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By Ivy Contents Prior knowledge Issues What… Who… Why… Where… When… How…

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2 By Ivy

3 Contents Prior knowledge Issues What… Who… Why… Where… When… How…

4 Prior knowledge More than 1000 trees are been cut down each day all around the world. Improves your health. Helps you breathe. If you didn’t have trees u wouldn’t be living right now Contents page

5 Issues People cut down native trees where native animals like the kiwi live, if they cut down those trees the native animals will have to fight for places to live and fight for food too, just imagine everyone on your street living in the same house. Contents page

6 What… What amount of trees get cut down each year? What are they doing with them? Contents page

7 Who… Who is effected by this problem? Who have been using to much trees to make paper? Contents page

8 Why… Why do people cut down so many trees? Why so much? why not just little by little? Contents page

9 Where… Where does it start? Where do the trees go? Contents page

10 When… When does it happen? Is there a particular day they cut down the trees? Contents page

11 How… How many pieces of paper can be made from one tree? How long does it take for a pine tree to grow to its normal size? Contents page

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