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Venturer Scout Award Scheme 2009. What’s in it? Venturing Skills Award Venturer Award Queen’s Scout Award Endeavour Award Specialist Badges Four activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Venturer Scout Award Scheme 2009. What’s in it? Venturing Skills Award Venturer Award Queen’s Scout Award Endeavour Award Specialist Badges Four activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Venturer Scout Award Scheme 2009

2 What’s in it? Venturing Skills Award Venturer Award Queen’s Scout Award Endeavour Award Specialist Badges Four activity areas for VA & QSA –Outdoors Activities, Leadership Development, Community Involvement, Personal Growth



5 Venturing Skills Basic bushwalking skills Basic first aid Learning about Venturers and the Award Scheme

6 Venturer Award Five Compulsory tapes: –Initiative, Ideals, Environment, First Aid, Unit Management –Four of these can be done (mostly) on Branch courses! Plus any two of: –Expedition, Outdoor, Citizenship, Service, Vocations, Expression, Lifestyle, Pursuits

7 Venturer Award (cont) All activities approved by Unit Council –Under the guidance of a trained VL Specialist areas may require an Examiner. Completion of the Venturer Award can also earn you Certificate II in Leadership Support and Certificate II in Business

8 Queen’s Scout Award Complete all 13 tapes at Venturer Award level –(7 for Venturer Award, plus remaining 6) Complete four tapes at Queen’s Scout Award level: –Leadership –Environment OR Service –Expedition OR Outdoor –Ideals OR Pursuits OR Expression OR Lifestyle

9 Queen’s Scout Award (cont) All activities approved by Unit Council Specialist examiners required, must be endorsed by DVL. On completion, interview with DC Final recommendation by Unit Council, VL, GL, DVL, DC, and BC. QSA can be used for SACE units too!

10 Endeavour Award Special Interest in one particular area: –Environment, Expeditions, Expression, Leadership, Lifestyle, Outdoors, Ideals, Pursuits, Service Complete Venturer Award Complete one tape at Queen’s Scout level 50 more hours spent on the same activity. Specialist Examiner required, endorsed by DVL.

11 The Award Scheme Areas Tapes for Venturer Award and Queen’s Scout Award come under these four areas: –Outdoors Activities –Leadership Development –Community Involvement –Personal Growth

12 Outdoors Activities Initiative (VA) –Initiative Activity, run by Branch Expedition (VA, QS) Outdoors (VA, QS)

13 Community Involvement Environment (VA, QS) –If done at VA and QS Level, also earns you the World Scout Environment Badge Citizenship (VA) Service (VA, QS)

14 Community Involvement (cont) First Aid (VA) –Senior/Intermediate First Aid equivalent to VET registered course HLTFA301B –Branch runs subsidised courses every year. –Also earns you the green and white First Aid badge.

15 Leadership Development Unit Management (VA) –Unit Management Course, run by Branch –Plus a short report to the Unit Vocations (VA) Leadership (QS) –Leadership Course, run by Branch –Plus six months on Unit Council (or equivalent)

16 Personal Growth Ideals (VA, QS) –Venturer Retreat, run by Branch (VA Level) –Or do it your own way… Pursuits (VA,QS) Expression (VA, QS) Lifestyle (VA, QS)

17 Specialist Badges Plenty of other things you can do! Read the Venturer Record Book for more information.


19 Differences to Scout Award Scheme Most tapes allow you to choose the activity – many activities fit several tapes! It’s all about your best personal effort. Activities are approved by your fellow Venturers at Unit Council.


21 Examiners Someone who is qualified and experienced in the activity you have chosen. Teachers, Clergy, Community leaders Friends of your parents Scout Leaders – Branch activity leaders in specialised areas such as bushwalking, caving, canoeing, … People your leaders and DVL might know.

22 Examiners (cont) Examiners required for VA tapes only for specialised activities. –Endorsed by VL/Unit council, reported to DVL. DVL must endorse the examiner for: –QS Level tapes –Endeavour Award DVLs will maintain a list of examiners too. Examiners should NOT be your parents/relatives or own Venturer leaders.

23 How to earn a tape Come up with an idea for an activity –It could be one of the hobbies or sports you already do! Work out which tape you can use it for –Some things can fit in many places –Use the planning worksheet to help you out Discuss your idea with your Unit and VL, and refine it. Present it formally to Unit Council for approval.

24 How to earn a tape (cont) If necessary, get the Examiner endorsed by your DVL. Do the activity! Work with your examiner along the way so they can track your progress. When the activity is complete and minimum time requirements are met, get the examiner to sign your Record Book Tell Unit Council the tape is complete, and give a report to them on how things went Get presented with your tape!


26 For all the fine detail, be sure to read –Venturer Scout Record Book –Venturer Scout Handbook


28 10 hrs 12 hrs / 2 days 10 hrs 15 hrs 8 hrs + 4 hrs 25 hrs 10 hrs 10 hrs / 2 mo 16 hrs + 6 mo 30 hrs / 4 days 30 hrs / 6 mo 30 hrs 30 hrs / 6 mo 30 hrs 80 hrs Unit Management Vocations Initiative Expedition Expression Outdoor Ideals Lifestyle Pursuits Citizenship Environment First Aid Service Leadership Expedition Outdoor Ideals Expression Lifestyle Pursuits Environment Service Endeavour Venturer Scout Award Scheme Venturer Award Queen's Scout Award Min Time Duke of Edinburgh's Award BronzeMin Time 3 mo Physical Recreation Skill 3 moVolunteering 2 daysAdventurous Journey SilverMin Time 6 mo Physical Recreation Skill 6 moVolunteering 3 daysAdventurous Journey GoldMin Time 12 mo Physical Recreation Skill 12 moVolunteering 4 daysAdventurous Journey 5 daysResidential Project Please take note of where minimum time requirements differ – more time may be required for the DofE Award activities. This is not a complete guide – there may be additional areas where the Venturer Award Scheme and DofE Award correspond. Venturers vs Duke of Ed


30 SA Venturers Award Scheme courses: –Initiative, Unit Management, Leadership, Ideals (Retreat) Major events: –Easter Venture, Supersplash, Jack Roberts Camp, Snow Venture Unit-run events: –Jelly Wrestling, Discos, Movie nights etc. Rover/Venturer events: –Competitive Hike, NONT, etc.

31 SA Venturers Queen’s Scout Award Advisory Committee –Gives advice to Venturers and Leaders on whether activities meet the Award Scheme requirements –Reviews QS applications on behalf of BC Venturers and SA Chief Commissioner. –Contact QSAAC via Nicola Capon,

32 SA Venturers On the web: – – –And there’s a facebook group too. (search for “SA Venturers”)facebook Venturer E-News –Emailed newsletter every 2 months –To receive it, email and ask to be subscribed. Want your event promoted? Contact us with the details: – –

33 April 2009

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