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Enhancing socio-economic development through investing in Human capital in Sindh and Punjab September 2012 – August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing socio-economic development through investing in Human capital in Sindh and Punjab September 2012 – August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing socio-economic development through investing in Human capital in Sindh and Punjab September 2012 – August 2015

2 Project Objectives Overall objective: ‘To improve the relevance, quality, access and equity of TVET services for the women and youth in rural areas of Southern Punjab and Sindh’. Specific Objective: To Increase access of Rural Women and Youth to income generation opportunities through innovative TVET approaches

3 Sindh Punjab

4 Project Specifications Funding support: European Commission Project budget: 2.7 million euros Project Duration: September 2012 - August 2015 Project Implementing Partner in Punjab: AWAZ CDS Project Implementing Partner in Sindh: Rahnuma- (FPAP) Project Beneficiaries: 4600 Rural Women & Youth (15-29yrs), 300 TVET staff

5 Expected Results Result 1: An improved TVET Programme is established for rural women and youth; : Result 2: Innovative Approaches and new teaching methodologies are developed and access to TVET services is increased; Result 3: Linkages between TVET graduates and employers are promoted; Result 4: Small Enterprises & self-employment amongst rural women and youth is promoted & linkages with MFI’s are strengthened

6 Major Activities

7 Institutional level changes / improvements in Punjab & Sindh TEVTAs / Private TVET institutes Baseline survey and Market assessment & skills gap analysis Develop of 6-8 new/ improved courses of 3 and 6 month duration on identified technical skills and vocations Sponsor 2,800 women and youth enrolled in 3 &6 month courses Develop and mainstream curricula on Life Skills Education (LSE) Develop 3- month training programme on Service Industry and Micro-entrepreneurship (ME) Sponsor 1400 women and youth enrolled in ME training programme

8 Train 175 TEVTA instructors on the new/ improved curricula on identified skills, LSE and ME; 42 instructors on Packaging & Dissemination of information; 14 instructors on Secondary research and data analysis; 35 instructors on Career counseling Establish District level Career Counseling centers within TEVTA institutes Job fairs, exhibitions and networking events.

9 Women home-based workers/ entrepreneur groups Focus on rural home-based women workers already undertaking income generation activities 14 women home-based worker entrepreneur groups formed; two in each district, each having 25 members Home-based worker entrepreneur groups trained in identified skills and entrepreneurship and linked with businesses (CCI) for marketing of their products

10 Rural Sales Women Replica of CARE Bangladesh Program 50 Rural Sales Women trained in marketing, basic accounting and communication skills in two districts Linkages with Industry/ Private Sector

11 TVET services in girls & boys high schools 42 teachers trained on delivering orientations on technical & vocational education to high school students A total of 3150 boys and girls in 21 schools oriented on technical and vocational education Provision of basic vocational laboratory equipment

12 Linkages with Micro-finance institutions (MFIs) - Facilitate (orientation sessions/ exhibitions) graduates access MFI for small businesses/ entrepreneurial work Private Sector Engagement- Explore synergies with core business District level Coordination Committees (CCs) - Guidance to TVET bodies; comprised of local Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), related government departments and civil society organizations Advocacy - District, Provincial and National advocacy events organized with the policy makers and key stakeholders for improved TVET services

13 Major Targets 6-8 new/improved courses on technical and vocational skills successfully run in TVET institutes Training programme on LSE and ME mainstreamed in TVET institutes 60% of TVET graduates avail apprenticeship or employment opportunities At least 60% trainees graduating from Micro-entrepreneurship training programme establish successful (micro) enterprises At least 60% rural home-based workers establish successful enterprises

14 Progress since September 2012... Implementing Partner organizations' project staff on board MoUs signed with Punjab and Sindh TEVTA Initial orientation meetings held with Private Sector Organizations - Unilever, SHELL, Procter & Gamble, ENGRO, Tameer Micro - Finance Bank Baseline and Market assessment & skills gap analysis starting from November 15, 2012

15 Thank You !

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