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Kick-Off: Read the facts about TEEN smoking…

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-Off: Read the facts about TEEN smoking…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-Off: Read the facts about TEEN smoking…
Why do you believe teens still start smoking even knowing it can kill you?

2 Choosing Tobacco-Free Lifestyle
                                                                                                                                                 Nicotine Smoking Secondhand Smoke Smokeless Tobacco Tobacco Advertising Quitting Tobacco Use Resisting Peer Pressure

3 Vocabulary Term Nicotine
                                                                                                                                                              A stimulant drug found in tobacco products.

4 More about nicotine… Including cigarettes, clove cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco and snuff. It stimulates the nervous system and is HIGHLY addictive. It dulls the taste buds Constricts the blood vessels Increases the heart rate and blood pressure When it is inhaled, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and quickly enters the brain. When the “pick-me-up” effect of nicotine wears off, the uses is motivated to use again.

5 Vocabulary Term Tobacco
An herbal plant that is grown for its leaves and that contains nicotine. Smokeless Tobacco: chewed or snorted

6 What to know about Nicotine?
Nicotine dependence: highly addictive Nicotine withdrawal Syndrome: craving tobacco, anxious, irritable, restless, headache, difficulty concentrating, frustrated, angry, heart palpitations, and increased appetite.

7 Why is experimenting with tobacco risky?
According to the Surgeon General: The probability of becoming addicted to nicotine after one exposure is higher than for other addictive substances such as heroin, cocaine, and alcohol. A majority of adult smokers started before age 18.

8 Vocabulary Term Carcinogen
A chemical known to cause cancer.

9 Vocabulary Term Tar Smokers lungs vs normal lungs (2 minutes)
Sticky, thick fluid that is formed with tobacco is burned.

10 Vocabulary Term Carbon Monoxide
                                                                                                                                                Odorless, tasteless gas that interferes with the ability of blood to carry oxygen.

11 Vocabulary Term Emphysema
A condition in which the alveoli lose most of their function. Their lungs cant inflate or hold air. It is difficult for oxygen to be absorbed into the bloodstream. No Cure.

12 Emphysema Lab… 1. Run in place for 1 minute
2. Run in place for 1 minute breathing through a straw…

13 GROUP Questions 1. How did you feel the first run? 2. The second run?
3. The difference???

14 How smoking harms health:
the doctors explain how smoking effects your body… 2.07

15 How smoking harms health:
Smoking causes cancer Smoking harms the respiratory system Smoking causes cardiovascular diseases Smoking causes accidents Smoking causes other health problems

16 Vocabulary Term Secondhand Smoke
Passive smoking and involuntary smoking from exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke.

17 Vocabulary Term Sidestream Smoke
Smoke that enters the air from a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Has more tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and benzene than mainstream smoke.                                                                                                                                                              

18 Vocabulary Term Mainstream Smoke
                                                                                                                                        Smoke that is directly inhaled into the smoker’s mouth and lungs.

19 Major Health risk of secondhand smoke…
Is a Group A carcinogen: causes cancer! Most hazardous form of indoor air pollution. Causes lung cancer in nonsmokers and increases their risk of developing heart disease and respiratory problems. People with those problems are at a major risk. Big problem for children with parents who smoke around kids: at risk for ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia as well as development.

20 Protecting nonsmokers:
Laws are being passed to prevent smoking inside public buildings, schools, and workplaces. Airlines Restaurants

21 Vocabulary Term Snuff A tobacco product made from powdered tobacco leaves and stems that is snorted or placed between the gum and cheek. Sandlot scene: (LOW SOUND) Same harmful ingredients as others.

22 Vocabulary Term Leukoplakia
Abnormal cells in the mouth that appear as white patches of tissue. Can develop into cancer. Can develop cancer of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. WARNING… next slide is graphic.


24 What to do? QUIT! Check your gums and teeth for signs of oral cancer
Contact a physician or dentist for an oral examination Have your mouth checked very 3 months.

25 Quitting… doctors quitting smoking 1.52

26 How to quit using tobacco
List reasons why you want to quit Decide when you want to quit Make a health behavior contract Consider situations in which you usually use tobacco Join a tobacco cessation program Get help from others Throw away all tobacco products Be prepared for temptation Participate in activities that keep your mind of tobacco. Get help from a health-care professional Avoid weight gain Keep your guard up If you slip up and use, keep trying to quit.

27 Methods to help quit smoking:
Nicotine patch Nicotine chewing gum Nicotine nasal spray Nicotine inhaler Non-nicotine pill

CDC launching graphic anti smoking ads (1 minute) Smokers advise… (1 minute) (1.20) Smoking and addiction (stoma) Top anti-smoking ads… (10.45 minutes)

29 On the bottom of your notes…
Come up with your top 10 reasons to not use tobacco products!

If you agree with the statement… move to the front of the room. If you DISAGREE with the statement… move to the back of the room. If I throw you a ball… you have to tell us why you are standing there. Then you get to throw it to someone on the other side!

31 RULES: ONE person talking at a time… ONLY if you have the ball!!!!
Don’t follow your friends… show your opinion!!!

32 Statement 1 The smoking age should be raised to 21.

33 Statement 2 If you are a smoker… you should NOT be allowed to be on the lung transplant list.

34 Statement 3 Adults should NOT be allowed to smoke inside a house or car with children because the children have no choice.

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