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Attitudes to Immigration Quotas The Sacco and Vanzetti case.

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1 Attitudes to Immigration Quotas The Sacco and Vanzetti case

2   Prejudice  to make someone form an opinion about someone or something before they have enough information Vocabulary

3   Answer questions 2 and 3 on your worksheet   Watch the videos and answer questions 2 and 3

4   What policy did America have towards immigrants until 1921?  ‘open door’ policy  Everyone could enter  How many people emigrated to America between 1900 and 1920, and where did they come from?  12.5 million from Europe  1.5 million from Canada, Asia and Mexico Attitudes to Immigration page 164

5   Answer the examination question on page 164  Tips  When answering questions about sources, always read the caption too. It might be written by someone who takes a particular side on an issue  Always begin your answer with ‘Source A suggests…’  Always mention 1 thing the source suggests and support it  DO NOT describe the source Exam question

6   Use the structure  Source A suggests _____________________ (point)  It shows _______________________ (example/evidence)  In this way _________________________ (explanation) Exam question

7   What is a quota?  A limit on something. In this case, the amount of immigrants that can enter the USA  Where did America mostly want to reduce immigrants from?  Eastern Europe and Italy Quotas

8   Why did America want less immigrants?  They said  They were often poor people  They were often unskilled  They lived in poor, high-crime areas and didn’t learn English  They could bring bad influences  They often had communist ideas  REMEMBER – These are prejudices. This is how some Americans felt about immigrants, but it wasn’t necessarily true Quotas

9  Sacco and Vanzetti

10  Who were they?  Italian labourers  They were anarchists who hated American Capitalism  Vanzetti had been convicted in 1919 of armed robbery

11  The crime  5 th May 1920 Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for the murder of Fred Parmenter.  Two men had been killed and $15,777 stolen in a robbery (Parmenter was one of the victims, he was the paymaster of a factory in Braintree, Massachusetts. The other victim was a security guard)  Both died but before they did they described their attackers as “slim foreigners with olive skin”

12   Show they may have been guilty  Car similar  Bullets used were similar  Vanzetti had been guilty before  61 ‘eye witnesses’  Show they may have been innocent  107 ‘eye witnesses’  Investigation tehniques not good  No clear evidence Evidence

13  The Trial  May 1921, lasted 45 days  It took several days to find a suitable jury because of all the media attention – 875 candidates were called!  14 th July 1921 Jury delivered a GUILTY verdict  There were demonstrations all over the USA in support of Sacco and Vanzetti  Appeals at several higher courts until 1927 all failed 24 th August 1927 Sacco and Vanzetti were executed by electric chair

14  Why was the trial so important?  The trial was reported all over the world and showed how intolerant American Society was  As Italian immigrants the two men were victims of racial discrimination  It showed that the American legal system was unfair because they were convicted on weak evidence  Although later evidence showed Sacco might have been guilty  In August 1977 the Governor of Massachusetts granted Sacco and Vanzetti a pardon and agreed a mistrial had taken place.

15  The Evidence…  Have a look at the hand out from Miss O’Connell giving the evidence For and Against Sacco and Vanzetti

16  Task:  Imagine you are the Governor of Massachusetts in 1977, declaring Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial day (23 rd August)  Write a speech to explain what had happened in 1921 and why the two men were convicted and why the men received a pardon in 1977

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