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Awe Promotes a Humble Self- Concept Jennifer Stellar.

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Presentation on theme: "Awe Promotes a Humble Self- Concept Jennifer Stellar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Awe Promotes a Humble Self- Concept Jennifer Stellar

2 Self Enhancement Self Serving-Biases Positive Illusions Narcissism Arrogance Self-Absorption

3 Humility Low self focus Accurate self assessment Lower need to broadcast strengths Willingness to acknowledge limitations

4 Humility Low self focus Accurate self assessment Lower need to broadcast strengths Willingness to acknowledge limitations Greater other enhancement Greater other-focus

5 Awe A combination of dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime

6 Awe & Humility 1.An emotion that promotes collective interests

7 2.Appraisals Vastness 1.An emotion that promotes collective interests Awe & Humility

8 2.Appraisals Vastness Need for Accommodation 1.An emotion that promotes collective interests Awe & Humility

9 Hypotheses 1.Awe will be associated with humility at the trait level 1.Experiences of awe will increase humility

10 Outline of Studies Trait Association Study 1 & 2 Manipulating Awe Study 3 & 4 Natural expressions of Awe & Humility Study 5 & 6

11 Study 1 & 2: Methods Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 3 Dispositional Awe Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale (Awe Subscale) 6-items (α=.78) “I feel wonder almost every day.” Sample Size: S1= 93, S2=47, S3= 95

12 Study 1 & 2: Methods Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 3 Dispositional Awe Humility HEXACO Personality Inventory (Honesty-Humility Subscale) 16-items (α=.80) “I wouldn’t want people to treat me as though I were superior to them.”

13 Study 1 & 2: Methods Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 3 Dispositional Awe Humility Modesty Modest Behavior Scale 39-items (α=.87) “I ask more questions and listen to others’ opinions attentively.”

14 Study 1 & 2: Methods Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 3 Dispositional Awe Humility Modesty Observed Humility Friend Ratings 4-items (α=.87; ICC=.59) Humility, Modesty, Politeness, Arrogance (rev)

15 Study 1 & 2: Methods Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 3 Dispositional Awe Humility Modesty Observed Humility Openness & Joy Big Five Personality Inventory (Openness) Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale (Joy)

16 Studies 1 & 2: Results Dispositional Awe Humility (HEXACO).23* Modesty (MBS).32* Observed Humility (Friends).25** ps<.03 Dispositional awe is associated with reported and observed humility

17 Outline of Studies Trait Association Study 1 & 2 Manipulating Awe Study 3 & 4 Natural expressions of Awe & Humility Study 5 & 6

18 Study 3: Methods Emotion Recall ~2 minutes Sample size:138

19 Study 3: Methods Neutral Amusement Awe Emotion Recall ~2 minutes

20 Study 3: Results Dependent Variable: Reported Humility F(2, 135) =9.20, p <.001 ***

21 Study 3: Results *** Inducing Awe increases Humility

22 Study 4: Methods In Vivo Induction Control: Moffitt Library Awe: Atop Campanile Sample Size: 93

23 Study 4: Methods Control: Moffitt Library Awe: Atop Campanile

24 Study 4: Results *** * t(90) = 3.89, p <.001 t(86) =2.20, p =.03 Dependent Variable: Reported Humility Reported Self-Esteem

25 Study 4: Results *** * Inducing Awe increases Humility and Self-Esteem

26 Outline of Studies Trait Association Study 1 & 2 Manipulating Awe Study 3 & 4 Natural expressions Daily Experience of Awe and Humility

27 Study 5: Methods Daily Diary Once a day 14 days Ratings: Awe, wonder, & amazement (α=.96) Humility Responses: 1366 entries 12.89 days per person Sample Size = 106

28 Study 5: Results People report feeling more humble on days when they experienced more awe B =.18, t(105) = 5.46, p <.001 Humility Awe

29 Study 5: Results People who report more awe across the diary, report more humility on a daily basis Humility Awe Humility Awe Person 1 Person 2 B =.47, t(104) = 5.38, p <.001

30 Study 5: Results On days when people experienced more awe than they usually did, they reported feeling more humble B =.15, t(105) = 4.04, p <.001 Humility Awe Day 7 Day 10

31 Study 5: Results At the daily level Awe is associated with humility (in both trait and state analyses) Humility Awe

32 Outline of Studies Trait Association Study 1 & 2 Manipulating Awe Study 3 & 4 Natural expressions Behavioral humility in an interpersonal interaction Bragging

33 Study 6: Methods Video Induction Neutral Clip Awe Clip Person 1 Person 2 Sample Size: 50

34 Study 6: Methods Strengths & Weaknesses Person 1 Person 2 2:00

35 Study 6: Methods Coding of Strengths Time Number Discomfort Negative/Self-Deprecating comments Coding of Weaknesses Time Number Person 1

36 Study 6: Results Negative or Self Deprecating Comment Neutral13% Awe43% F(1, 22) = 9.32, p =.006 F(1, 22) = 5.10, p =.034 * F(1, 23) = 4.96, p =.04, ** F(1, 25) = 9.32, p =.005 **

37 Study 6: Results Negative or Self Deprecating Comment Neutral13% Awe43% * ** Inducing awe leads greater observable behaviors associated with humility

38 Summary of Studies Reliable Trait Association Questionnaires Peer Reports Manipulating Awe increases Humility Emotion Recall In Vivo Natural expressions of Awe are associated with Humility Daily Diary Interpersonal Interactions

39 Thanks!


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