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Red Class Presentation to parents September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Class Presentation to parents September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Class Presentation to parents September 2015

2 What we will cover: Class composition and staff Curriculum Literacy Maths Homework PE Incentives Extras How can you help? Any questions?

3 Red Class Teacher: Miss Baggaley (Also a member of senior leadership team, SENCo & Computing subject leader) Teaching assistants: Miss Meecham (full time) and Mrs Bell (mornings) Cover Teacher: Mrs Wicks (Wednesday and Thursday pm) 31 children:

4 Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters in the Early Years Letters and sounds

5 Literacy (Reading and writing) Daily literacy lesson of 1 hour Phonics Quiet reading Individual reading Guided reading Reading scheme Handwriting The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

6 Mathematics (Number, Shape, space and measure) Daily maths lesson of 1 hour Whole class introduction – activities linked to learning – follow up on the carpet.

7 Learning Journey Folder – Home Learning WOW Daily observations – photographs, annotated work, contributions Long observations Parent consultations / End of year report Assessment

8 Class Bear Reuben Home on a Friday, returned by Wednesday

9 P.E. Wednesday P.E. kit to be in school at all times Long hair to be tied back Earrings to be removed or covered with tape. Letter required if child is not able to do P.E. Separate PE kits for after school clubs

10 Incentives House points – Mars, Saturn, Jupiter 5 Star book Star Award Golden Rules and Golden Time – Sun and Cloud

11 Homework Sound books Reading – questioning Dressing and undressing independently!

12 Extras Water bottlesBook bags Snack Clothing ShoesShow and tell Party Invitations Lateness First Aid / Medical Items from home

13 How can you help? Reinforce learning at home Offer to help in school Communicate any concerns/problems

14 Any questions? Thank you for your time and support.

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