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Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution REVIEW

2 How did each influence Darwin in developing his theory of Natural Selection? Thomas Malthus Charles Lyell Alfred Wallace Selective Breeding

3 What are the 5 Steps of Natural Selection? What are the 3 steps of Speciation? What are isolating mechanisms and the founder’s effect?

4 Relative Age Dating Identify the different unconformities. Place the numbers in order, youngest to oldest.

5 Which is a good index fossil and why? (draw the index fossil(s))

6 Absolute Dating: Half-life Problems When a radioactive substance first cools, how much is radioactive? If a half-life of the substance is 1,000 years, what % of the material is still radioactive after 3,000 years? If 3.125% of the material is still radioactive, how old is the substance being measured if each half-life is 1,000 years?

7 Comparative Anatomy Are the wings in the dragon fly and butterfly used for flying Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?

8 Comparative Anatomy Are the flightless wings on the kiwi and lousefly considered Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?

9 Comparative Anatomy Are the fins on a shark and dolphin used for swimming Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?

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