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Women status reconstruction in academic space. Practices from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania Presented by assoc. prof. Ovidiu GAVRILOVICI,

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Presentation on theme: "Women status reconstruction in academic space. Practices from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania Presented by assoc. prof. Ovidiu GAVRILOVICI,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Women status reconstruction in academic space. Practices from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania Presented by assoc. prof. Ovidiu GAVRILOVICI, Ph.D

3 Beneficiary: Universitatea,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi Partners :  Universitatea de Vest Timişoara (prof. dr. Ana Muntean)  Universitatea Babe-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca (prof. dr. Adriana Baban)  Direcia de Asistenă Comunitară Iaşi  Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială Comunitară a Municipiului Timişoara  Direcia de Asistenă Socială şi Medicală Cluj-Napoca Project duration: 36 months (December 1, 2010 - november 30, 2013) FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Investeşte în OAMENI

4 Greater sensitivity towards gender discrimination; Promotion of the social inclusion and equality of chance principles Facilitation of equal access in career occupation and promotion of working women and those women who return to work after child rearing time off Objectives

5 TRAINING AND PROFESIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER FOR WOMEN Training and professional courses for women  inter-regional network of 23 experts – trainers collaborating in the training program  launching date: October 24, 2011

6 PUBLIC CAMPAIGN Goals: denouncing gender stereotypes and promoting equality of chances for women 100 posters, 3000 brochures, 20.000 flyers i 3 banners. Promotion kits – pens, notebooks 1 kick-off conference Evaluation conferences after each year of implementation Over 250 online media articles in 3 years 1 radio and 1 TV clip over 500 radio disseminations of the audioclip over 500 TV broadcasts of the videoclip 1 website: 3 yearly scientific Symposiums dedicated to Women’s Day (March 8) in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

7 Focused Round Tables Organizing 3 focused round tables in Iasi, Timisoara, and Cluj- Napoca with over 100 academic participating - Acting against the gender stereotyping and towards the implementation of the equality of chances and social inclusion principles FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Investeşte în OAMENI

8 EXCHANGES OF GOOD PRACTICES Two exchanges of good practices organized in Iasi and Timisoara Participants: the trainers involved in the two regions of Romania (at the two universities involved) on the theme of equality of chances for women One good practice exchange in Cluj-Napoca – with trainers involved in the professional training programs for women to return to work and for the personal development of women and reconciliation of family life and professional life


10 SOCIAL GRANTS AWARDED TO WOMEN STUDENTS During 2011-2012 : 1287 social grants for master students women with needs based eligibility in the three regions of Romania involved in the project During 2012-1013: 1329 social grants

11 STIPENDS – training and qualification courses  Year 1: 10 stipends awarded to mother students who were raising children (up do 3 years old) or in needs tested economic situation in order to attend a professional training course (professional training or requalification course)  Year 2: 290 stipends  Year 3, 400 stipends

12 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING COURSES Curriculum design and national accreditation processs for professional training courses in Year 1:  trainer for adults  socio-educational counsellor  entrepreneurial competencies  social and civic compentencies Year 2:  learning across life-span (Personal development for career development course)  social and civic competencies training (Reconciliation of family life and professional life)

13 TRAINING COURSES IaiCluj - NapocaTimioara CohortsGraduatesCohortsGraduatesCohortsGraduates Trainer 669676790 Socio-educational counselor 669670668 Communication skills 67419338 Work organizing skills 548111435 Personal development for professional career development 545342440 Reconciliation of family life and professional life 225212440 Total 293351920530335

14 COURSES for the sensitization regarding gender stereotyping and discrimination Mass-media experts42 Mass-media workers95 Public authority managers40 Public authority staff111

15 FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Investeşte în OAMENI  Project Manager - Prof. univ. dr. Maria Nicoleta TURLIUC Tel. 0723072870 e-mail:  Asistent manager – Oana Dănilă Tel. 0736144888 e-mail: „Reconstrucţia statutului femeii: de la discriminare la dezvoltare profesională şi egalitate de şanse” POSDRU 50679 Investeşte în oameni! FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 Axa prioritară 6. „Promovarea incluziunii sociale” Domeniul major de intervenţie 6.3. „Promovarea egalităţii de şanse pe piaţa muncii” Titlul proiectului: „Reconstrucţia statutului femeii: de la discriminare la dezvoltare profesională şi egalitate de şanse” Cod Contract: POSDRU/97/6.3/S/50679

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