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The Coming of Independence Section 2 Britain’s Colonial Policies  Were controlled by the King though The Privacy Council & The Board of Trade.  Legislature.

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2 The Coming of Independence Section 2

3 Britain’s Colonial Policies  Were controlled by the King though The Privacy Council & The Board of Trade.  Legislature used the Governor’s salary as a bargaining tool.  Colonies were allowed much latitude in self-rule.  King George III - restricted trade & raised taxes  “Taxation Without Representation”  Colonists faced with a choice to Submit or Revolt.

4 Growing Colonial Unity  New England Confederation  - Started in 1643 by Mass Bay, Plymouth, New Haven & CT settlements  - Formed a “league of friendship” in defense against Native Americans.  - Penn’s plan  - Trade (cooperate), Defense, Criminal matters

5 Growing Colonial Unity  The Albany Plan  - 1754 British Board of Trade had meeting to discuss problems of colonial trade and attacks of French  - Ben Franklin proposed an annual congress of delegates from 13 colonies.  - His plan was rejected by the colonies and the Crown.

6 Growing Colonial Unity  The Stamp Act Congress 1765  - tax stamps on all legal doc, newspapers, & business agreements.  - The Declaration of Rights and Grievances sent to the King.  - March 5, 1770 The Boston Massacre killing five.  - Samuel Adams (Patriot) & The Committee of Correspondence 1772  The Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773.

7 The First Continental Congress  Spring of 1774 Parliament passed The Intolerable Acts Punish the colonist as a result of The Boston Tea Party.  The Declaration of Rights was sent to King George III.  Delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia on Sept 5, 1774.  GA was not represented. 1 st Continental Congress.

8 The 2 nd Continental Congress  In response to the Declaration of Rights England imposed stricter laws.  April 19, 1775 “The Shot Heard ‘round the World” was fired and the Battles of Lexington and Concord had been fought.  On May 10, 1775 the 2 nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia.  George Washington Commander of the troops & John Hancock president of the Congress. All colonies were present.  The Second Continental Congress was our first government.


10 “We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident, That All Men are Created Equal”  The Declaration of Independence was prepared by a committee of five:  - Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Thomas Jefferson.  It was almost solely Jefferson’s creation.  56 signatures on the document, none bolder than that of John Hancock.  Jan. 1776, New Hampshire replaces its Royal Charter with a State Constitution.  Massachusetts constitution of 1780 the oldest written constitution in force anywhere in the world.

11 Common Features of State Constitutions  Popular Sovereignty  - Government can only exist and function with the consent of the governed.  Limited Government  - Powers of Governors had restrictions  Civil Rights and Liberties  - Govt must respect certain rights of people.  Separation of Powers & Checks and Balances  - Power given to 3 branches with the power to check on each other.

12 The Critical Period Section 3

13 The Articles of Confederation

14  Approved on Nov 15, 1777 & Ratified on March 1, 1781  Governmental Structure – one branch/congress  Powers of Congress

15 Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation  One vote per state regardless of size  Congress was powerless in collecting taxes/duties  Powerless to regulate foreign and interstate trade  No executive to enforce the acts of Congress  No national court system  Amendment only with the consent of all States  9/13 majority required to pass a law  Articles only “a firm league of friendship”

16 Problems Arise  Revolutionary War ends Oct 19, 1781.  Treaty of Paris is signed in 1783.  Economical and Political problems of the Articles noticed  Shays Rebellion  The cries came for a stronger government  - Mainly from the rich

17 Mount Vernon  MD and VA meet in 1785 at George Washington’s request to settle trade disputes at his home.  Meeting was held on Sept 11, 1786 in Annapolis MD and poorly attended.  On Feb 21, 1787 Congress request delegates from all states be sent to Philadelphia.

18 Creating the Constitution Section 4

19 The Constitution

20  March 25, 1787 the meetings begin with all states except RI.  - Delegate are Framers of the Constitution.  Group included members of congress, signers of the Declaration, college presidents, 2 future Presidents, 1 Vice President and 17 Senators and 11 Representatives.  Average age was 42 and nearly half were in their 30’s.  James Madison “The Father of the Constitution”

21 The Virginia Plan  Called for 3 branches of Govt.  Congress would be bicameral (two houses)  Congress would choose a National Executive and National Judiciary (Council of Revision)  Each state guaranteed a republican form of govt.  Delegates from smaller states found this plan too radical.

22 The New Jersey Plan  Proposed by William Paterson of NJ  Keep the unicameral Congress of Confederation  Calls for a “Federal Executive” of one or more peers and “Federal Judiciary” a single court  The biggest point to be worked out was representation of the states in congress.

23 Let the Compromise Begin  The CT Compromise formed the basis of congress  3/5 Compromise  The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise  “Sawing boards to make them fit” Ben Franklin

24 Ratifying the Constitution Section 5

25 Federalist v. Anti-Federalist  Fed - Favored Const. & Anti - opposed  Federalist - Hamilton & Madison  Anti-Federalist - Sam Adams & Patrick Henry  Two main points of contention  - Increased power of the Central Govt  - No Bill of Rights  12/7/1787, DE 1st to Ratify  6/21/1788, NH 9th to Ratify & new Govt in place  VA & NY were linchpins to its success  - Ratified days after NH

26 Inaugurating the Government  9/13/1788 - 11 of 13 meet in New York  - NY is the temporary Capitol  3/4/1789 - Congress Convenes  - Meet in Federal Hall on Wall Street  4/6/1789 - Washington unanimously elected Pres.  4/30/1789 - Washington takes Oath of Office

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