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EFFECTS OF RECENT REFORMS ON THE NOTARIAL LAW Anne Saaber President of the Estonian Chamber of Notaries.

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Presentation on theme: "EFFECTS OF RECENT REFORMS ON THE NOTARIAL LAW Anne Saaber President of the Estonian Chamber of Notaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFFECTS OF RECENT REFORMS ON THE NOTARIAL LAW Anne Saaber President of the Estonian Chamber of Notaries

2 REFORMS IN ESTONIAN NOTARIAT I period 1993 – 2001 II period 2002 – 2008 III period 2009 – to this day

3 NOTARIAL ACTS AND NOTARIAL SERVICES NOTARIAL ACTS 1. An act of attestation based on the Notarisation Act; 2. Conduct of succession proceedings; 3. Issue of a certificate (apostil) on the basis of the Act on Accession to Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents; 4. Authentication of contraction of marriage and divorce and preparation of marriage and divorce entries.

4 NOTARIAL SERVICES 1. Legal counselling not related to notarial attestation; 2. Counselling in the field of taxation and law of a foreign state; 3. Conciliation (mediation); 4. Acting as an arbitrator; 5. Conducting of auctions, voting, ballots, drawing of lots and attestation of the results; 6. Taking persons’ oaths and certification of statements given under oath; 7. Forwarding of petitions and notices; 8. Depositing of money, except cash, securities, documents and other items; 9. Certification of the correctness of translations of documents.

5 STATISTICS 2012 Number of notaries: 94 Number of notarial acts: 285 565, including:

6 STATISTICS 2012 Number of notarial services: 5029, including:  Conciliation – 2  Taking persons’ oaths and certification of statements given under oath – 2  Counselling in the field of taxation and law of a foreign state – 0  Conducting of auctions, voting, ballots, drawing of lots and attestation of the results – 0  Acting as an arbitrator – 0

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