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Robotics. What is your favorite robot? Robby – Forbidden Planet Robocop Tobor.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotics. What is your favorite robot? Robby – Forbidden Planet Robocop Tobor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics

2 What is your favorite robot? Robby – Forbidden Planet Robocop Tobor

3 Find some good robotics videos.  Swimming fish:   Robot wars:   videos.t  Japanese robots:  cs/videos.html   Miscellaneous robots:  m?cat=298

4 “A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” (Robot Institute of America) Definition: Alternate definition: “A robot is a one-armed, blind idiot with limited memory and which cannot speak, see, or hear.” What is a robot?

5 What are robots good at?  What is hard for humans is easy for robots.  Repetitive tasks.  Continuous operation.  Do complicated calculations.  Refer to huge data bases.  What is easy for a human is hard for robots.  Reasoning.  Adapting to new situations.  Flexible to changing requirements.  Integrating multiple sensors.  Resolving conflicting data.  Synthesizing unrelated information.  Creativity.

6 What tasks would you give robots?  Dangerous  Space exploration  chemical spill cleanup  disarming bombs  disaster cleanup  Boring and/or repetitive  Welding car frames  part pick and place  manufacturing parts.  High precision or high speed  Electronics testing  Surgery  precision machining.

7 What does building robots teach us about humans?  How do our sensors work?  eyes  brain  How do we integrate sensors?  How does our muscular-skeletal system work?  How do we grab and hold an object?  How does our brain process information?  What is nature of intelligence?  How do we make decisions?

8 What subsystems make up a robot?  Action  Stationary base  Mobile  Sensors  Control  Power supply Robert Stengel, Princeton Univ.

9 Action – do some function.  Actuators  pneumatic  hydraulic  electric solenoid  Motors  Analog (continuous)  Stepping (discrete increments)  Gears, belts, screws, levers  Manipulations

10 Three types of robot actions.  Pick and place  Moves items between points.  Continuous path control  Moves along a programmable path  Sensory  Employs sensors for feedback

11  Simple joints (2D)  Prismatic — sliding along one axis square cylinder in square tube  Revolute — rotating about one axis  Compound joints (3D)  ball and socket = 3 revolute joints  round cylinder in tube = 1 prismatic, 1 revolute  Degrees of freedom = Number of independent motions  3 degrees of freedom: 2 translation, 1 rotation  6 degrees of freedom: 3 translation, 3 rotation How do robots move?

12 Mobility  Legs  Wheels  Tracks  Crawls  Role

13 What sensors might robots have?  Optical  Laser / radar  3D  Color spectrum  Pressure  Temperature  Chemical  Motion & Accelerometer  Acoustic  Ultrasonic

14 What use are sensors?  Uses sensors for feedback  Closed-loop robots use sensors in conjunction with actuators to gain higher accuracy – servo motors.  Uses include mobile robotics, telepresence, search and rescue, pick and place with machine vision.

15 Control - the Brain  Open loop, i.e., no feedback, deterministic  Instructions  Rules  Closed loop, i.e., feedback  Learn  Adapt

16 Answer these questions! On notebook paper answer these questions from the PowerPoint and turn your paper in for grading. 1.Define What is a Robot? 2.List three things a robot can do? 3.List three things a robot can not do? 4.List three types of robot actions? 5.List five ways a robot is mobile? 6.What is a sensor? 7.List three sensors you might find on a robot?

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