didn't he look so calm and cool? Step up: 앞으로 나갔다 주장 일어서 있다 득점하다 결승골 보다 ~ 하는동안 침착한 냉담한

10 Practical English Ⅱ Like most people, it is natural for professional athletes to get nervous before a big game. The nervousness often prevents them from performing their best on the field. That's when people like me step in to help them. I am a sports psychologist. ~ 처럼 자연스러운 긴장하다 ~ 전에 듣다 긴장감 대부분의 사람들 종종막다 / 방해하다 나 같은 사람들 나서다 그들을 돕기위해 최선을 다해

11 Practical English Ⅱ Through counseling sessions with players, I try to help them to focus better on the game. I believe the mental state of the players is what makes a difference in the real game. Players leave the counseling session with more confidence and are ready to face the pressure. I wonder, though, why I became so nervous when I watch the players I counsel on the field! ~ 을 통해 더 잘더 잘 마음 상태 ~ 하는 것 차이점떠나다 집중하다 진짜의 ~할 때~할 때 ~ 할 준비가 되다 궁금하다 직면하다 상담기간들 ~ 하려고 노력하다 믿다 더 많은자신감 압박감그런데 왜 ~ 해 지다 / 되다

12 sports agent 스포츠 에이젼트

13 Practical English Ⅱ You might wonder what exactly a sports agent does. A sports agent is the one [ who helps professional athletes with their sports contracts ]. Park Jisung used to play in Japan and the Netherlands, but later moved on to the English Premier League. To play in England, he needed to find a team first. 궁금해하다정확히 ~ 을 하다 계약 그 후에, 나중에 찾다 ~ 로 이적했다 ~ 하곤 했다 ~ 할 필요가 있었다

14 Practical English Ⅱ After a long and difficult process, he was finally able to sign a contract with Manchester United. All this was possible with the help of competent sports agents. 어려운과정 할 수 있었다 결국, 마침내 계약 유능한가능한이 모든 것

15 Practical English Ⅱ We, sports agent, help talented athletes to sign the best contract possible. We present athletes to sports teams and try to strike a deal. Yet, that is not all we do. Since professional athletes tend to retire at an early age, they also need to manage their money carefully. 소개하다 재능있는 ~ 동안 ~ 에게 계약을 성사하다 은퇴하다 ~ 하는 경향이 있다 ~ 하기 때문에 하지만 이른 ~ 할 필요가있다 관리하다 신중하게, 조심스럽게

16 Practical English Ⅱ It is my job [ to give them advice about money management and retirement plans. ] I take great pride in the fact [ that my assistance behind the scenes helps players focus and perform their best on the field. ] 일주는 것 ~ 에 대해 조언, 충고 관리 사실 자부심을 갖다 은퇴계획 도움, 조력 = 현장 뒤에서의 집중하다 활약하다

17 Sports statistician 스포츠 통계학자

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