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Three kinds of colonies that England created in what was to become the U.S.  Royal colonies  Charter colonies  Proprietary colonies **Trustee (only.

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Presentation on theme: "Three kinds of colonies that England created in what was to become the U.S.  Royal colonies  Charter colonies  Proprietary colonies **Trustee (only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three kinds of colonies that England created in what was to become the U.S.  Royal colonies  Charter colonies  Proprietary colonies **Trustee (only GA colony for a while)

2 Royal Colony  Royal- Britain directly ruled  Parliament appointed a governor and a council know as the Upper House. The colonists elected an assembly called the Lower House. Royal Colonies were directly controlled by the Crown (king/queen).

3 Change to Royal colony  Most of the 13 colonies were originally charter colonies but by the eve of the Revolution 8 of them were royal colonies.  Virginia, which began as a charter colony, was the first to have its charter revoked and become a royal colony (1624).

4 Proprietary Colony  Sometimes the king granted charters to an individual proprietor who could govern the land as he saw fit. These were called proprietary colonies.  Maryland was a proprietary colony governed by Lord Baltimore.  Pennsylvania and Delaware were under the domain of William Penn

5 Charter Colony  Charter- contract between the people who came and the crown  Virginia for example was originally a charter colony, and its first colonists were employees of the Virginia Company that would make $$ for England

6 Most American colonists believed…  …they had many rights and exercised much self-government.  … they had the rights of all Englishmen.  …distance from the "old country" meant they were free to create new, more democratic government.  …in the charter colonies, self- government was especially strong.

7 SS Standard #12 Compares and contrasts political, economic and socio-religious development of the New England, Middle Atlantic, and Southern colonies. Discusses how the different physical and religious environments provided opportunities for or placed constraints on human activities.

8 Political Differences  Which colonies had different types of colony status? (Which had more independence from Britain vs. less independence from Britain?)

9 Colony Independence from British Crown  Charter colonies had more independence than Proprietary colonies because they were making $$$ for the English crown.  But, Royal colonies had the least independence of all. When the crown was angry with what a Charter or Proprietary colony did, the colony usually was made a Royal colony.

10 Economic Differences  How did each region of colonies make a living? (Were they mostly farmers? Skilled craftsmen? Or did they earn their living in other ways?)

11 Socio-Religious Differences  Socio- How did they value/treat other humans?  Religious – What type of religions were allowed in each region? Was there religious tolerance?

12 New England  Daily New England life  Turkey – eaten in Europe; B. Franklin proposes it as national bird, not Bald Eagle  90% of colonists live outside town/city  Horse – good transportation, cost 20 pounds (half year’s salary)  Transportation done in summer and winter (spring & fall too muddy)

13 New England colonies  cold climate, short growing season, rocky, hilly land  Small farms for family use (very little demand for slaves to work fields)  $ fishing, ship-building, trade, skilled workers …blacksmiths, coppers (barrel makers), silversmiths, furniture makers

14 New England colonies (cont.)  Farms = small; Church life = important  So, people live close together  Most urbanized region (Boston, Providence, Newport)  Most New England colonies founded for religious reasons, so, reading Bible is important (Education = important; 1671 all but one N.E. colony has school laws)  Almost all = English background

15 New England Colonies  Economic Differences – How did New England colonists make a living?  ______________________________  Socio-Religious Differences – How did New Englanders treat other people? What religions were present or accepted?  ________________________________ ________________________________

16 Furniture making in Mid- Atlantic colonies

17 Middle Atlantic colonies  Temperate climate (longer growing season than New England)  Fertile rolling hills allows growing of variety of crops (surplus sold for $$; some interested in slave labor to work land for profit)  $ agriculture (#1 econ. Activity), mining, Forests provide wood for: barrel production, ship building, Conestoga wagons and furniture making

18 Middle Atlantic colonies (cont.)  Farms = bigger than New England; Church life = important  So, people don’t live as close together as New England, but still close enough to attend Church  2 largest American cities (Philadelphia, New York) mix of cities, towns, rural areas  No formal education laws, education left to private tutors or Church schools  Most diverse in terms of people (English, Dutch, German, Scots-Irish), religion, economy

19 Middle Atlantic Colonists  Economic Differences – How did Middle Atlantic colonists make a living?  ______________________________  Socio-Religious Differences – How did Mid-Atlantic colonists treat other people? What religions were present or accepted?  ________________________________ ________________________________

20 Southern Plantation

21 Southern colonies  Warm climate, rich soil, large coastal plain (longest growing season )  Plantations – large scale farms with many laborers doing same task at same time (plantations must grow a cash crop that’s in high demand; great interest in slave labor to work land for profit)  $ agriculture (#1 economic activity), VA/MD- tobacco; SC/GA- rice & indigo (for blue dye)

22 Southern colonies (cont.)  Plantations are very large farms, so people live far apart  Region with fewest American cities (Charleston was only southern city during colonial times)  Very few schools, NO education requirement (only children of wealthy have tutors or board at a private school)  Ethnic Background: English, African, Scots-Irish

23 Southern Colonists  Economic Differences – How did Southern colonists make a living?  ______________________________  Socio-Religious Differences – How did Southerners treat other people? What religions were present or accepted?  ________________________________ ________________________________

24 Summary of 3 Regions of Colonies

25 13 Topic: Development  Standard: Compares the development of early Georgia with that of other colonies.

26 Compare GA colony with other colonies  Using slide #20, how is GA colony similar to other colonies?  ________________________________

27 Compare GA colony to other colonies  Using slide #20, how is GA colony different than other colonies?  ____________________________________

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